www.evangelismbrazil.com                              AUGUST 2015                                                        
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
This is the top of the mountain in Campos do Jordão 
where we are stepping out in faith to establish SOZO Mountain Orphanage to rescue Brazil's suffering children.

In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,  to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths."  


Isaiah 2: 2-3

THANK YOU for your partnership in spreading the Gospel.  Lives are being eternally changed!
JULY 15TH - 29TH, 2015

WOW! Look what the Lord has done.  There are a lot of GREAT things to report to you. The two weeks in Brazil were filled with meetings, preachings, meeting pastors, preparing for another crusade, and establishing the legal presence of All Nations in Brazil. We also had the privilege of having Carlos Lima and Steven Tader come to photograph and video the work of the ministry. They are in the process of editing a promotional video for the orphanage that will assist us in communicating the vision and help raise support. I believe you will be greatly blessed when it is finished. I can't wait to see it! Here are some of the highlights from the trip.



We enjoyed spending time with Nic and Rachael Billman from Shores of Grace ministry. They have a dynamic work reaching out to prostitutes, street people and children in Recife. They were an immense encouragement and source of information for us as we are preparing to open the Sozo Mountain Orphanage. THANK YOU Nic and Rachael!

  Photo: Rachael Billman (center)


Rio Claro, Brazil

We had a great reunion meeting with some key pastors that were part of the October 2014 All Nations crusade in Rio Claro, Brazil. We wanted to stay in touch and hear about how the city and churches have been impacted as result of the crusade. Hearing about those saved and being discipled in the local churches is a blessing! While they reported that some pastors and churches have reverted to old ways of self-promotion, the pastor's council is stronger and many churches are working together with a new vision of unity. Amen! Pastor Mac (in the purple/pink shirt) worked effortlessly with All Nations during the crusade preparations last year. He is now the new president of the city's pastor's council and was so encouraged with the results and effects that the crusade had on the city. He gave us an open invitation to come back anytime and minister in the churches in the city.

  Photo:  Reunion meeting with Rio Claro city pastoral leadership.


Sao Paulo, Brazil
Saturday July 25th, 2015

Photo Above: living quarters in the favela (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

We had the great opportunity to visit a favela in São Paulo. If you have seen the movie, City of God, this favela was the recipient of some of the key drug kingpins that were driven out of Rio de Janeiro that the movie documented. If you don't know what a favela is, it is a neighborhood/slum  that is marked by poverty, drugs and gangs. Many also use the term  "Shanty Town." Generally, the police don't go in unless it is to gun down. You cannot just walk into these closed off places unannounced and without prior permission. We obtained permission from the drug kingpin through pastor Dirceu who ministers to the kids in this favela. This particular favela is one that Heidi Baker ministers at in partnership with pastor Dirceu Ribeiro to reach the children. It is because of this work that we were even able to get in.  I asked the pastor how it is possible for him inside. He said the drug-lords like the work that they do with the kids and have allowed them access for this purpose. Please keep pastor Dirceu Ribeiro in prayer. He risks his life everyday ministering to the favela kids. He shares about Jesus and the hope of a better life outside of drugs! Amen.

As we walked through the compound with armed guards at every corner. We could hear them communicating on their walkie talkies saying, "They're okay, they are with the pastor." That was a very comforting thought. Our purpose in going to the favela was to see the plight and poverty of children that we will most likely be working with in the future. 

Photo Above:  Children at the ministry center's door inside the favela.

The guard that was watching our activities, stood in the doorway watching and listening to all that was going on. We attended as spectators witnessing first hand the pastor's daily ministry to the children as they gathered in tight quarters to sing, pray, hear the gospel and to be fed an afternoon meal. As we were about to leave, the guard that stood watch at the door, asked if I would pray for him. 
I was delighted for the opportunity! I shared the gospel of salvation with him. He listened intently and then said he wanted to pray and receive Jesus Christ into his heart. As his eyes were closed, my hand on his chest, and his gun in his belt, tears flowed down his cheek and he received Jesus. AMEN!

Photo Above:  Receiving instruction from pastor Dirceu Ribeiro about the do's and don'ts of going into the Favela.


Sao Paulo, Brazil
Preaching Sunday July 26th, 2015

Ministered in two services on Sunday 
Service #1: Special afternoon leadership service for church workers
Service #2:  Regular evening church service

The afternoon leadership service was marked by the presence of God as the the Holy Spirit was present and moving upon the hearts as tears fell and so many were renewed in their relationship with Christ.  

As well, we ministered in the normal Sunday evening service. The Holy Spirit continued what was birthed in the afternoon leadership meeting.  Four people made first time decisions for Jesus and about 15 came forward to the altars to rededicate their lives to Christ. The Holy Spirit was moving powerfully as many were healed in their seats during the service.  


 Photo above: This school teacher had a shoulder injury for 4 years in which she was not able to raise her arm, she had vertigo and severe neck issues. She came forward to show the church that she was completely healed. AMEN!

