www.evangelismbrazil.com                        February / March 2015                                                       
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
Did you know that 1 in 8 Brazilian Children are orphaned?
The average child will only survive 3-4 years on the streets and 1/2 of these street children will die before the age of 13.
Source: UNICEF
Friends, in last month's newsletter we promised to fill-you-in on some very encouraging news and updates to what will be happing this year in Brazil with the All Nations ministry. We are going to have to "hold off" until the Missions Banquet, so hang in there. The Missions Banquet is set for Saturday Morning April 18th, in Overland Park, Kansas at the Holiday Inn (more info at the bottom of the newsletter). The e-invite is going out this weekend, so keep a watch for it and RSVP or you can click on the RSVP link at the end of this email. We know you will be blessed to hear first hand about the "Good News" of Jesus Christ being preached in Brazil and the results, signs, and wonders that have followed. In the mean time we would love to share with you a few encouraging testimonies we just recently received.


At the end of a worship service Débora was leading a woman came up for prayer and explained the following.. She said, "The doctors told me because of my blood disease that if I don't abort my twins, I will not live to see them born. The thought of me dying and leaving my husband and children behind is devastating." She proclaimed, "I believe God gave me these twins, that He is the author of life and I refuse to take the life of the twins. I NEED A MIRACLE FROM GOD!" 

After the prayer back in November, the woman's mother said, "My husband is an unbeliever and doesn't believe in God. He is waiting in the car right now. He takes me to church every week and waits in the car until I'm done. Can you go to the car and pray for him?" We went outside talked for a few moments and he allowed us to pray. He told us that when God heals his daughter and the twins are born, at that moment he will recognize God's love for him and his wife and he will know God is real from this personal experience.

As a side note: Many people reject faith in God because they have not personally experienced a supernatural touch of God. The truth is we all have received a supernatural touch. It happened at Calvary when Jesus went to the Cross for you and me. Because of that, EVERYONE has a right to call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. God is no respecter of persons, the Bible says. So in the midst of trials and tribulations in life, you can call upon the name of the Lord and know that the supernatural working power of the Cross is for you today.  

Débora's translation of the woman's testimony...
"The peace of the Lord blessed couple Débora and Michel, may God continue to bless you in all the places you pass through, because here in Rio Claro  reat miracles happened through you, servants sent by God. Healings and deliverances happened, my daughter is a witness. A high risk pregnancy by man, with no chance of escaping death, she or the children, but with God nothing is impossible - here is the proof. I sent you a picture of the miracle. Mother and children survived and are very well with inexplicable good health according to the doctors. Here is the miracle, the twins, all thanks to the wonderful gift that God gave you both. No words to thank you and GOD. Kisses, love you and hope you visit us soon. Thank you for everything and may God reward you."


 Photo Above: Look at the Twin Miracle. How Precious!




Photo: Muller Family


During the All Nations crusade in October 2014 in Rio Claro, Brazil a woman and her husband heard from afar the crusade from the loud speakers. They came and parked their car outside of the stadium and listened from inside the car. A parking attendant invited them into the stadium, but they refused because they were both too sick to walk. The quick thinking attendant got help and placed them both in two chairs next to the platform where they could here the preaching of the Word. During the prayer time, the woman and her husband asked for prayer.  The following is a transcript of a Facebook message we just recently received from the wife.  

 Translation of the testimony below...

"Hello Missionary Michel, know by your coming here to Rio Claro - SP - Brazil in October of 2014 at that event at the stadium, Gospel Crusade, my husband who had his intestines out, and you prophesied over his life the reconstruction of his intestines. In a few days all that was being delayed at the hospital started to get resolved and the doctor admitted him in for a few days on November 6, 2014 to have the reconstruction surgery, but the miracle was already done. Everything was perfect, and today he no longer has any cancer and looks great, better would be impossible.


I just remember that I was crying a lot that day, I felt

a painful urge to go in there (the stadium) when my husband, our daughter and I were at the grocery store across the street, and I heard you guys. I felt an overwhelming desire to park outside and listen to you guys in the car. My husband agreed to it and my daughter liked it. Little by little we were led to drive the car onto the field. I was extremely embarrassed because my husband had constant diarrhea, the colostomy bag always filled and moved out of place, it burned his skin and he suffered a lot from it. So then, because we were already not getting along, I did not want to force him to do anything, but a brother came and talked to him and asked if he would like to go to the front. That is when he and our daughter went up.


