www.evangelismbrazil.com                                       March 2015                                                        
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
Photo: Rio De Janeiro

Jesus is exalted in a land when the people of God proclaim the "Good News."  No news is not news, nor is it life changing. Jesus said, I must go to the next town to preach the "Good News," for this is why I came (Mark 1:38). While this Jesus statue is a famous icon that stands on top of a mountain overlooking Rio, this statue cannot speak nor declare the the Salvation of the Lord. God has given every believer the Word of Life to proclaim and release into a world looking for Truth. Let's bring the "Good News" to all those around us!
Igreja Essência de Adoração

Praying                                                              Giovanna and Sophia

During Carnival in Brazil, churches commonly host a retreat for their congregation to get away. (Note: Carnival is similar to Mardi Gras in the states, but magnified 100x and is nation wide.) This is a week of revelry and sin in which pretty much everything you can think of occurs.

We had the wonderful privilege to be part of Igreja Essência de Adoração's church retreat. Although we were not officially leading, they asked Débora to be part of worship. What a great way to start our time back in Brazil!


A Prophetic Word

At the beginning of the month I read this Word and it pierced my heart. I grabbed hold of this and asked God for the gatekeepers to the city. This is what I've been praying for since we arrived in Campos and hope to establish it as a ministry base. Here's that word...

John Natale Ministries 
Prophetic Word 
"It is time to March forward!  An unexpected turn of events has come and will lead you to divine connections, favor and success. Watch and see how this all unfolds for you and your family."

Within days this happens...

1.  We were at a coffee shop in Campos do Jordão (the girls spend a lot of time there using the internet for school. Quite often the house internet fails). At the shop a man walked up to us and introduced himself as the ex-mayor of the city. He said, "I've heard about you guys, I know a lot of people here and I can help open doors for you. I also know the mayor and can arrange a meeting for you." WOW!   

2.  A chef introduced himself to us and we shared about the ministry of Sozo. He was so excited and said, "I know many important people in this city. I can gather them and introduce to you. I also know the heiress of one of Brazil's banks. She is from here and loves to do charity work for the children." WOW! 

3.  There are several other amazing connections we have made here and we could not possibly list them all, but you can get the point. For just being in this city for just over a month now we have met lawyers, realtors, dentists, pastors, veterinarians, business owners, community leaders and many local people. We see God's hand in leading our steps as He is certainly setting things up.


Igreja Vida Nova

This church is just 6 months old. What a blessing to come and be part of what God is doing here. The pastor truly has a heart to reach out to the prostitutes and homeless in the city. 
Photo Left:  People coming to Christ                           Photo Right:  Praying victory over fear

This woman on above left photo gave her life to Jesus 1 month ago. She had not been able to bend her knees or kneel for over 4 months. She's had bone on bone contact for many years as her knees have deteriorated. What joy she had this night! The Photo on the right is her husband. This was his first time to come to church. He had rotator cup issues in his right shoulder. He had not been able to raise his arm. All pain left and he had full mobility. What's so amazing is that later on in the service he came forward and gave his life to Christ. Now, husband and wife are both healed and saved! Glory to God! I absolutely love how God does these things. 

Above Photo: One of the things we try to teach in the meetings we conduct is the fact that Christ is in every believer and each person is equipped by the Holy Spirit to minister the power of the cross. In this brief moment of prayer where the people prayed for one another, several were healed by the laying on of hands. We love to see the reaction on peoples faces who get healed and the shock on the faces of those praying. It is the redemptive work of the cross, that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed.  

On the way to brazil I sat next to a preacher who was from Ohio and he was going to preach at a church retreat during carnival week in Brazil. During the flight I shared with him some amazing miracles that I have seen the Lord do in Brazil. I said, "Isn't it wonderful that we have the cross to base the promises of God on and the redemptive work of healing?" He said, "Yes that means inner healing." "Not just that, its more!" I said. "Friend, the cross is more than salvation. By the stripes of Jesus you are healed." Appropriate God's work and promise toward yourself and others. BELIEVE.

This man in the above photo was on the worship team. He had a shoulder injury and also could not raise his right arm. As you can see, he was completely healed. 
It was communion Sunday at this service and time was going fast. I was talking to the Lord about this, as it was already about 10 pm. We had preached on the cross, with the time it takes to interpret everything said, I feared we would have no time left to for praying for the sick. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, many will be healed during communion time, just believe. I thought to myself, this will be good! And guess what? Many were healed during communion! The testimony of this woman in the photo below is amazing.  

