Pastors in Unity for Revival
A lot has happened in the past month. The Pastor's Council is fully in support of the ministry of All Nations: Evangelism Brazil here in this city. We are working hard to bring unity among the churches and we are already seeing great success! One pastor made mention, "In all my years of ministry in this city there has never been unity among the churches. No one from the outside has ever come into this city and had the impact you have." This is a great testimony affirming that the LORD is desiring to bring revival to this city. Thank you God! One of his comments was that he was amazed at the diversity of churches that have opened their doors to us here.
EvangelismBrazil's "Milestone Goals" are set for the following events to take place in Rio Claro:
1. May: City Wide Pastor's Conference (our goal is 200 in attendance)
2. July: City Wide 40 Days of Prayer Campaign
3. September: City Wide Crusade (we are believing for 100 churches to participate)
Igreja do Nazareno Essência da Adoração
Saturday Night February 1
Women's Service: LOVE
Debora was invited to speak at a monthly women's service at a local Nazarene Church. Forty-five women were present as Debora taught on LOVE.
The LORD moved and touched the hearts of many of the women.
Igreja Batista do Parque
Sunday Night February 2
5 Salvations and 20 Re-Dedications
Revival Fire Lit
The atmosphere of God's presence came with power! The service began in a normal and very traditional manner. The crowds were not present, but the desire for more of God began to breakthrough during the service. As the Word was being preached faith was growing and heaven began to find a place to breakthrough. The altars were full as people came to seek and cry before the LORD. Many miraculous healings occurred during this meeting. I closed with an atmosphere of extended worship and celebrations. The church was in awe at what the Lord had done!
1. Eye Sight Restored
This girl said, "I want to see." Her glasses were as thick as glass coke bottles. She removed her glasses and we prayed multiple times. Each time we prayed her vision improved. After praying several times, she could see clear across the church with NO GLASSES. Praise Jesus!
2. Healed of Chronic Body Pain
3. I Want More of God
This young man said he was so hungry for more of a deeper relationship with God.
We prayed the Holy Spirit touched him
with GREAT Love and Power.
It is beautiful to see the youth with a desire for God.
Igreja Cristã Bíblica
Sunday Night February 9th
3 Salvations and 19 Re-Dedications
1. Three women were healed of sciatic nerve damage in their backs and legs. All three women were healed at the same time while sitting in their chairs! WOW! They came forward to testify what had happened. One of the woman's therapist was also at the service. She came up to give witness of the miracle in her patient. Praise God!
2. Two women were healed of headaches. They both said they had been suffering for the past two days.
Igreja do Nazareno Essência da Adoração
Tuesday Night February 11th
Church Leadership Meeting
We had the wonderful privilege of conducting a leadership meeting for a local Nazarene Church's staff, deacons, and ministry workers. It was a GREAT evening! We imparted vision and the passion to serve. This is a church on FIRE!
We are truly privileged to have had the opportunity to speak into this ministry.
Igreja Nazareno Getsemani
Sunday Night February 16th
4 Salvations and 21 Re-dedications
This woman has suffered from sinus issues for the past 27 years. She was taking 7 types of medication for this. Before prayer her breathing was limited and you could easily see it was difficult for her. After prayer she testified that her sinuses cleared up! All the pain left and for the first time in 27 years she was breathing normally. Praise God!
This young girl was suffering from a foot and ankle issue that caused her pain and inability to walk and stand normally. God healed her! Her mother came to another meeting we were conducting the following week to tell us that her daughter was doing great and that her foot was completely healed!
This Woman had suffered from severe arthritis in her knees for many years. After prayer she was moving without limitations and was pain-free!
Praise God!
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Saturday Night February 22nd
3 Salvations and 10 Re-dedications
The pastor said...
"It is my dream to have you here at our church. I NEVER could have imagined that someone from the outside would come to our simple church."
"The Lord our God manifested in a glorious way tonight: healings, deliverances, and souls for the King of Glory."
ADBR Rio Claro
Sunday Night February 23rd
1 Salvation and 11 Re-dedications
There was a wonderful move of the Holy Spirit at this GREAT Church!
The Lord performed many healings and numerous lives were restored. Thank You Jesus!
Here are a few testimonies from this service:
(Most of these people testifying were healed while sitting in their seats)
1. A man had a herniated disc for 10 years. HEALED!
2. A young boy had a bad ankle from playing soccer. HEALED!
3. A woman had abdominal pain for the past 3 months. HEALED!
4. A Woman could not raise for arm for 20 years. HEALED!
5. A woman had nerve issues and could not move her fingers. HEALED!
6. A woman had her left knee damaged from car accident 4 years ago. HEALED!
7. A woman had back pain and limitations for past 50 years. HEALED!
8. A woman with sinus issues. She described the smell of sweet fragrance when she was HEALED!
9. An older woman had neck, shoulder, back, and knee pain as well as burning in her feet. HEALED!
10. A man had intense pain from Thrombosis for 5 years. He testified all pain gone! HEALED!
Igreja Batista Searas
Thursday Night February 27th
Pins Vanished!
These two sisters prepared a special dance (for the first time) in honor of us visiting their church. They choreographed their dance to a beautiful song about Jerusalem. It was POWERFUL!
Several people renewed their commitments to the LORD and were healed that night. The Pastor (pictured below) had damaged his knees in a work accident back in 1998. He had pins in each knee that were easily felt. He suffered from constant pain and limitations of movement. After prayer the pins were GONE! He had 100% mobility and was pain-free! Thank you Jesus!