He had had a colostomy bag for 8 months, and there were complications to arrange surgery, because here in Rio Claro there is a huge waiting list at the Oncology Department at the Santa Casa Hospital. The doctors were also thinking that they would have to do the regression in two surgeries, one to connect the inside and the other to release the rectum. They scheduled the first surgery, and we do not remember the exact date of the evangelistic event, but on October 29 he was hospitalized, the pre-op tests were done and he only had one surgery because everything was perfect. He wasn't yet saved, but received this wonderful miracle. On the Friday of the crusade I was also healed of an issue of intense colic and hemorrhaging. On Saturday my husband let me go back to the stadium by myself.


Praise God for your life Pr. Michel. Do you remember my husband that you called up front and he fell under the anointing and God healed him? He was in a lot of pain.

I'm thrilled, thank you very much for your life, Hallelujah!! Come back again to Rio Claro, for the Glory of God's name."


Many were healed and saved at the crusade.  I praise God when we hear these testimonies, because while we often see first hand many instant miracles, many times we don't hear the final results and testimonies. One pastor recently told us that on the streets of Rio Claro it has not been uncommon to hear people talking about the miracles that took place at the All Nations Crusade! Praise God!  



 Assemblies of God - Brazilian Church 

Kansas City

Sunday Feb. 15th, 2014


1 person gave their life to Christ. 

We had the wonderful privilege to minister at the Brazilian church in Kansas City. The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way as many were renewed and were healed of various ailments. God is working and blessing through this wonderful congregation.



Saturday April 18th, 2014
@ 9:30 am.
Holiday Inn Hotel
87th and Reeder Road 
Overland Park, KS  66214

We will have a Saturday morning breakfast
prepared for you. We invite you to come and hear about what God did in 2014 in Brazil through the All Nations Ministry. As well, we will be revealing some BIG ministry news about upcoming plans in Brazil.  We believe you will be blessed by the reports of what has been taking place.
RSVP will be a must so we can have a count for the catering. Mark your calendars and look for the e-invitation. You can also click here to RSVP.  
Also, if you would like to sponsor a table for 8 people. Please let us know. This would be a great way to help us to network, reach out and share with more people who are missions minded. 

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. 

Débora's Column

I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that we've been back in KC for over 3 months now! Time just flies, and we blink and another month has passed. 
I love being here around family and friends, but I truly miss being in Brazil. I will honestly say that adjusting to the US lifestyle again has been kind of a struggle for me. I honestly didn't think this would happen, but even though things could at times be  crazy, difficult, intense and sometimes lonely in Brazil, I really enjoyed being there and LOVED being able to see God's power changing people's lives daily! I especially miss the wonderful friends that God blessed us with during the months that we spent in Rio Claro.  
While here we have tried very hard to spend our time wisely and to take things one day at a time. We can make our plans and have hopes and dreams for tomorrow, but God has it all under control and we have to trust Him and know that He will work things out and He will provide and make a way, and we just have to 'stay the course' and not waiver. 
I'm so excited to finally have a date for the Missions Banquet and to finally get to see so many of you that have prayed, supported and  encouraged us time and time again! I am truly looking forward to sharing with you about our plans, hopes, dreams and what we see God calling us to step out and do in the coming few months.
Please mark your calendars and RSVP. We really would LOVE the opportunity to thank you in person! 

Much love,


Networking and sharing missions is the heartbeat of the Great Commission.  We want to share about Brazil and make new friends who love missions and Brazil.  
If you would like us to come to your church, home group or perhaps you know a pastor, please contact us and let us know. 
We would love to come share the Word, testimonies and about the missions work in Brazil.

Fun Facts
 About Brazil

New Years Eve is a HUGE deal in Brazil.  Next to Easter, its the biggest celebrated Holiday.

You cannot turn right on a red light in Brazil.

Săo Paulo, Brazil is expecting to run out of water by June.  PRAY for this city of 27 million people.

1 out of 8 children in Brazil is considered orphaned.

Brazilians eat corn as a desert... corn ice cream anyone?

It is not uncommon for the wealthy to have bullet proof cars.

The people are friendly and so amazing!
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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062