5 months have passed since we arrived back in Kansas! It's just incredible to think how fast this time has really gone by. We've been figuring out how to make a 2 bedroom place work for 5 people, 2 (very large) dogs and 2 cats... you can kind of imagine it! Thank God Mike is so knowledgeable about construction and so hard working! We all worked tirelessly for days and were able to do a few improvements to make things work better for us. It feels great to be in our own place, even if it is small and cozy.
Thank you so much to all of you that came to the mission's breakfast! It is always such a treat to reconnect with so many people that have been part of our lives and ministry and to also form new relationships. We hope that we were able to clearly share our hearts with you.
As the days go by here, I keep trying to imagine the future, and quite honestly I can't wrap my mind around it. So, rather than driving myself crazy by trying to figure it all out, I just take it to God in prayer. I'm so glad that He has things under control and that He has our entire future mapped out. I'd make such a mess of things if it were up to me. When doubt starts to creep in He always sends a word of encouragement, when fear begins to manifest itself, He reminds me of who He is, and when I feel inadequate, He once again tells me that it is through Him working in me that I can do all things... THANK GOD!
We Love you all so much! Thank you for walking with us and for standing with us in prayer!
Bless you,