www.evangelismbrazil.com                                                                                                                                                                    June 2014
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ
Débora took this picture five minutes from our home in Ipeúna. 

Rio de Promessas
Sunday Night May 4th 

30+ Salvations 

Left Photo: This young girl was born with sinus issues. During prayer she described the sensation of warm oil being poured on her head. She said her sinus issues were gone as she could breathe freely.  
Right Photo: This man had a left shoulder rotator cuff issue in which he could not raise his arm. After prayer all pain was gone and he had full mobility of his arm.

Other testimonies from this service:
100+ people came up for prayer to be set free from spiritually oppressive darkness. POWERFUL!
A man had an accident that week and had a fractured shoulder and collar bone. He was healed in his seat. Praise God!
Another man suffered from a herniated disc for many years. He was also healed in his seat. Thank you Lord!
One young boy with steadily increasing pain in his right leg was healed. Amen!
A woman with a bacterial infection in her stomach area was taking a lot of medication. The doctors said it would be extremely difficult to treat. During prayer she felt intense heat in her stomach and all the pain left. Praise God!
One lady had arthritis in her knees and shoulder. She was also healed and her pain and discomfort were both gone! Amen!
A girl suffered from migraines and she was even having one during the service. During prayer her migraine left! Thank you Jesus!
One man with back issues could not bend over. All of his pain left and he was completely free with zero restrictions! Praise Jesus!

We thank the LORD for this night's ministry.  Many people were touched by God's presence and power.  

Kansas City


When we responsed to the Lord's call to come to Brazil it was not an easy yes. Isabella was to start her last year of high school and we had just recently moved into a new house the year before. Often when God calls us it's not a matter of convenience on our part, but of obedience to the Lord's timing. Without any doubt, being in Brazil these past 8 months has confirmed the timing of God's purposes for our family to win this city for Jesus.
Since we came to Brazil, Isabella pursued her academics via an on-line program to finish her senior year of high school. I cannot begin to express as a parent the maturity (while the circumstances weren't the most favorable) and diligence Isabella displayed to complete her senior year with a 4.35 GPA. CONGRATULATIONS BELLA!
We had the great privilege of having a special graduation party for Isabella in Kansas City. It was so wonderful to see family and friends gathered together to celebrate.

Igreja do Nazareno Essęncia da Adoraçăo
Saturday Night May 31st  
(Church's 6th Anniversary)

15+ people rededicated their lives the Christ at a 
Holy Spirit and FIRE Meeting!

How can you put into words the atmosphere of heaven, beyond glorious?  God did such wonderful things this night.  

15+ people rededicated there lives to Christ.


The entirety of the church placed themselves before the Presence of the Holy Spirit to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and FIRE! 

The time of prayer at the altars was beyond description and words could not be put together to explain. Praise God!





 Photo: Taken in Switzerland above the house of an evangelist.


 During the last watch of the night the LORD looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud... Exodus 14:24a



You took incredible pictures of the girls for us when we were in KC!
 ISABELLA                                                              GIOVANNA                                                            SOPHIA      
New website coming soon! In both English and Portuguese!

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.

Débora's Column

Hi everyone,
A few months back I was laying in bed and I clearly remembered asking God to allow us to have a graduation party for Bella in the States with our family. I prayed and told Him that this was my desire as a mom, and I left it in HIs hands. I felt total peace. I have tears in my eyes just now thinking of how He made it all happen and answered my prayer WAY BEYOND what I expected. 
After the girls left in April, Mike received some work proposals in KC, so we worked like crazy to finalize some things here in Brazil, booked our tickets and showed up in Kansas! God literally pieced every aspect of this trip together like a puzzle and He not only allowed us to be there, but also provided work while we were there! AMAZING!!!
We made it to KC to join the girls (whom btw were having the greatest time) and surprised the family! Needless to say, May was an awesome month for us! We had such a great time with our family, seeing our friends, catching up with everyone, and of course eating all the food that we'd been missing for the past 7 months. 
The Graduation Party was a total blast, and we were able to celebrate it with everyone (missed a few people) that has made an impact and been a blessing to Bella's life.
My heart was so full to see how happy Bella was to share this time with everyone in KC - leaving the US during her Senior year was one of the hardest parts of the move for us. She has been amazing and has worked so hard! I could not be more proud and honored to be her mom and more grateful for the blessing that she is to all of us! I cannot tell you enough how much it meant to be able to be there and celebrate this special date! I will be forever thankful to our Heavenly Father for how He answered my prayer and how He prepared everything! 
Three weeks went by so incredibly fast, and the goodbyes came way too soon. We LOVED being home and have the most amazing family and friends! Thank you for loving us so well! Missing you all and praying for you. 
See you all in December :)


Michel's B-Day
Celebrating my birthday at the Legends in Kansas City was a blast!  
Fun Facts
 About Brazil

Tuna Pizza?  
A favorite in Brazil.

Coke in glass bottles?More than penty in Brazil.

World cup Soccer Starts June 12th!!

Schools will not be in session during world cup Brazil games.  

The people are friendly and so amazing!

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