www.evangelismbrazil.com                                      May 2016                                                        
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
"A Night of Power and Fire"
See Full Report Below
Essência da Adoração 
Rio Claro, Brazil
Sunday April 10th

Message Preached
"Aligning with Heaven: Drawing the Presence of God"

1 Salvation & 13 Re-Dedications

                  Photo:  Prayer time for the pastor and his family.

What an honor to be invited to preach at the inauguration of this church's new location.  As well, this was pastor Marcio's first Sunday back to church after his heart attack and stroke just a week prior. We had each member of the church come and lay hands and bless the pastor, his wife and children. What a blessed moment that was. It's not easy pastoring, the battles are more than anyone can truly imagine.

Bola de Neve
Limeria, Brazil
Sunday April 17th, 2016

Message Preached
"Kingdom Principles: Worship, Love & Forgiveness"

8 Salvations & 30+ Re-Dedications

Yes, you saw it right! That's a surf board for a pulpit. This church organization has hundreds of churches throughout Brazil and was started by a surfer reaching out to the surfing community on beaches. Oddly enough the name "Bola de Neve" translates in English to "Snow Ball."

What a powerful evening we had at this awesome church. The service started about 7 pm and finished around 10:30 pm. which seams to be pretty typical of our services. Ministry is different at every place we go as the Holy Spirit has His unique plans for that moment. After preaching the word the altar was full!  Several gave their lives to Jesus Christ and so many re-dedicated their lives to Jesus.  It's always the most beautiful sight to see. The Lord did many amazing things as many were being healed throughout the night of infirmities and physical issues.

         Photo:  Man in green shirt healed from back injury

This man in the green shirt had lower back surgery on 2 discs. Even after surgery he was not able to bend over. God touched him and he was completely healed! He came forward and demonstrated to the whole church the complete freedom of movement he had. The church knew his plight and celebration filled the room. Praise God! 

This young man in the baseball cap was impacted forever.  After the service we hugged, as he began to explain that he gave his life to Jesus that night. He could not get the words to express what the Lord did for him.  Salvation is a supernatural experience and when Jesus comes in, EVERYTHING changes. Salvation is the most precious miracle of all.  

Indaiatuba, Brazil
Sunday April 24th, 2016

Message Preached 
"Peter, Come and Get out of Your Boat"

2 Salvations & 18 Re-Dedications
Above Photo: Altar call to come and receive Jesus. 

  What a wonderful and powerful night at church. The pastor was amazed.  This church was overflowing! Every chair was full and people were standing around the perimeter. The spirit of the Lord was moving powerfully and  impacted so many lives! During the 3 1/2 hour service no one left early.  
 The hunger was met with the Presence of the Lord!

Above Photo: Can you see the joy on the faces of this mom and dad? Their three grown children happened to be in the service this night and all three came to the altar to re-dedicate their lives to Christ. These parents had been praying and believing for their children. Oh the joy of this moment!
Witnessing these moments makes it worth all the sacrifice for us. 

Parent: If you have a child that you raised in the knowledge of the Lord and the circumstances of life and the temptations of this world have drawn your sons or daughters away from the Lord, don't give up. Keep praying and believing! The Word of God is powerful. The seeds you have sown into their lives, are there and the resurrection power of Jesus is mighty and active.

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Photo Above Left: 
Another cool testimony: this young woman came up to testify that her mouth and throat were full of cysts. When prayer went out she felt a cold sensation as if ice was going down her throat.  She came up in front of the whole church and testified that her cysts disappeared.  
Wow! Thank you Jesus.

Photo Above Right: 
This women said she was suffering for several years from severe arthritis in her hips and had pain throughout her body.  She felt the power of God touch her and ALL her pain and symptoms left.  She even demonstrated for the church that she could squat, bend over, twist and even run without any pain or limitations. AMEN!

Photo Above: Enjoying fellowship after the service at the home of Pastor Roberto and Lucia (center white shirt and sleeveless dress) from the Assembly of God Church.
The man on the right is brother-in-law to a pastor's wife that we just recently met a few weeks earlier in Campos do Jordao. Our meeting with the pastors in Campos do Jordao was truly a divine connection for the Sozo Mountain Children's Home project. They are fully networked throughout the city and will be an instrumental connection to launching Sozo. Already, they have introduced us to the city council woman in charge of social welfare. We met with her and have her FULL support. Amen! Now, in a city 4 hours away, we meet the brother-in-law who just happen to be visiting this church the night we preached. God is AMAZING!  

In the middle wearing the purple shirt is Evangelist Marcelo Santos. In last month's newsletter we reported that we went to meet up with him in the city of Tremebe, as a result of a common friendship that we shared with Jerry and Toni Simmons of Olathe, Kansas. Through this new friendship with Marcelo we were invited to his home church in Indaiatuba to preach. He is a wonderful man of God and has been such a huge help to us here in Brazil. It's true when the Bible says to be aware, because you never know when you will entertain angels. He has been an angel in our lives. It's truly amazing to see how God networks and connects people and relationships.

Hats off to Débora
The pastor made a nice compliment of Débora. He said that he had never witnessed such a unity and anointing in interpreting. He said that it was a site to see. Débora and I feel the same way. It's definitely not easy interpreting for me. Every time we minister it is as if the "two become one."  Such a flow, anointing and the beautiful Presence of the Lord.  

We spent some time meeting with pastors in the city of Salto de Pirapora. There is interest there in a city wide pastor's conference to unite the churches. Please keep this in your prayers. We are continuing to talk and lay the ground work for this to happen.


City of Santa Gertrudes 
Pastor's Conference
Saturday May 14th, 2016

We will host a one-day pastors conference to gather the city's pastors. We will meet in a quality venue and provide them with breakfast and lunch.  here will be 3 - 4 sessions during the day and then an evening service. We also have one outside speaker to lead one of the sessions.  

This conference is important because we want to invest in the lives of the pastors with excellence. Pastors work hard and are often under appreciated and in Brazil they often have few resources. This is our opportunity to bless them and their ministries.  

As you know missions cost money and without our supporters we could not do this.  THANK YOU for partnering with us!

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The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 
Protests in Brazil

At the writing of this newsletter the Brazilian government has voted to impeach the sitting President Dilma Rousseff.  Brazil will be hosting the Olympics in a few months and the environment is tense in Brazil.  

 Unemployment is through the roof.  We heard by one account that 30% of businesses in Sao Paulo have closed. It's a time of hardship and uncertainty in Brazil.  

My friends, If you live in the United States, appreciate what you have and be thankful.  We see a lot of suffering in Brazil and the opportunities for the average person are difficult to come by.
In the News

Randomly the Brazilian government shut off the Whatsapp texting application during a period of a few days.
Whatsapp is a popular texting app that allows you to text worldwide for free. We can only speculate as to why they shut down this down. 

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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062