www.evangelismbrazil.com                                                                            December 2014                                                       
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
While the crusade came to a successful completion in October, November held lots of opportunities for ministry as well as a busy schedule preparing to be back home in the states for Christmas.

Sunday Night: November 3rd
3 Salvations

Débora led the church in a night of praise and worship.  
Michel preached a simple message on "The Heart of Worship."

Testimony: One woman came forward and shared a personal testimony. She had a lump on her lung that had been causing serious issues for her. We prayed for her about 5 months earlier when we were at this same church ministering. She said after that she went to the doctor and had tests run the lump had completely disappeared. The doctor told her that in her situation this type of tumorous lump can only be removed surgically. He had never seen something like this disappear. We always love to hear these testimonies because while its great to see the instant miracles, many things can't be diagnosed or known until a doctor has done an examination.  


Monthly City-Wide Pastor's Breakfast
Saturday Morning: November 8th

Message: "Preach the Word

We were invited to preach to a monthly city-wide pastors breakfast in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil.
This city was originally founded by Americans, believe it or not, and this is the only place in Brazil that has a strong "R" sound in their pronunciation.   

The Lord used this opportunity as we met pastors from around the city. Many requested dates to schedule times for us to come minister in their respective churches. Unfortunately, we had to take rain checks for now, as we are headed back to the states for Christmas to regroup for the next steps of the ministry.  


Four-Square Monthly Pastors Meeting
Tuesday Night: November 11th 

Message: "The Agape Love of God in Ministry"

Pastor Antonio Stephan is the general superintendent for the Four Square church in Piracicaba and pastors a thriving church there. He invited us to speak specifically to the pastors of the Four Square churches in Piracicaba.  What a great turn-out of 132 pastors from around the city.  

We had a short time of prayer for the sick and several were healed.
One woman with severe pain in her ovaries was undergoing medical treatment, but it had not helped. All pain left. Thank you Jesus!
An older pastor who could only raise his right arm half way for the past 6 months because of pain in his rotator cuff was healed. All pain left him and he had 100% freedom of movement. Wow!
One woman told us she had pain from her head to her toe. She had recently had a brain aneurism, and was scheduled to have surgery to put a catheter in her heart (I'm not a doctor, so this I don't understand, but am reporting what she stated). All the pain left her and she felt free and completely healed. Also, both of her shoulders had nerve damage.This too was healed, as all pain left and she had movement in both arms freely.  

As a side note note: When we take testimonies, we ask people in the congregation if they know the person and can confirm the conditions they are reporting that they were healed from. Being from the outside it is not possible to know the extent of what a person is testifying, so it is important to do our best to ask those who are aware if the testimony is valid. 


 Igreja Rio de Promessas (River of Promises Church)
Sunday Night: November 24th
11 Salvations

We had ministered to this congregation one time before. This pastor and church were so instrumental in bringing the October Crusade to fruition. What an amazing church this is! The pastor asked us to preach on the Topic: "Repentance leads to God's Favor."

Photo: This girl in the picture had a few missing vertebrae and asked the girls to pray for her. Seeing how the Lord has used Bella, Gigi, and Sophia throughout this year has brought joy to our hearts as parents. #HAPPYPARENTS


Four Square Church
Sunday Night: November 16th
14 Salvations

Note: Sorry for the poor photo quality in the pictures below. We extracted them from the churches video feed.

We had the honor and privilege to preach to a packed house at the Main Four Square church in Piracicaba, Brazil. The senior pastor Antonio Stefan happens to be the district superintendent of the Four Square denomination in the region. God did so many things in this service it will not be possible to give testimony to all. One of the cool testimonies is that during the service, a person was walking on the street and heard the Word being preached, decided to come in, and listen. Well, he responded to the altar call and came forward to give his life to Christ.  Just have to love that!

This woman (photo above) has had degenerative bone issues on her hips for the past two years. She testified that while sitting in the pew during the service she felt heat in her hips, that all pain left, and she can freely move and bend without issues. She was in tears as she came to to the front to give her testimony. Beautiful!

