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Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ

This e-newsletter issue is a little late and we apologize for that. Saying that we have been extremely busy would be an understatement... so much has happened with the ministry, as well as with our family! Hopefully, we can bring you up to speed with highlights of all that has been going on. 

Next month's e-newsletter will focus on the upcoming crusade and the testimonies of all that God did.  

Santa Gertrudes Pastor's Conference 
Santa Gertrudes, SP Brazil
Saturday May 14th 

We spent the day with pastors from 12 of the 17 churches in the city. Starting at 8 am at a park like shelter, we ended at 11 pm with an evening service. What a day of great blessings! Pastors were encouraged, challenged, and equipped. Relationships were strengthened and restored. Pastors wept and praised God.

 How do you win a city for Christ? The answer is that pastors must be united together. Many evangelists pass by the small towns, but not Jesus. I think of the scripture that says Jesus went from town to town to preach the "Good News", and I love that!  

We have been working with the local churches during the months of May, June and July to prepare them for the upcoming crusade. It would be astounding if thousands came to know Jesus as Savior! The churches will need to be ready and equipped for this event! Praise God! What a GREAT opportunity!
Debora leading worship between sessions during the conference

 Our leadership team for the Pastor's conference. On the left is Pastor Rogerio (president of the pastor's council in Santa Gertrudes) and his wife Tania Cristina. Second to the left is pastor Marcio Azevedo (our crusade director) and his wife Telma. On the far right is Pastor Ronei (president of the pastors council in Campinas) and his wife Maria Luiza. What a privilege it was to have Pastor Ronei come and speak at the conference!

Evening Service

Above Photos May 14th -- Concluding the day's pastors conference with an evening service.  WHAT A POWER PACKED EVENING! The Holy Spirit was moving with Fire and Power!


Testimonies of the Evening Service
Photos Above: 14 re-dedications to Christ and 1 salvation. The man in the yellow was a visitor in the service and he came forward to give his life to Jesus. AMEN!

 This young boy had limited eye sight.  The Lord touched him!

Photo Left: This young man had been dealing with back issues for one month.  He felt heat move through his back and he was completely liberated from all pain and had complete mobility.
Photo Right: This woman had a neck injury and she could not turn her head or raise her arm.  The power of God touched her and she was completely healed.  What great joy!

Photo Above: This picture cannot begin to describe this moment in this man's life. He was in excruciating pain since injuring his back 4 years ago. His nerves were damaged from his hip to his shoulder. He could not even bend. The moment the power of God touched him, it was a POWERFUL moment. He was completely healed! To say he was wrecked by the Presence of God would be an understatement. Thank you Jesus for what you did on the cross for this man.

Photos Above: This is such an amazing testimony. This girl was in a terrible car accident and as a result the doctors had to surgically remove part of the muscle in her leg. Her knee was also damaged. God restored full mobility to her leg and knee. All pain and physical limitations left her body. She testified to the whole church that she felt warm heat on her leg muscle and the sensation as if it was being massaged. This was a glorious testimony to the power of the cross that was witnessed before all the people. Praise God! The Word is alive and active!


Photo above and below:  After the evening meeting was over one family remained behind.  A husband, wife, son and daughter. There is a saying that says, "Mama knows best".  But I believe that God knows even more. Sometimes there are no words or enough explanation to describe what we may be going through, but God knows all too well the struggles of our days. The power of God came and touched this family all together. It was so beautiful! God cares about families and wholeheartedly desires restoration, fullness and completeness within the family unit.  So many miracles are an inner work and a work in progress beyond the moment of prayer. In the days ahead, I believe the Lord will truly work all things together for good for this family!

The scripture says, who can stand in the Presence of God? 
1 Samuel 6:20


This is Valquiria. She is the owner of Dog Campos in Campos do Jordăo.  She took care of our pets whenever we traveled for ministry. Just before we returned to the U.S. this past May we had the wonderful privilege to pray with her and lead her to Christ. It is always the most rewarding feeling to see the tears of joy flow when a person is so touched by the Presence of God and encounters Divine Love.


Kansas City 
May 19th thru July 5, 2016

Our 6 1/2 weeks in Kansas city was jam packed. Here is a glimpse...