The Borchardts
Missionary Evangelists
Thank you for standing with us!
We appreciate our partners so much. It would not be possible for us to be here, reaching this city for Christ, without you.
All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible.
Dear friends,
February was an AMAZING month! So much happened, I don't even know how to begin telling you about it!
I "majorly" stepped out of my comfort zone and accepted an invitation to speak at a Women's Service (I'd rather sing 10 songs than be asked to speak). I was so apprehensive about it, but God knew exactly what they needed to hear and told me to speak about LOVE. Wow, how amazing is His love for us and to understand the depth and greatness of it can be life changing?! I was amazed to see the Holy Spirit move and to see many lives touched.
We also spent a couple of days celebrating Gigi's 16th birthday. She had been bugging us for a piano since we got here and we were able to surprise her with one. The family and Bella and Sophia got together and gave her a guitar with accessories. All is well in her world again since we now have instruments to play! She also wanted to visit an orphanage for her birthday, but since it was not possible we visited a program where needy children can come before or after school for homework help, learning, counseling and activities We brought them all cake (which they LOVED). It was amazing to look at all those little faces and see how excited they were that we were there and to see the hearts of the people that care for them with such love and compassion. I cried, again! At the end of the day we drove with some dear friends 2+hrs each way to finish off the celebrations with dinner in Sao Paulo. It was great!
I can honestly say this month was a little harder for me being away from family and friends in the US than the others. I found myself dreaming of being home, holding my little nieces, and eating my Mom's cooking... I want to see everyone so bad!!! It is hard to be far away and feel like you are missing out on get-togethers, birthdays, milestones, and especially when someone is going through a difficult time. You just want to be there to hug them in person. That is when our Heavenly Father wraps His arms around me and reminds me that His plans are perfect and that we are supposed to be here and that He has it all under control and He does not overlook or forget anyone or anything. I have no doubt whatsoever that we are supposed to be here right now, and in that my heart is at peace. Having Carlos and Jackie here with us for a few days was AMAZING. We had so much fun! It was so good to see the girls have such a great time! I am even more thankful these days for the family that I have been blessed with. All of you are gifts from God in my life! I miss you all more than I can say!
Not a day goes by that I don't see God's goodness and His care over our lives... in the people that we meet, the doors that are opened, and the miracles that we see. He uses people to bless us and we feel the prayers on a daily basis! Thank you so much for taking the time to read our news and for your prayers and support. We CANNOT do this without you!
Blessings and love from Brazil.
Débora Borchardt
Pastor Marcio Saying a Birthday Prayer for Gigi
We celebrated Gigi's birthday on February 13th. All she wanted was to visit the children's home and road trip to Sao Paulo for Italian food. What a GREAT DAY we had. The children's home was a blessing to us all and they touched our hearts greatly. Our friends Luciano and Mara were eager to torad trip to Sao Paulo to celebrate with Gigi. The night before, on Tuesday we ministered at a church leadership meeting and they had a surprise birthday gathering waiting for Gigi. WOW! We felt so loved as a family! Check out the pictures from Gigi's birthday day by clicking here:
Precious girl from the center
This woman was dropped off as a baby at the door steps of the orphanage. Since then she has never left, dedicating her whole life to helping the children.
We are seeing a pattern in all the churches we are ministering in. The pastors are tired and are asking for renewal and revival. In the meetings, faith is rising up, and we are seeing the Holy Spirit move in amazing ways. Churches and pastors that were in the routine of the mundane, have been set "AFLAME" with the Holy Spirit! We thank the LORD for the "Revival Fire" that is being fanned into flame here in the city of Rio Claro.
We are working on bringing unity to the churches in Rio Claro and to encourage the pastors.
The Bible says we are to HONOR the men and women serving God.
So we are planning a one day conference at a local hotel. We will provide a simple breakfast, followed by two teaching sessions, then lunch, and two more teaching sessions. There will be a break and we will have an evening meeting with the pastors and spouses together.
We need to invest into the lives and ministries of these pastors. Nobody is encouraging and investing in these Men and Women of God.
We feel this will be a great avenue to build unity, LOVE them, and collaborate for the City-Wide Crusade.
We estimate the cost of this conference to be $50 USD per pastor. Most of the pastors here have no money for this.
We want to HONOR them and raise sponsorships for 200 pastors to attend this ONE-DAY CONFIRENCE. If you would like to participate in sponsoring a pastor (s) click on this link:
Thank you!
Why do we track the decisions for Christ?
We are not preachers of Sermons, but preachers of the "Good News." God has placed us in fertile ground and we think it is important to know the results of the HARVEST when possible. Not only for the local church, but for our partners that support EvangelismBrazil.
The Bible is clear that Jesus is the only way to eternal life. We define a salvation as a person who has NEVER before accepted Jesus Christ into their heart and made a commitment to serve Him. By definition, they are coming to the LORD for the very FIRST time.
This is NOT a "Salvation," but is someone who is already a Christian. But during the course of life's circumstances they have grown cold in their faith and have lost their passion and "first love" zeal for Christ. A rededication is when a fresh commitment to Christ is made. The person is not bound by the lies of regret, wrong decisions, and the sense of hopelessness, but is renewed in their faith and relationship with Christ. The "fire" is ignited! In CHRIST we can start FRESH again! For there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Fun Facts Brazil
Rice and beans are the staple food
The school year has been adjusted to accomodate the World Cup
You can see exotic birds flying around like Tucans
Capivaras are plentiful
The people are friendly and so amazing!
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