This woman has suffered for years with back, hip and femor issues. She said the doctor told her that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheel chair. While sitting in her seat during the service the power of God touched her and she was completely healed. 

This woman was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 1 year ago. She was in pain during the service and could not even cross her arms. Heat came across her body and all the pain left. She was able to move and flex in any direction without limitations or pain. Amen!

This woman was scheduled for back surgery. While sitting in the seat she felt a loud pop in her back. At that moment her pain left and she was healed. God is good!

There were several more testimonies of healings that night. What a blessed service we had and how the LORD touched many lives. We truly thank the Lord for all He did.
Uni-Med Hospital
Wednesday Morning: November 26th
We previously had ministered in this hospital several times praying for patients. Well, this time we were invited to speak to the doctors, nurses and staff. What an opportunity! When the medical profession recognizes the power of prayer this is a great miracle in and of itself. Many on the staff were fully aware of the wonderful miracles and things the Lord did at the All Nations City-Wide Crusade that had just occurred the previous month of October. So this was a great honor to be invited to speak to the staff. 


We trust as well, you had a happy and blessed Christmas!  

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.

Débora's Column

Hi everyone!

November kind of sneaked up on us. We had been so busy with the preparations for the crusade in October, that when the time came to pack up and get ready to head back to the States it was a mad dash around the Borchardt household. 
The thought of "going home" had everyone excited (and all the pumpkin stuff that is around this time of year), but the actual getting ready for it felt like a monumental task.
Add to that about 8 trips out of town in the span of 10 days prior to our trip home and you get one TIRED family! So Thanksgiving had to be postponed, and we celebrated it with our family in the US on December 3rd. It felt so good to be home!
God blessed us with so many wonderful people during our time in Rio Claro, friends, family... that once again the goodbyes are always the part I dread the most... it just doesn't get easier... but looking back fills my heart with joy and gratitude, and moving forward is very exciting!
We absolutely do not know what 2015 will bring, but we are confident that God is in control. He knows exactly what is coming, every detail... He knows what ministry will look like for us, for our family and whatever it is He will piece it together and lead us.
For now we are looking forward to getting settled, spending time with our family and friends here at home (we would LOVE to see you!) and to be ministering in whatever ways and opportunities we can. We'll also have an event where we will be able to personally share with you a little more about our time in Brazil and about what we believe God wants us to work towards in 2015.
I pray that you had a blessed Thanskgiving and that God would fill your heart with joy and hope for tomorrow during this season.
Love you all so much,


God has done so many incredible things. In 2014 we preached to over 30,000 people and saw 2,500+ people make a decision to give their lives to Jesus Christ, being Born Again. 

It was a year the name Jesus Christ was made evident and famous in Rio Claro, Brazil.  It was our vision to win this city for Christ and proclaim His name throughout! 

Never could we have imagined the number of lives the Lord would touch and that so many would be born into the Kingdom of God.  When God told Joshua to stand and watch and be utterly  amazed at the things his eyes would see the Lord do, this is the same way we are in awe at what the Lord has done this year through the ministry of All Nations. 

Thank you! for your prayers and support.  None of this would have been possible without you.  I can only imagine at this point what great things 2015 will hold.

We need more help.  If you are planning on giving a year-end gift to the ministry, please make sure it is either post marked or done on-line by midnight December 31 to qualify for 2014 giving.

Year-end giving statements will be mailed to you for your records.

God Bless You!
Fun Facts
 About Brazil

Brazil has lots and lots of toll booths

Brazil is the plastic surgery capital of the world

Christian's are actively invoked in politics trying to elect and change a political system that is full of corruption.

Brazil has one of the highest rates of human trafficking 

Brazil is a modern western society while still it has active tribal groups in the Amazon.

Christmas in Brazil is not as commercialized as it is in the United States

The people are friendly and so amazing!
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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062