Photo above: This older man came forward to testify that his bad back was healed. He described feeling a pop in his back and at that moment, he could turn and bend in any direction and was completely pain free. 

(No Photo)
An older woman came forward describing the intense heat she was feeling in her chest. She described the heart issues she had dealt with and the angioplasty she had. She felt her chest vibrating in strange sensations and all her discomfort and pain left. She said she felt God had truly done something for her.  

Photo above: This woman had a car accident 20 years ago. She had had reconstructive surgery in one leg. Her nerves had been damaged and she could not bend or lift up that leg. During the service she was healed and could move the leg without any pain!

 Photo above: Bishop Jose Macedo (blue shirt on the right)

Bishop José Macedo is the founding pastor of this church. He is also the co-founder of one of Brazil's largest non-denomination church organizations. It is amazing that by invitation he preaches weekly to the catholic priests by their request. Bishop José is a spirit filled preacher that does not preach an ecumenical message, but the solid message of the cross. To come to acquaintance with a man so well respected in the community and country is an honor for us.  

 Pastor Claudio Rimoni, another lead pastor from this church, came to Rio Claro to do a teaching/training session on behalf of All Nations for the city's pastors about prayer and intercession when we were preparing the local church for the October crusade of 2014. He was the link God used to bring us to this church in São Paulo.

Pastor Claudio invited us to his church to preach and we connected in an amazing way with the church and Bishop José. We shared our plans with the bishop about the orphanage, he was so excited and said he is well networked throughout Brazil and wants to partner with us for the work. Their ministry has opened 240 churches in India and many in Africa. This is a great missions minded ministry and definitely another God appointed divine relationship established as we prepare for the work ahead in Brazil.

Photo above: Pastor Claudio Rimoldi introducing us.


Santa Gertrudes, Brazil
Preaching Sunday Night
July 19th, 2014

2 Salvations & 8 Re-Dedications to Christ

Above photos: people up front to receive Christ.

We had the wonderful privilege to preach in this amazing church. God did so many amazing miracles and lives were impacted.  

Photo Above: This woman had a hip and leg issue. Her leg was operated on as a result of a car accident many years ago and she was not able to bend, run, or walk without assistance. She experienced severe pain as a result of sciatic nerve damage. All her pain left and her movement was 100% restored. It was a great moment as the church rejoiced at this healing. Praise God!

Pastor Rogério is the pastor of this church as well as the president of the city's (Santa Gertrudes) Pastor's Council. He attended the All Nations Rio Claro Crusade last October and witnessed all that God did.  He said the pastors of the city have been praying ever since about doing a crusade in their city. He asked All Nations to facilitate and preach at their crusade.This is a city hungry for revival! We are praying and believing for our own sound system to do these crusades in smaller communities. We have priced out a complete system for 30K here in the states to take to Brazil. It is about 1/3 of what it would cost to buy in Brazil.  



God did so many extraordinary things in the two weeks we spent in Brazil. It seemed as if we went from one divine appointment to another.  While in Campos do Jordão, we were able to meet pastor Marcos Paulo, the president of the city's pastor's council. He received us with open arms. He embraced the orphanage project and was so willing and excited for us to come to this city. He told us, "You have come to the right person, I have been in this city all my life. I have relationships with all the judicial and governance over the city. I can help you with any area of need."  

As we were praying together the Holy Spirit was present is such power. The pastor said, "I have my confirmation already of who you are and that God has established this work for the orphanage." 
Isn't God amazing! He led us straight to the city's  "gate keeper."
Photo above: With Pastor Marcos Paulo President of Campos do Jordão pastors council.



      Photo:  Carlos Lima (left) and Steven Tader (Right) in Sao Paulo, Brazil

We are so thankful for Carlos Lima (photographer) and Steven Tader (videographer). When Steven heard about the work of establishing Sozo Mountain Orphanage, he said that he felt compelled to do something. He offered his services to come to Brazil and document the need of the orphanage and make a promotional video. Carlos and Steven spent 7 days with us filming and photographing Brazil and the needs of the children. We are excited to see the final product soon. We believe it will help us to get the message out and raise the funds to acquire the property. 

Photo above: Discussing the events of the day's filming.



Photo Above:  On our second trip back to Campos do Jordão, Steven and Carlos were capturing drone footage of the orphanage and surrounding property. Steven was excited to use the drone as he purchased it specifically for this shoot. During the shoot, the GPS went haywire and all connection with the drone was lost. All we could do was watch from a distance as it flew indiscreetly into the forest. We all ran frantically as we looked and looked with no success. It was late in the afternoon, so we decided to come early the next day for a fresh start. As we arrived early the next morning, we spread out and searched diligently through the dense forest. No drone could be found. Frustration and disappointment were setting in, but we were praying and believing for the miracle. Steven could get no GPS contact from his phone device. We were literally searching in the blind. Then for a split second, Steven's phone registered the last known location and then it shut off.  But was on just long enough for Steven to get close to the GPS spot. Carlos looked up and he spotted it perched high on the tree top, a speck of white.Could it be? Yes it was! It was the drone, a literal "needle in a haystack." Our prayer was not only for the drone but also for the video footage that would have been lost. After all, Steven and Carlos came all the way to Brazil just to do the orphanage shoot.To top it all off, the property caretaker from the orphanage was searching with us and he happen to be an experienced tree climber. Drone recovered!  What an amazing miracle it was!  



