As 2014 has come to a close we reflect on the many great things the LORD did. It was beyond anything we could have ever imagined would take place. While we were away on the missions field, we depended so much on the prayers of all of you who read these monthly e-newsletters. You all have become such a HUGE part of the ministry and have linked arms with us to accomplish the task of preaching the gospel to save lost souls, heal the sick, and set fee those in bondage. In this last year in Brazil we saw 2,500+ come to faith in Jesus Christ, being born again. We saw marriages restored, children receive their fathers back home, drug addicts set free, and new destinies imparted into thousands of people.
The pinnacle point was the October crusade that took place in Rio Claro, a city where the churches were divided and un-unified. As a result of the crusade, people from all denominations came together and the whole city became aware of Jesus Christ as His name was made famous in the demonstration of signs, wonders, and miracles that testified to the One True Gospel. Reports continue to come to us about the new level of cooperation, repentance, and partnerships as pastors from all the denominations are working together for the KINGDOM purposes of winning the lost.
Letter to All Nations... from Pastor Marcio Azevedo Nazarene Pastor in Rio Claro, Brazil
Here is the translated copy of a letter we recently received from Brazil. The original in Portuguese is posted below as well.
To: All Nations
In 2014 we certainly had in Rio Claro the largest move in all of this city's history with regards to the Church. We were able to witness more than 80% of the churches working together to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Assembly of God, Presbyterian, Baptist, Nazarene, Foursquare, Independent Churches, all joining forces and working to structure an EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE where the Gospel would be preached and Our Lord Adored, expecting many souls to be saved and many miracles to happen. That with the initiative of the ministry of All Nations that, moved by God, came to town in the person of the Evangelists Michel and Débora Borchardt.
With this expectation we received the couple of Evangelists Michel and Débora Borchardt, leaders of All Nations ministry earlier this year, and so began the planning for the event that would change the history that so far was of division among the churches because pastors knew each other, some only spoke in social settings, but had never worked together for the sake of Kingdom of God, without church names, without denominations, but in unity.
In this preparation time, the Evangelists were introduced to the City's Pastors Council representing the independent churches, the leaders of the historical and traditional and pentecostal denominations, and preached tirelessly almost every week, and several weeks for more than one or two times, where churches experienced miracles, healings, and the supernatural act of God, but mostly conversions that were building up as the gospel was being preached from church to church and reconciliation of people who had lost their hope in Christ.
After a long 9 months of staying in the city, dedicated to preaching the gospel and unity of the churches to prepare the CRUSADE and 6 months exclusively in preparation for the CRUSADE, we came to the month of October where on the days 09, 10, and 11 the first evangelistic crusade in Rio Claro was held, where we could count the participation of an audience of 3,000 people on the first day, 3,500 the second day and the approximate number of 5,000 people on the third day. Totaling about 380 conversions, more than 150 reconciliations with Christ in addition to people who could not be counted due to the Brazilian culture on filling out cards, as well as deaf, paralyzed and other miracles that even today we hear about in the streets.
In short, we can say that in these nine months of work, nearly 3,000 people were reached by the All Nations ministry in the city Rio Claro, between conversions and reconciliations, pastors who never imagined working together for the kingdom today get together and plan for the year 2015.
It is up to us, the Church in Rio Claro to give continuity to the sown seeds and lives reached, discipling and taking care of every one of them.
In Christ,
Pr. Márcio Azevedo
Nazarene Church

Next Months e-newsletter will bring you up to speed on all the amazing changes that are taking place for the All Nations Ministry in 2015. There is a lot to share and we look forward to bringing you up to speed with the vision of All Nations for 2015.
Keep on the LOOK OUT for a special invite to the All Nations Missions Breakfast. You won't want to miss this. We will share many amazing testimonies about this past year and personally share with you the HUGE news about the next steps of the ministry in Brazil that is coming up!
The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists
Thank you for standing with us!
We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.
We are back in Kansas! It is so good to be home and to be with our family and so many great friends again. There is nothing like being home for the Holidays. The sights, the sounds, the weather, the people... we are soaking it all in.
We also were able to spend a couple of weeks on a road trip to see some of Michel's family, we counted driving thru about 18 states and traveling over 4000 miles. We had barely gotten over our jet lag before we headed out on our trip, and after ALL THE DRIVING we were ready to get back to KC and be somewhere for a good while.
As the days have passed my heart has grown more and more thankful for everything that God has done. No it has not been easy, no it has not all gone smooth, no it has not always gone according to "our" plan, no the girls were not always happy to be there (even though when you saw Instagram and Facebook pictures you might have thought our life looked perfect). But without any doubt I can say that God ALWAYS had things under control, He ALWAYS watched over us, He ALWAYS knew what we needed, He ALWAYS was ready to bless and His heart was ALWAYS to save the lost. It all went according to His plan, and I am so grateful for it!
I pray that you've had a blessed Christmas and that you started 2015 full of hope and expectation for the future. God has amazing plans for your life this year! Bring your little to Him and watch Him turn it all into MUCH more than you ever could have dreamed of! I pray that His best is yet to come for your in 2015.
Thank you all for EVERYTHING!
Love and blessings,
Fun Facts
About Brazil
New Years Eve is a HUGE deal in Brazil. Next to Easter, its the biggest celebrated Holiday.
You cannot turn right on a red light in Brazil.
Sao Paulo, Brazil is said two be two weeks away from running out of water. PRAY for this city of 27 million people.
1 out of 8 children in Brazil are considered orphaned.
Brazilians eat corn as a desert... corn ice cream...
It is not uncommon for the wealthy to have bullet proof cars.
The people are friendly and so amazing!
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