www.evangelismbrazil.com                                       April 2016                                                        
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
Photo: Crusade venue in Santa Gertrudes: 5,000 chairs set!
"Good News" Miracle Crusade
SANTA GERTRUDES, SP Brazil --  You have been waiting for the announcement: Our next city-wide Crusade will be August 5 & 6, 2016. This is the venue in the city center square. Read more in this e-newsletter for the full report.
Dog Evangelism
  Photo: Rio our dog in Capivari Center (Campos do Jordăo, Brazil)

Moses and Rio are a hit in Brazil. When we take them out, they are instant attractions and people come up to us and ask to take pictures. Believe it or not, the dogs have been a GREAT way to meet people here.

Assemblies of God
Tremembé, Brazil
Saturday March 26th

Tremembé is the first town over from our city of Campos do Jordăo (about 30 minutes down the mountain). We were invited to a special event at the Assemblies of God Church there. Unexpectedly they asked Débora and I to take a few moments to speak. This meeting proved to be a great opportunity to meet new people in our surrounding area. 

Resurrection Sunday
Familia da Fé Church
Salto de Pirapora, Brazil
Sunday March 27th, 2016

The foolishness & the Wisdom of the Cross:
What is your Response?


Photo to the Right: This young man testified that many months ago he had broken his foot playing soccer. The cast had recently been removed, but he could not turn his foot properly or put much weight on it.  He said that he felt a pop in his foot and when he check it, it was completely healed! Oh praise Jesus!  

Photo Left Above: This young girl was so nervous, but she told her mom she wanted to come up and testify. She was born with a host of issues and diseases. She was actually not even suppose to be able to walk.  She said she felt like God did something for her but she could not explain it. I believe in the days ahead we will see and have a report back. How precious in the eyes of God!
Above Photo: The lady in red was visiting the church with family for Resurrection Sunday. She said she came forward and gave her life to Christ. AMEN!

Photo Above: Pastor Eduardo Casteli and his family with the Borchardts

It was a great honor and privilege to be given the pulpit on such an important day for the church. This family started the church from scratch about 7 years ago. They have impacted their whole city with the gospel. We have become close friends and we believe God has much more in store for the future.  What a POWERFUL service we had. The altars were full, the Presence of God was in abundance and people were being healed and touched throughout the building. GLORY TO GOD!

   Photo Above: Prayer time and Altar call

The Upcoming Santa Gertrudes Crusade

  Photo: Site of the upcoming Crusade in Santa Gertrudes, Brazil

SANTA GERTRUDES, SP, BRAZIL-- In mid March we traveled to Santa Gertrudes to scout the city for potential crusade sites. The above photo is the decided venue for the crusade. We chose it because it is centrally located and the majority of the city can assess it by walking, driving or taking the bus service. This space will be fully under a tent with 5k chairs set up. There will also be space for thousands more around the perimeter. You can see the header photo of the newsletter for a glimpse of what it will look like.

In October of 2014 we held the Rio Claro crusade. The president of the pastors council from the neighboring city of Santa Gertrudes was present in the crowd all three nights. The power and presence of the Lord, the salvations, and miracles stirred his heart. He introduced himself to us at the crusade and said that he was going to gather the pastors of his city to believe and begin praying for a crusade there.  

In July of 2015 when were in Brazil filming for the promo video for Sozo Mountain we re-connected with Pastor Rogerio and were privileged to preach in his church. People came to know Christ in that meeting and many were healed. He reported to Débora and I that the pastors have been fasting and praying continually since we first met in October of 2014.  

Photo: Special meeting with the Mayor Rogerio (middle pink shirt), the president of the pastors council Pr. Rogerio Buschinelli (second from the right in the white shirt) and some of the pastors from the city that represent various denominations.  

The Mayor of the city of Santa Gertrudes requested to meet us. So on Monday April 11th, 2016 we met with the Mayor to discuss our vision for the crusade.  We had a blessed meeting and the mayor gave All Nations the "green light" to proceed. PRAISE GOD! The city has a month long birthday celebration starting in August. We will open the celebrations with a two-day Gospel Crusade declaring the Word of God and making Jesus known to the whole city! AMEN! I've got goosebumps just thinking about it. Can you imagine the implications? A whole city hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a lot of work to do in preparations. THANK YOU FOR BEING A PARTNER WITH US AND BEING ABLE TO MAKE ALL THIS POSSIBLE.  

When we came to Brazil the Lord showed us that Jesus went to the small towns to preach the "Good News" of the Gospel and healed the sick. This is the pattern we want to follow. Santa Gertrudes has a population of about 30K people. Many evangelists would pass this city by because it is not metropolitan, but it is exactly the type of city Jesus would go to. The size of the city is ideal to preach the gospel ensuring that every household in the city has contact with the events of the crusade and will hear the "Good News."

On Tuesday April 5th, Pastor Márcio our crusade director had a heart attack and a stroke. The doctors said it was a real miracle he survived being that he's 39 years old. After only a week, he is well on his way to a great recovery. He said it was a huge wake up call in his life and his heart is to be focused on the work of evangelism. Just 6 days after his heart attack, he was with us to meet the mayor and plan the upcoming crusade. He refused to stay home.  

He has a wonderful family and they have so diligently dedicated themselves to working along our side to spread the gospel in Brazil. He will be our crusade director for the upcoming Santa Gertrudes crusade in August. Praise God! Please keep him and his family in your prayers!