We are so grateful for the amazing work our Lawyer Djair (photo below) is doing for the All Nations ministry in Brazil. We made two trips to his office spending hours upon hours pouring through the documentation. It's truly amazing how God put this man, a strong believer in Jesus Christ into our path. It just so happens that he was the choir director for the crusade All Nations conducted in October of 2014. We had no idea at that time that we would need him as a lawyer. AMAZING!

  Above Photo: Pr. Marcio (crusade director), Djair (lawyer), Debora & Michel



Someone just recently asked me, "How are you going to raise the millions of dollars needed to purchase the orphanage property?" My response was, "I don't have a clue. Quite honestly, I'm not good at asking for money, and I certainly don't mingle in circles with people that have it. So, It will truly have to be a miracle."

I know with God all things are possible and that every resource has been fully appropriated. We just need to believe, listen and step out in faith.  

If you have any fundraising suggestions, such as corporate and businesses sponsorships and endowments, we would love to hear about it. Partnership is important in Kingdom work. Thank You!

The All Nations ministry has on hold a 30-acre property in Campos do Jordão, Brazil (pictured below). We are working to establish it into an orphanage that will be able to house 100+ kids. This is a HUGE undertaking and we need your prayers and help. This center will also function as a missions base where we will receive people and groups for short, mid-term or long-term missions trips.





THANK YOU for forwarding this to a friend.

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 

Débora's Column

I can't even believe that school is back in session! If feels like I blinked and summer was gone!
We had the most amazing time in Brazil. It never gets old to see people hungry for a move of God, to see people give their hearts to Jesus and to see God doing miracle after miracle. Even the weather ended up being what we needed on a day by day basis. The whole trip felt like a puzzle that God was putting together. We knew what needed to be done, but one thing depends on how the other goes... its kind of out of our control.
I will never forget how it felt walking into the favela (shanty town). How it felt being there and watching the people, the children... I literally don't recall another experience in my life where I had felt so many strong emotions at the same time. It was the most humbling thing to watch incredible people that are willing to risk their lives to show Jesus' love to a people that most see as a hopeless cause. Jesus took the time for the 'one'. He loved the unloved. He stopped for the ones that no one stopped for. That moment touched my heart in a special way.
I keep trying to picture the faces of the children that will be at Sozo. I keep trying to imagine how it will be, how they will feel, what a 'day in the life' will be like...
It is amazing to me that God knows every child that will walk through those doors. He has set them apart. He loves them deeply and He has a great plan for each of them.
It is so easy to get discouraged when you are waiting for something, but I know that He has already gone before us and has prepared the way. We take one day at a time, and walk by faith. His plans do not change! We keep pressing on.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this and to pray for us.
We love you all so much!

We would love to come share the Word, testimonies, and about the missions work in Brazil.

If you would like us to come to your church, home group, office or perhaps you know a pastor that loves missions,  please contact us and let us know. We also love to share one-on-one over coffee.

Fun Facts
 About Brazil

Brazil's official name is República Federativa do Brasil.

Brazil has 4,655 miles (7,491 km) of coastline, making it the longest continuous coastline in the world.

The highest point in Brazil is Pico da Neblina at 9,823 feet (2,994 m).

Brazil is the world's largest market for crack cocaine.

The Brazilian national dish is feijoada, a black bean stew with dried, salted, and smoked meat.

Soccer, or futebol, was brought to São Paolo by a young Brazilian-born Englishman named Charles Miller around the turn of the 20th century.

The people are friendly and so amazing!
When will we be heading back to Brazil...

We have a few months left before the holidays to prepare for our return to Brazil.  Débora will have received her U.S. citizenship by then and we won't have any future concerns with being out of the U.S. for too long and jeopardizing her legal status in (as was the case when we came for back into the States for Christmas in 2014).
One of our goals of course is to network with people, churches and businesses to share the vision of the missions work in Brazil.  We honestly need more support to be free from worry and limitations so we can focus on the task 
before us. 
The girls will have mandatory school testing in Kansas early December,  which we must be here for and Isabella will be getting set to attend KU in January.
With that said, not much happens in Brazil during December and the New Year, so we are strategizing that with the things we have before us that January will be our most likely return date to Brazil.
However, it may be necessary for Débora and I to make a trip to Brazil before that without the girls.

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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062