www.evangelismbrazil.com                                                                                April 2014
Declaring the "Good News" of Jesus Christ


4 Day Church Retreat - Família da Fé
March 1st-4th
25 Salvations & 80 Re-Dedications to Christ

March  started off with a busy start!  We were key-note speakers at a 4 day carnival retreat for Família da Fé church (In Brazil it is common for churches to host retreats during the week of carnival). We were scheduled to preach at the morning and evening services during the retreat.  The theme was "Restoring the Family Altar"  It was a powerful event!  The church was transformed as we saw many families restored! At the ends of the services the altars were always full of people giving their lives to Christ.  We estimated 25 new believers and 80 rededications to Christ!

This dynamic church was founded five years ago by Pastor Eduardo Castilli and his family.  Most of the church members are all new Christians with only a few coming from other churches.  What an outstanding pioneering work!  The church is comprised of about 60% youth who mostly came from drugs, homosexuality and very difficult family circumstances.     
Here are a couple highlights from the retreat... 

1.   This woman testified that she had a vision during the service of herself standing up front giving a testimony of her healing.  Later in the service when there was prayer for the sick, God healed her right in her seat.  She said that she had Crohn's Disease. She testified that as prayer went forth she felt extreme warmth in her abdomen area and felt a hand moving/ massaging the inside area of her stomach.  Praise God!

2.    This group at the altars was answering the call to take the Gospel to the             Nations. Thank You Lord for the next generation of harvesters!
Camp Retreat
Família da Fé put together this 7 minute youtube clip of pictures from the retreat. Take a look!

 Tempo de Renovar
Sunday Night March 23rd
1 Salvation & 27 Re-Dedications to Christ
This worman came straight to the service from the hospital.  She had a headache, swelling, and pain in her body.  The hospital tests showed no signs of the cause. Jesus knows!  We called her up to the pulpit and prayed for her.  All of her pain left!  She said, "Even though I felt so sick, I didn't want to miss church tonight."  
Thank you God!
The Lord did many amazing things this night.
The message was on the "Books of Heaven."

Worship Team Ministry - Igreja do Nazaren0 Rio Claro 
Monday Night March 24th  

Débora invested an evening with the Nazarene Church's worship team department. 
She taught 23 people in the ministry about the heart of worship.

Rio Claro Women in Ministry's Breakfast
Saturday March 29th

Débora spoke on forgiveness to a group of 60 local pastor's wives, women pastors, and women in ministry.  The success of this meeting touched a lot of women.  Women's gatherings in Rio Claro are known for not having a great turnout (sometimes only a few would come). The pastors who put on this breakfast were amazed at how many women attended!  This meeting was different than those of the past and was a great breakthrough! The Holy Spirit is working in this community and is building unity among the churches in preparation for revival. 

 Igreja Família Apostólica Face de Deus
Sunday Night March 30th
3 Re-Dedications to Christ

What a privilege we had to minister at the church of Pastor Leandro Luperine! God's Glory was clearly present this night.  We preached a message on "Seeking the Face of God."  Giovanna played the piano as Débora led us in an extended time of worship.  Oh how the Holy Spirit responded this night to the peoples'  hearts!  If this church represents what God is doing in Rio Claro, then a GREAT OUTPOURING of the HOLY SPIRIT is coming to this city.  

Segunda Igreja Presbiteriana de Rio Claro
Monday Night March 31st
12 Salvations  

12 Salvations!  Praise God!
  This Presbyterian church holds a monthly community forum meeting on different topics to reach out the to community.  We were invited and spoke on "Identity."  The response was amazing, considering about 40 were in attendance.  Of the 12 that came forward to receive Jesus Christ 3 were spiritists.  How amazing is our God!

The Senior Pastor, Wagner, became pastor of the church 3 months ago and has a heart for revival and a Kingdom mentality.  It was refreshing to meet a kindred spirit.  Wagner said he would gather the other 7 local Presbyterian Churches in the city to meet us and hear our plans for reaching Rio Claro for Jesus.  Amen!
Assembléia de Deus Bom Retiro Rio Claro
Sunday Night February 23rd

We ministered at this church last month, but we have included in this issue a VIDEO CLIP of some of the amazing testimonies from this service!  The church broadcasted the service live on the internet.  This is the first service in Brazil that we have video footage from, so we are happy to make it available to you! 
Healing's at ABDR (Assembly of God) Rio Claro February 23, 2014
Healings at ABDR Rio Claro February 23, 2014

The Pastor's Conference is Set for June 7th!