Raised From Near Death
                  (Not actual photo)

You never know how your life or how your simple words of encouragement can change the course of someone's life. Pastor Rogerio told me this testimony about a word of encouragement I gave him and the subsequent events that followed.

He said, "Do you remember the word you gave me in July when you were here preaching? You said, 'Don't give up pastor, persevere and always have an expectation that with the Lord all things are possible.' " Quite honestly, I don't remember, but he did. He said from that moment everything had changed for him. 

Someone asked him to go pray for an acquaintance (a drug dealer) whose father was in the hospital with a trachea and on his last hours to live. The drug dealer son wanted the pastor to pray for his dying father. Pr. Rogerio went into the hospital and remembered the words of encouragement. Pr. Rogerio prayed for the man and said, "If you can hear me squeeze my finger." The man squeezed.  "I'm going to pray that Jesus heals you." The man squeezed. After the prayer he said, "Now your son is outside the door, if you can hear me squeeze my finger." The man squeezed his finger. "I'm going to share Jesus with your son, okay?"  Again, he squeezed his finger.  One week later the father was out of the hospital with a full recovery and the son and the father both gave their lives to Jesus. Oh PRAISE GOD! Pastor Rogerio said, "Everyday, I hear those words you spoke to me in my spirit... EVERYDAY. The way I live and my expectation has changed in my life."

It gets even better. The drug dealing son, asked the pastor to come to his home because he wanted to have church in his home and he invited some of his customers to come. Three got saved and he said, I will share Jesus with all my old customers and win all of them for Jesus Christ!  

Just imagine, that such a simple word of encouragement could impact someone so much and in turn that impacted others, and then again others and then again others down the line.


"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today."  Heb. 3:13a


City of Santa Gertrudes 
Pastor's Conference
Saturday May 7, 2016

We will host a one-day pastors conference to gather the city's pastors.  We will meet in a quality venue and provide them with breakfast and lunch.  There will be 3 - 4 sessions during the day and then an evening service. We also have one outside speaker to lead one of the sessions.  

This conference is important because we want to invest in the lives of the pastors with excellence. Pastors work hard and are often under appreciated and in Brazil they often have few resources. This is our opportunity to bless them and their ministries.  

As you know missions cost money and without our supporters we could not do this. If we have the mind set of winning cities for Christ, we must bring the community pastors together for unity and vision.

THANK YOU for partnering with us!

Feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 

Débora's Column
Today is one of those days that I have no idea what to write about. There is so much going through my mind. The past few weeks have been so different one from the other and quite honestly, our days here are pretty unpredictable. We have started to travel quite a bit and it seems like I won't always get to put the suitcases away in between trips. Its all kind of new and we are learning a little bit more everyday to go with the flow, and to really be open to what God has planned. 
It's April and we still have no permanent home, we have boxes that have been in storage that I don't want to unpack (just in case we move) and we are not putting down roots, because we know that we are moving (just not when). Although we look almost everyday, we still have not felt an ok from the Lord for any of the properties we've looked at, or something has come up and we can't move forward. Talk about learning patience... oh boy, God has a sense of humor and we are taking it one day at a time.
In these last few weeks it has been such a blessing to visit different churches, reconnect with friends and see lives touched, saved, recommitted and encouraged. It is amazing how God is always desiring the best for His children and how much He loves! This will never get old to us!
A few days before Gigi and Sophia left for KC, we were invited by a business owner to visit his outdoor eco park type place. He and his wife treated our family to horseback riding, ice skating, lunch, zip lining... all kinds of things. It was such a great day and we were so touched by the generosity of people that we had just met. It ended up being one of the best times we've had as a family since we have been here in Campos! God is always blessing us through so many different people!
The girls left for KC a week ago, and today has been the first time since then that I've been home all day. I know they are having such a great time with Bella, all the family and friends, but oh how I miss them!!! The house is a lot quieter, and it's been a chore taking care of so many pets (7 of them) without their help. The cats really miss the girls, so they have been waking us up all hours of the night. One of the dogs went on a hunger strike. I've had to catch a fleeting chinchilla mid-air, and on another occasion keep said chinchilla (who's name is Décio btw) from angrily chasing after one of the cats (he likes the other cat though). Life has been an adventure!
I am honestly so thankful for your prayers, for your words of encouragement, for your support and for keeping in touch. It does get lonely sometimes being away from family and from home, so we LOVE to hear from you!
Love from Campos do Jordăo, 

Protests in Brazil

At the writing of this newsletter the Brazilian House is set to vote on the impeachment of the president.  If approved it will move to the Senate. The political climate in Brazil is heated and very sensitive at the moment.

 Unemployment is through the roof.  We heard by one account that 30% of businesses in Sao Paulo have closed. It's a time of hardship and uncertainty in Brazil.  

My friends, If you live in the United States, appreciate what you have and be thankful.  We see a lot of suffering in Brazil and the opportunities for the average person are difficult to come by.

Our international travelers.  

The girls headed off this month back to Kansas for School testing and Giovanna's graduation. 
We will follow behind them next month in May and we are counting the days.


If you have not had the opportunity to see the promo video for the Sozo Mountain Children's Home project in Brazil you can see it by clicking on the link.

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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062