This woman testified that she had degenerative muscle and bone disease that is hereditary in her family and that she has been suffering for many years. From the top of her head to her feet she ached and was in constant pain. She could not bend or kneel. Both of which she did tonight after 6 years of very limited movement and great pain! She was completely healed as her church family witnessed her miracle. She said, "I wake up at 5 am every Tuesday to come to the church to prepare food for the homeless people. I'm always in excruciating pain during that time  but I told God that I will not stop." But this night God healed her and she was so happy that on Tuesdays she can now do what she loves without pain or limitations. PRAISE GOD!  In the end, nobody left because of the time, church ended around 11 pm. It's so good to be in the Presence of the Lord. A church that seeks out for God more than the clock.
We made an 8 hour trip to Rio de Janeiro to meet with the owner's representative for the property we want to acquire for the Sozo Mountain Children's Home. In 2014 we became friends with a wonderful family, Wlanderson, his wife Lourdes, and their two children. He happens to be a realtor, so Débora and I asked them to accompany us on our trip to Rio for this meeting. We truly did not know what to expect. I have to tell you we really felt God was doing something amazing during this 45 minute meeting. All we can reveal for now is that we have officially submitted a proposal for the purchase of the property.  
We will reveal more details later.

SOZO Video Translated
Just a few weeks ago, we translated the 2 minute Sozo info video with Portuguese subtitles. In just over two weeks now, the video has had 3.9K views.  Débora has been fielding information requests from every corner of Brazil. This is absolutely amazing. People from every walk of life have expressed interest to participate. We are starting to see how Sozo Mountain is already impacting people around Brazil. This is our prayer... that it will be a light on the hill to reach Brazil's orphaned children and the whole country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

You can watch the translated video here...


City of Santa Gertrudes 

Since the Rio Claro Crusade, the pastors of this city have been interceding and praying for revival. Santa Gertrudes is one city over from Rio Claro. They saw what God did and are hungry for a move of God. They have asked us to come and host a crusade there. We went to this city a few weeks back and have already scouted out a few options for the crusade grounds. We will finalize with the pastors the arrangements and the final go ahead. Most likely the crusade will take place in August of this year.

Pastor's Conference
APRIL, 8, 9 & 10

Débora and I were invited to Rio Claro to preach at this event. God has been moving in this city since the All Nations Crusade in October of 2014.

City Crusade in Hortolândia, Brazil

The city is hosting it's anniversary celebration and we were asked to preach and do a single night crusade on the same grounds where the city is hosting their events.

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The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 

Débora's Column
To say that time flies, would be an understatement. Six weeks have already passed since we got here! I'm sitting here at the same coffee shop again (this time the power went out at our house, so we have to leave to get work done and for the girls to get their school work done). We are still getting adjusted to this new life and to the rainy weather - it has literally rained everyday since we got here! I think that since we still haven't found permanent housing, we all feel a little unsettled. But with time, everything will fall into place and we'll be where God planned for us to be. We just don't know where it is yet.

We have taken a few trips and began ministering, and that's always such a great time. We see God do so many amazing things. It never gets old to see people delivered, healed, saved... their smiles and tears of joy are beyond special! Its amazing to watch someone understand how much God loves them and realize that there's so much more than they've ever dreamed!

We finally picked up our bunnies last week, and the girls are VERY happy about that. So our mini zoo is now a little bigger and we should really be looking for a farm or at least a country property :) 
Its fun to walk around the city with the dogs, since they are so big and Rio's breed (Great Pyrenees) is so rare in Brazil, we get stopped constantly. People take pictures of them, ask if they can pet them... we can hardly walk! We actually found out it to be a great way to meet others and we even get to share about what we are doing here. God can use every circumstance! Many of the people we meet are genuinely excited about SOZO and about helping the children, 

There are big things ahead and we are praying for a few miracles and for the Lord's direction and wisdom in every decision we have to make. Please keep us in your prayers!
We love and appreciate all of you so much! Thank you for standing with us!

Much love,

Protests in Brazil

As You can see, the streets are full of protesters. Cities across Brazil are in protest of the current administration.  The people are protesting against corruption and the scandals that have affected every sector of Brazil.  The currency is highly devalued against the dollar and unemployment is sky rocketing.  Please pray for Brazil.  It's a difficult time in the country and the people are believing for change. Honestly, as outsiders, we don't understand all the issues and complexities, but we do love this country and pray for God's favor and healing of this land.  
Zika Virus

Many have been asking us about the Zika mosquito virus in Brazil.  Where we are living there are few mosquitos because of the altitude and quite honestly we don't hear much about it. Some reports have suggested that it's a particular vaccine that has been causing the birth defects.    
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