The pastor's conference will be a full day! The day will begin with breakfast, then two teaching sessions, lunch, and also two more teaching sessions. Following that we will have an evening break with dinner appetizers and then an impartation service with the pastors and spouses to close. 
For REVIVAL to BIRTH in RIO CLARO, we need to invest into the lives and ministries of these pastors.  
We feel that this will be a great avenue to build unity, LOVE the pastors, and collaborate for the City-Wide Crusade.
We estimate that the cost of this conference to be $50 per pastor. Most of the pastors attending have limited resources for the conference.  We don't want any to be left out! 
We want to HONOR them and raise sponsorships for 200 pastors to attend this ONE-DAY CONFERENCE.  If you would like to participate in sponsoring a pastor or pastors click on the link below:
Thank you for sowing seed into the lives of these men and women and for being part of bringing REVIVAL to Rio Claro, Brazil.
Michel and Débora Borchardt

The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists

Thank you for standing with us!

We appreciate our partners so much!
It would not be possible for us to be bringing the "Good News" to Brazil without you.
   THANK YOU!    

All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas  not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.
March 2014
It was a great blessing to be a part of and witness the ministry that Jackie and I have been supporting. We went to seven different services that Michel & Débora preached at and saw the hand of God move powerfully in each one. In the ten days we spent with them, we prayed for and saw God heal over fifty people. Not only did God heal, but he mended broken hearts, restored families, and gave hope to those who had none. In TEN DAYS, we saw God do more for these people than I have seen in over a year in my daily life. There is a deep anointing in the Evangelism Brazil ministry. I am blessed to be able to support a family displaying such real and tangible fruit.
Carlos and Jackie Lima
Débora's Column

Hi friends,

The month of March began in a very difficult, but wonderful way for me. As a few of you may know, during a retreat I had a serious run in with boiling water and coffee  grounds that ended up as a nasty burn on my chest and stomach. I can't even begin to describe the pain, but God came and met me in my hour of need (literally) and the morning after, even though I woke up with several blisters and the wound looked terrible, I had no pain! It was a miracle to say the least! I had some discomfort and had to be very careful about clothing and hugs (brazilians LOVE to hug), but PRAISE GOD FOR NO PAIN! The retreat was a blast, we saw incredible miracles and made lifelong friends!


Life continues to be crazy busy, and seems to be getting busier these days. Being here and ministering as a family has been a beautiful gift for us! God continues to open doors for ministry, for meeting amazing people and showing us favor in incredible ways! He has definitely been stretching me with the invites to "speak" at women's events, but the Holy Spirit always has a Word that many need to hear and I am honored to be asked and humbled to be used. I can do all things... only through Jesus! 

God has also been giving me opportunities to lead a little worship here and there, to work with music, and to speak about worship. That makes my heart so happy! I LOVE WORSHIPPING HIM and LOVE BRINGING PEOPLE INTO HIS PRESENCE THROUGH PRAISE AND WORSHIP! I've also been "borrowing" Gigi's piano and finishing some songs that I had begun writing a long time ago. I'll be visiting a recording studio soon, and hopefully I'll have some songs to post in the near future...

Well, I am happy, scared, proud and a little freaked out to announce that Bella is officially done with High School!!! I am still in shock and cannot believe this girl went through her entire senior year in 5 months! She was so determined and focused, and I feel so blessed to be her mom! She is now going to focus on getting her motor vehicle / motorcycle licenses here in Brazil. That should keep her busy for another 2 months! It is like pulling teeth to get your license here... it takes forever! Gigi and Sophia continue doing the homeschooling program (not enjoying it one single bit), but I am so proud of them for facing these challenges and learning from these experiences. I'll tell you, homeschooling is a challenge, and when your internet is via radio, it is an even bigger one! 

We continue to fill our "funny moments jar" and have Mike and Sophia going "neck in neck" for the count. Sophia has literally "blossomed" into a full time comedian which has been a lifesaver especially in the more trying days that we have here. She keeps us laughing!

Please continue to pray for us! We need your prayer covering and support more than ever! I cannot put into words how important you are to us! 

Love to all of you!



Jesus was present to heal them...
Healing and Christ-Centered Evangelism are partners that bear witness to one another, like a hand in a glove. 

 In scripture we see that everywhere Jesus went his healing virtue was present.  In fact,  healing is a part of the Great Commission and we are expected to pray for the healing of  the sick in Jesus' name.  

PLEASE be in prayer for the Pastor's Conference scheduled for June 7th in Rio Claro, Brazil. 

1.  Unity among churches
2.  Finances for the conference
3.  Revival "fire" to be imparted to the pastors and evangelists
4.  Net working with churches 

Currently, we estimate about 90 churches are to be involved.  We would love to see another 30 participate. 
Fun Facts Brazil

Sugar Cane is a major export of Brazil. They also make many products from the left over of the crop.

Brazil is a tropical country, but in winter months it gets down to about 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Brazilians' favorite place to vacation is Orlando, Florida.

Because things are so expensive here, Brazilians take shopping trips to the states (with the air fare it still ends up cheaper).

The people are friendly and so amazing!

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All Nations
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All Nations | 816-210-7683 | info@allnations.info | http://www.evangelismbrazil.com
13505 S. Mur-Len Suite 105-192
Olathe, Kansas  66062