www.evangelismbrazil.com                                                                                                                                                               August 2014
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
PHOTO ABOVE:  The Ipeúna crusade located in the city gymnasium is set! TWO NIGHTS: August 22-23. Ipeúna is a small town (pop. 5K) about 15 miles outside of Rio Claro. We believe this will be a catalyst to the larger REVIVAL set for October 9, 10 & 11 at the stadium in Rio Claro.  We are looking forward to giving you the Ipeúna report next month.

Peniel Church of the Nazarene
Monday Night July 7th
6 Salvations 
Sermon: "The POWER of God"

Photo Above: It's said that a picture can be worth a thousand words. This woman has had 5 heart surgeries. During these surgeries she has had several nerves cut. Yes, cut! She could no longer lift her right arm nor open her hand. The severed nerves made it impossible. The power of God hit her and she was healed! She was able to open and close her hand and lift her arm with full mobility. She had not been able to do this for years! The testimony gets better... After her healing she testified that she said she was not going to church tonight, because today was the last day she wanted to live. The pain was unbearable and she could take it no more. She decided to come and had her brother-in-law drive her to the church. When her brother-in-law saw what the power of God did for his sister in law, he came up to the front with tears in his eyes and gave his life to Christ. GLORY!  

Photo Left: This woman had suffered for years with a locked jaw. She could not open her mouth and was limited to eating purified food through a straw. One of the things we like to teach and demonstrate is that every Christian has the Power of the Cross inside of them and ALL believers have authority of Christ to pray and see miracles. So we had an older woman come forward and pray for this lady with the locked jaw. Guess what? She was healed and she opened her mouth fully without pain and limitations. God is so awesome!

Photo Right: This woman had arthritis, osteoporosis, gastritis, and bad vision. Before prayer she had difficulty walking /bending and was in pain. After prayer she had no pain and full mobility! Thank you Jesus!


Men's Rehabilitation Center 
Friday Morning July 4th 

15 Salvations
Sermon: Acts 17

This was our second time to minister at the men's facility. Last time we were there was about 6 months ago, so this group of men was a new group and they were hungry for the Word of God. We gave a simple message From Acts 17 about where the Greeks had the inscription on an altar: THE UNKNOWN GOD. The message was that God is fully knowable and that we as people put up idols in our life that keep us from understanding and knowing God in the relationship and depth of His Presence in our lives that He has for us. 
Over 15 of the men gave their lives to Christ for the first time, being Born Again!  #HAPPYDAY

Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular (Four Square) Vila Alemă
Thursday Night July 10th 2014

  6 Salvations 
20+ Re-Dedications to Christ

 We ministered to a full house on this Thursday night meeting. 
The atmosphere was full of faith and with an expectation of what Christ would do.

     WATCH THE VIDEO OF HER HEALING                     ALTAR CALL: The power of salvation and restoration!

Photo Left:
 This woman came up to testify that the pain in her right knee was healed during the service after having suffered for many years. During her testimony she mentioned she had a short leg and the her knee caps were about 4" out of alignment. As well, she had a metal plate in her knee with two screws and a hole in her knee cap (you could feel it with your finger). So, we got a chair for her to sit and prayed. Watch the short video to see what happened. WOW!  As you can see in the video the presence of God touched her and she felt intense heat come over her.  Amazingly her knees were aligned after prayer. She felt for the metal and the hole. Neither could be found! When asked where it went? She replied, "They went to hell!"  Amen!

Photo Left:
This woman came for prayer because she was not able to have children. The fire of God touched her. She said that during prayer she felt heat, electricity, and her stomach area expanding. Lord, touch and bless this woman with a wonderful family and the joys of raising children!

Photo Right: This woman could not turn her neck to the right. We were teaching the people that everyone in Christ can pray for others. We called this girl out of the congregation to come up and pray. Immediately the woman's neck was set free and after many years, she was able to turn her head in any direction without pain or limitations. The young girl who prayed was in tears as she described the sensation of her hands being on fire as she prayed for this woman. Amen! God raise up a generation of youth on FIRE for YOU!

