Women's Ministry
Saturday Afternoon: September 6th
The first week of September Débora was the guest speaker at the launch of the women's ministry Ministério Interdenominacional de Mulheres. She spoke about how each one of us is the "Love of God's Life." Around 80 women were in attendance to help launch this restoration geared ministry. --------------------------
Evangelical Week / March for Jesus
Tuesday Night: September 9th
30+ Salvations
Message: "Do not Neglect the Great Gift of Salvation" Hebrews 2:1-3
We praise God for the those who came to Christ in this outdoor meeting which was held on the city's main avenue.
There is one testimony in particular that we would like to take the time to share with you... At the end of the service a mother and her son came forward for prayer. The son said, "My mom heard the worship from our house and called me to pick her up and bring her here." The son continued to explain that his mother was very sick and had pain throughout her body. She has undetermined stomach issues, sciatic nerve pain in her left hip and leg, as well as severe depression. "She is not in a relationship with God." He said.
After taking some time to share God's love and plan of salvation with her, she made the commitment to receive Jesus as her personal savior. Praise God! After the prayer of salvation we prayed over her sicknesses. She was immediately and completely liberated from all of her ailments. Her countenance instantly changed from the lifeless depressed state she was in just moments before. Oh how joy flooded her precious soul! She invited us for coffee to her home and we happily agreed to go. When we arrived at this woman's home she introduced us to her daughter and husband. She immediately said, "My daughter is sick and needs a miracle too." She explained that she has had a headache that refuses to go away and that she has recently passed out 4 times without explanation. The doctors thoroughly examined her, only to find nothing. We prayed together in the kitchen and the power of God fell on this girl and she was healed. She began to weep and joy flooded her soul. Her headache instantly left, it was very apparent that the issues were spiritual and not physical. I wish we had video of the transformations that both the daughter and mother experienced as it was vivid and evident before our very eyes. God showed himself to this family this night! We also prayed for the husband and he was touched by the Holy Spirit. We always rejoice when ONE is saved and touched by the power of God, but when you see a whole family impacted by the power of the cross and the love of Christ, it brings tears of joy to the heart. Praise God!
Above Photo:
Bottom left is the mom, bottom middle is the daughter, bottom right is the son who brought the mom to the meeting, top left is the husband and the smiley guy with the curly hair is the daughter's boyfriend. Of course, the rest is the Borchardt family.
A side note:
As a father there is nothing better than serving the Lord together as a family. It is so important for the kids to see how real God is and that He is not a set of rules and regulations and theological persuasions. My heart is full of joy as a father. All the sacrifices we made to come to Brazil to preach the Gospel have been worth it all.

Photo Left: Débora leading worship at the open-air event
Photo Right: Giovanna and Sophia helping Débora with worship
City Center Square
(Evangelical Week)
September 8th - 13th
Last year the city of Rio Claro proclaimed a whole week to be known as "Evangelical Week." We spent a few hours each day in the city square just walking around and meeting people, praying for them, and simply enjoying making new friends.
One woman stands out in particular... Upon meeting us she asked why we came to Rio Claro. After explaining to her our purposes she said that we were crazy to leave the United States to come here. She told us, "Nothing in this city is worth your move." We explained to her that she was in this city and that she was worth it. Immediately tears began to roll down her cheeks. We shared God's love and the "Good News" of salvation and she prayed to receive the Lord as her Savior. Amen!
Igreja Batista Nova Aliança
Sunday Night: September 21st
1 Salvation & 20+ Re-Dedications to Christ Message: "Have Faith in God"
This was a blessed night! The church had been praying for a fresh move of God. The Lord worked in mighty ways and brought restoration and inner/physical healing.
October 9th - 11th 2014
In just a few days the crusade will begin! We are excited and have high expectations. The pastors of the city are both nervous and excited. This is the first time in the past 30+ years that the body of Christ will come together in unity. We certainly have faced our share of opposition and persecution, it has not been an easy task. Yet, we have done our part in preparations. Now we trust the work of the Holy Spirit to complete the work that All Nations and all of the financial and praying partners have been sowing. The Harvest belongs to the Lord, but the labor to those who respond... We are so thankful to all of the All Nations prayer and financial partners that are standing with the ministry to bring Jesus Christ to the people of Rio Claro. The Bible says that you will reap that from which you sowed, and as our partners in the ministry, you have stood with us. The Bible informs us that the souls you partner to win for Christ will be credited to your eternal account in heaven. Amen!
1. Churches to work in unity for the souls of the city 2. Those people in need of salvation and spiritual renewal to be present at the crusade 3. The power of the cross to be demonstrated in signs, wonders, and miracles 4. Spiritual protection and covering from God over our family and the ministry team 5. All of the financial resources to come through for the costs
All Nations needs supporting partners, thank you for considering us in your giving.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @evangelismbrazil!
The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists
Thank you for standing with us!
We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.
Hi everyone!
September was an amazing month! We got to be part of several different ministry opportunities and have one on one time with so many, while still in full swing preparing for the crusade. I also got to celebrate turning 41! I think I'm the only 41 year old woman to get a bunny for her birthday! We were spending the afternoon in Campinas (about 1 hr from where we live), and we decided to take the girls to a huge pet shop that only Mike and I had been to before... well, one of our bunnies had just died the week before, and when the girls saw "Kurt" sitting there by himself they thought we had to have him. I think my birthday was just an opportunity to talk their dad into it (btw, he said no... but Bella decided to buy the bunny herself). So now I'm the proud owner of a long haired mini lop. He is ADORABLE!!! Most people don't know how great bunnies are and how easy it is to take care of them. We hold him a whole lot (so does Mike) and he has the easiest going, most loving personality.
Now we are in full crusade mode and can't wait for Carlos, Jackie and my Mom to get here! It is such a huge blessing to us that they'll be here with us. After all the work, prayer, preparation, countless meetings, many tears and a whole lot of God's grace we are finally at this point! I go from being super excited to being a little (actually "a lot") anxious in a matter of minutes. The realization that brings most peace to my heart right now is that THE RESULTS ARE TOTALLY UP TO HIM! I have to do my part, and be faithful to what He has said to do, and He will do EVERYTHING ELSE! That is an amazing feeling. The power of God is what will produce the results. I keep reminding myself of this truth constantly, especially in these days.
I cannot tell you guys enough, how much we could not be doing what we are doing without your prayers! Thank you a million times over! We cannot wait to share the crusade testimonies with you!
Wrapping up the final details
Meetings, meetings and more meetings! We are working closely with city and community leaders to bring REVIVAL to Rio Claro and the region. Amen!
6 Billboards are up around the city!
Fun Facts
About Brazil
Most Brazilians don't drink their drinks with ice.
Some of Brazil's main exports are coffee and sugarcane.
Attendants pump your gas for you in Brazil.
October 5th is voting in Brazil for government offices. A common saying right now is, "Who is the least of the worst to vote for?"
You typically do not tip at restaurants in Brazil.
Many Brazilians rent Chacaras on their days off. They are weekend homes to go rest and get away from the craziness of the week.
When you have a BBQ it is not uncommon for everyone to bring their own meat.
Traffic laws don't apply after midnight.
The people are friendly and so amazing!
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