Arriving May 19th, we landed at KCI and immediately drove to Lawrence to prepare for a surprise engagement party that night for our eldest daughter Bella.  The cool thing was that she did not know we were in town and she had no clue about the party. She thought she was coming to measure the rooms for furniture. She walked into a house filled with her friends and family to celebrate her engagement. Engagement parties are common in Brazil and this was an important moment for Bella. Click on this link to see the video, IT IS GREAT!  
Click Here

This photo is right after Mark proposed to Bella on April 22nd. We were in Brazil when Mark and Bella FaceTimed us with the news. #HappyParents. 
Isabella's fiancee is Mark VanLandingham. They actually went to middle school and high school together, and now both are at KU.  Mark is an amazing young man and is studying Computer Science. He comes from a family that is strong in their faith in Christ. We couldn't be happier to welcome Mark as part of our family. He adds so much fun to our family dynamics!
Above Photo Left: June 11th -- Celebrating Sophia's 16th birthday. Wow, how time flies!  As parents we couldn't be more proud. Sophia has grown up into such an amazing young woman. She is always the life of the party and she brings such joy and laughter to our family.  
Above Photo Right: May 21st -- Giovanna graduated high school and had the commencement ceremony in Lawrence, Kansas. It was not an easy process for the girls to pull out of traditional high school and move to the mission field and do their school long distance. She persevered and graduated with a 3.9 GPA.  We are so proud of her. Giovanna is planning to attend the Bethel School of Ministry in Redding, California this September. We will truly miss her presence in Brazil.
Above Photo Left: Enjoying my 50th Birthday with my girls at the Legends.  A day of fun just hanging out and being together. 
Above Photo Right: Father's day with my girls at BRGR Burger.  A blessed day!

      July 3rd -  Just before we left for Brazil we were able to pull off Giovanna's Graduation Party.  It was close, but it happened.  Enjoying time with family and her friends. These pictures so adequately describe the intensity and passion of Gigi.  


All Nations Crusade
Santa Gertrudes, SP Brazil
August 5th and 6th, 2016

In just less than 3 weeks we will be preaching the "Good News" of Jesus Christ to literally a whole city. Our crusade director has informed us that the T.V. may even televise the event. In this town of 25K people, we are believing that everyone will encounter the life saving message and the divine love of Jesus Christ. The crusade will be set up in the center of the city square. Please keep us in prayer as we are in final preparations for all the logistics. As well, please pray for the harvest of souls. Our goal is to win souls for the Kingdom of God. God is interested in every homeless person, prostitute, drug dealer, son, daughter, mother and father. Every home is loved by God. Pray for the atmosphere of heaven to be present as we declare the "Good News" of the Gospel.


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The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 
Debora's Column

Last month was so crazy that I didn't even get to write my column. In the 5 weeks before we left to the US, we had only been at our home In Campos for about 10 days. We were ministering a lot and also felt led to look for a new city to call home here in Brazil. We know that Sozo will happen in Campos, but our main ministry area is actually about 3 1/2 to 4 hrs away from it, so all the traveling back and forth was not the best use of our time and resources right now. So, 2 days before we headed back to Kansas, we put our things in storage in Indaiatuba (our new city for now), and put our pets in a boarding facility. It took supernatural strength to accomplish all that we did those days, but we did it!
As Mike said, when we got to KC we had so many things going on! We remodeled a whole house, celebrated an engagement, 2 milestone birthdays, a high school graduation, Father's Day and the ladies in the family did some wedding dress shopping with the bride to be too... we were busy and we didn't have much down time at all. 
Six weeks seemed like so much time, but we were working down to the last minutes of being there.
Its always so hard to leave, but we know we are supposed to be here and we have learned to treasure every moment that we have with our family and our friends in the US. This time was a little extra special, because we got to bring Danielle (our niece) with us for 2 months. It has been such a treat to watch her experience Brazil for the first time. The girls are definitely having so much fun together!
Since we didn't have a house when we left in May, we had to set up a whole new household in our new city. We were not able to find a furnished home this time, so we literally have had start from scratch on this one. It'll take a while, but little by little we'll get things done and this place will begin to feel like home. At least we have beds, chairs and a couch to sit on now :)
There are many more changes and many more things coming up this year. More goodbyes and the family will grow... a lot of it I'm looking forward to, and some I am praying for strength and grace to make it through, Pretty soon there will only be 3 of us here, when Gigi heads to California and Danielle goes back to Kansas. We'd love for you to pray for us and especially for Sophia. God has ordained our days and no detail is overlooked by Him. I know this is His plan, and I pray for His will to be done in all of our lives.
Pretty soon December will be here and we get to be in full wedding mode!!! I can't wait! For now, we stay busy here and we look forward to watching Jesus touch and save many lives.
Thank you for keeping us in prayer!
We love you guys and we could not do this without you!