Church: Ministério Ouvir e Crer
Sunday Night July 27th  

4 Salvations 
20 Re-Dedications to Christ
Sermon: "Divine Hunger"

We enjoyed ministering at a young thriving church that is impacting the city for Christ. The Lord was present in this service in a wonderful way, several received a healing touch and rejoiced greatly at what the LORD had done. 
Picture Below:  See people coming to identity and relationship in Jesus Christ is what the Gospel is all about.  
There is nothing more rewarding than a life changed by the Power of the Cross.

WONDERFUL TESTIMONY:  After the service a woman came up to us and said that her sister came with her to the church that night. She was so excited, because her sister made a decision to give her life to Christ! "Tonight my sister got SAVED!" It gets better. About two months ago a family contacted us to meet them to pray for their baby. They had previously had another baby pass away and they were fearful for their child. Their baby was not doing well and they did not know what to do. The sister at the church who got saved turns out to be the grandmother of the baby. The woman informed us that the baby is perfectly fine without any issues, signs, or complications of sickness.  PRAISE GOD!

 Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @evangelismbrazil!
New website coming soon! In both English and Portuguese!

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.

Débora's Column

I finally carved out a little time to write something today. Life can get so busy these days, that when I sit my mind doesn't want to have to think about anything for a while... my dreams are half Portuguese, half English, in Brazil, in the US... sometimes a jumbled mess that kind of reflects how my brain is feeling. The work of the past 9 months has taken a toll on my mind (all the interpreting and translating is very draining), especially the many many meetings, the spiritual battle... and I have found myself dwelling on that thought or how I feel way too much. Mike said something to me that really made me stop and look at my actions a little closer - he said "You've spent so much time saying that you are tired and focusing on it, that you are telling your brain and your body to feel this way everyday!"... YIKES... that's true and unfortunately he is right! That statement stopped me on my tracks and it made me put into practice what we preach and what we know. God will ultimately give me grace, strength, wisdom, capacity and the ability to do the work that He has called me to. The strength doesn't come from me! I have started to look at this in a whole different way, and I know that my mind/body will feel the effects. He has control over every detail of every moment and He will finish the good work that He began in my life and in YOUR LIFE. I don't know about you, but I've felt beyond overwhelmed and overloaded the past few months, but instead of focusing on how I feel, I have made a conscious decision to declare God's word and to speak into being what I don't yet see with my eyes as if it were! I don't know who needed to read this today, but I felt that this is what I needed to write... He sees the WHOLE PICTURE, He has the PERFECT PLAN, He doesn't OVERLOOK ANY DETAIL, He does NOT WAIVER, He doesn't STOP LOVING, He doesn't GIVE UP, He doesn't GET TIRED and HIS WORD HAS POWER! POWER TO RAISE THE DEAD and POWER TO CHANGE YOUR SITUATION! Speak His word over your circumstances, over your mind, over your body, over your relationship, over your worries, over your children, over your finances, whatever it may be... RIGHT NOW!

July was another month of God's awesomeness - miracles have become a part of our lives, every week, every service... AMAZING. This GOD that created us to know and have a relationship with Him can BLOW YOUR MIND with the things that He can and will do! Take a step of faith and watch Him do beyond what you expected or even prayed for! HE LOVES YOU AND HE IS NOT AFRAID TO SHOW YOU HOW MUCH!!!
Thank you for loving us through your prayers, comments, giving and for taking the time to read this.
I love you all!


  Meetings, meetings and more meetings!  We are working closely with city and community leaders to bring REVIVAL to Rio Claro and the Region. Amen!


We are needing to print in Portuguese 10,000 copies of the  "Now that you are saved" booklets." Authored by Reinhard Bonnke from Christ for All Nations.  These booklets will be given to every person at the crusade who gives their life to Jesus Christ.  This book will hekp them get a firm footing on their new life with Jesus and how to grow and be discipled as a Christian.  

Will you pray for the funds for this book to come in? We can print 10K copies for about .50 cents each,  a deal!  As you can see, with 10K copies, we are expecting a lot of new Christians and believe this will be a valuable tool to give into their hands. 
Fun Facts
 About Brazil

Rice and beans are staple in all Brazilian homes.

It is common to have a  1 -2 hour lunch break:  Giving people time to go home, eat, and nap.

Brazilians love anything American.

Brazil does not have one number like 911 to contact in case of emergency. The fire department, police department, and ambulances all have their own numbers that you must call. 

Brazilians eat corn ice cream.

The people are friendly and so amazing!
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