Much love,



Photo: Valquiria and her husband taking care of Rio and Mose (Dog Campos, Campos do Jordăo, Brazil)

While we were back in Kansas this past June we got a call one day early in the morning from Brazil that our loyal friend and companion Moses, had passed away. He was 7 years old and an amazing German Shepherd. His grandfather was a first responder on 9/11. We will surely miss him.

Photo: Moses at the kennel in Brazil
Hard at Work

Arriving back in Kansas City May 19th, we began the next day with what was supposed to be a simple remodel at our daughter's place in Lawrence. The domino effect kicked in and as you can see in the picture, the dumpster quickly filled x2. This 40 year old house was in need of a little more than paint. In the end, we (Debora, Isablella, Sophia and Giovanna) spent our 6 weeks in the states in this labor of love.  Mark's mom Marcy came up and spent many days working also.  She did a fantastic job of landscaping and it looks so amazing! 
We also want to thank Bella's pastor Sean Richards and the students he brought to the house one afternoon for a work day.  They did an immense amount of work. They bore our burden and took a huge portion of work off our hands. A BLESSING!

Our angels Duane & Lisa Winkler

It's hard to describe the physical toll on the body after 40 constant days of sun-up to sun-down manual labor.  I was telling the Lord how exhausted I was and that I needed help.  I prayed, "Lord tomorrow I need to do electrical work and I would love some help." The list of to do's was enormous and to be honest we were overwhelmed.  Knowing that our time was short and we were scheduled to be back in Brazil. 
The next morning, as usual we stopped in at 1900 Barker cafe where Bella works for morning coffee. Lo and behold, we see our friends that we have not seen for many years.They happened to be in Lawrence for a few weeks. After small talk, they said, we prayed today, "Lord, what would you have us do today. Where do you need us?  

WOW!  Holy smokes! 
Lisa and Duane Winkler came to our rescue and helped us in more ways than they know!  Duane jumped right in and did the electrical work on the list. And Lisa worked with Débora on a list of things. Their son Tony even came up from Springfield, MO to pitch in. What a blessing!
Thank you Duane and Lisa.


Photo: Our things getting picked up out of storage  July 8th

As of the writing of this newsletter, we have been back in Brazil for just over a week.  We have finally located a rental home and have now moved into our new place. This has been very challenging because previously we have rented only furnished homes. Now, since we were not able to locate a furnished home we have to purchase furniture to fill a house. Though we were not expecting this, we have full faith and trust that the LORD will supply all the resources we need to accomplish this.
The Lord has provided a great place for us in a safe gated community that has full-time security. We can leave the girls and go out as needed with peace.


Photo Credit: Carlos Lima  Two boys in a favela in Sao Paulo that we visited in July of 2015.

Our Hearts are with the children who have no home and a family to call their own. I can't imagine not having a parent to call mom or dad.  
We are working to finalize the legal paperwork for Sozo with the government. Our hopes are that this will be just a few more months.
Beyond this, we need to raise the 2 million needed to purchase the property.  I have come to understand that if in our lives we can believe that God can provide $20 for a meal, $200 for clothes, $2000 to pay bills, $20,000 for a car, or even $200,000 to buy a house, then we must be fully confident that God can and will provide the 2 million for the SOZO property.  For God nothing is impossible.  Limited mindsets and doubting faith are the only barriers.  
In all these things, God uses people to bless people.  It's truly amazing and I truly know that God is moving on the hearts of people.  So many people who have watched the Sozo Video, have told us they got chills seeing the video. We believe Sozo is a divine work of the Lord and His heart is for the Orphans.

 click here  

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