THANK YOU: We would like to thank you for remembering us this Christmas. We were so blessed with the gifts and generosity, we never expected the amazing blessings that came our way. We love our friends and supporters of the ministry.
Land Dedication and Prayer Focus
Saturday Morning, Janurary 11th, we will be dedicating a piece of land that was given to the Rio Claro Pastors Council by the Mayor. This plot is specifically given to be used for evangelism. We met Pastor Carlos, the president of the pastors council, through pastor Marcio from Adoracao Nazarene Church because of the amazing things God did in his church when we ministered (see testimony below). Pastor Marcio was so excited with our vision to unite the churches for a city-wide crusade, he personally arranged a private meeting with Pastor Carlos. In that meeting God touched Pastor Carlos' heart and he was in full support of our purposes here. With great excitement he specifically said he is positive it was God's plan we are here, as the 70 pastors of the Pastors Council had recently completed a 40 day fast for the city. He gave us the platform to be the keynote speakers and to dedicate this new property to the Lord! The land is large enough to hold 10,000 people. They have plans to put a soccer field, bar-b-que facilities, meeting area and a place for water baptisms. This property will be for all the churches in the city to use for outreach and church functions.
It is only the Lord who led us to meet the right person and divinely gave us (outsiders) the opportunity to speak to the pastors of this city gathered together in one place and dedicate this land. Please be in prayer for this and the follow up afterwards. As well, there are a few hundred more pastors in the city that are not part of the Pastors Council. Please pray that many will become a part and be in unity to reach the city of Rio Claro for Christ. Next month's "Insiders Report," that goes out to our supporting partners, will feature some of the history of this city. The level of darkness and occult activity going on here will definitely surprise you!
"Train up a child in the way they should go,Even when they are older they will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
As parents, we have no greater joy than to see our children having compassion and ministering the love of Jesus to people.
Pedro on the left is a young man (18) who is leading the hospital ministry and winning souls for Christ. The girls love going to the hospital to pray for the sick.
It is great seeing the youth on FIRE!
We were ministering at the hospital when we met Sara. She was visiting her daughter who had just had surgery. After we prayed for her daughter Sara asked if we could pray for her too. She struggled to get up and out of her chair next to the bed. She said that since she was 38 she has suffered from arthritis. Sara explained the pain throughout her body and the limitations in her legs, arms, and hands, as well as the difficulty to move her head. We prayed and instantly she was set free. ALL pain left her as if no arthritis had ever existed in her body. She was so overwhelmed, she said she had not been able to work much (she runs a seamstress business out of her home). She was so so happy! Sara said, "I was not coming to see my daughter today, out of the blue I decided to come for just a few moments and here I met you." WOW! How God has such perfect timing.
Sunday Night
Dec. 8th
Essência da Adoração
Nazarene Church
Rio Claro
We met Pastor Marcio and his wife Telma Azevendo for the first time in March of 2013 when we were visiting Brazil. We were happy to respond to his invitation and minister at the church a few weeks back. We can't relay enough about what a wonderful pastor and church this is. God did so many exceptional things during the meeting. First off, two people came forward to give their lives to Christ and were born again. Praise God, for this is the GREATEST of all miracles! Many were healed of afflictions and infirmities. At the beginning of the service the Holy Spirit called out all those who felt oppression when coming to church that night and who faced serious spiritual opposition at various levels when coming to church. We asked who had this experience and about 20 raised their hands. They came up front and the power of God was manifested and they were touched by the Holy Spirit. I asked the pastor to have any church workers and staff to come help with the prayer time and he said that nobody was available because 100% of the workers were up front. It is interesting that only those serving in the ministry were the one's up front for the prayer, including the associate pastors. WOW! This really shows the spiritual struggles and opposition the church faces. Paul spoke about this in 1 Cor. 16:8-9 "But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." It also shows me that this church has a great and effective door open to them. Amen!
Heirs of Promises Church
Ajapi, Brazil
Sunday December 15th
Pastor Mark and Silvânia contacted us and asked if we would come minister at the church they pastor in Ajapi (which is about 30 minutes outside of Rio Claro). The church is relatively new in a city with a population of about 1200. He said, "We don't have any money, would you still come? We are just a small church. We would like to let people know in the city that a guest preacher is coming."
We told him, "Of course we will come and we don't charge to minister. God knows how to meet our needs and provide for us. It doesn't matter if there is only one person there, we will come." About 50 people were in attendance that night, and around 18 came forward to pray and receive Jesus Christ as Savior. We estimate 8 first time decisions for Christ and about 10 rededications to the Lord. We are very blessed and happy to have gone. While the spiritual environment was difficult, a spirit of sadness and defeat was prevalent, we saw breakthroughs for so many.
1. Tumor gone: This precious woman on the left had a tumor on her right side. We prayed and she felt it literally diminish under her very hand. It was so amazing to see the love of Jesus touch this woman.
2. I don't want to live anymore: One 15 year old came up for prayer and confided that she didn't want to live anymore. We prayed for her and the power of God touched her. She has become friends with the girls on Facebook and is doing great. Her posts are just about praising God! How FANTASTIC!
While ministering in the small town of Ajapi (about 1,200 people) we prayed for this man who had an issue with his legs. It has affected everyone in his family for many generations. He struggled to stand as the pain in his legs was too great. We prayed for him and the pain left and he was freely able to walk around and move for the first time. He said, "I can't remember the last time I have been able to walk so freely and with NO pain." Notice on the left his wife having to help him to stand up. On the right, after prayer, you see him walking away without help and pain free. Praise God!
Upcoming January at a Glance
The holidays are now behind us and we are beginning to set our schedule for the new year. January is off to a good start! We almost have a full schedule booked for this month. We will be meeting pastors, preaching in churches, inaugurating a piece of property for evangelism purposes, and preaching at a youth event.
The Borchardts
Thank you for standing with us
We hope you will consider All Nations and the Evangelism Brazil mission in 2014.
If you are not already a MONTHLY supporter we are seeking more partners as we get set for 2014. Nothing is insignificant...
$25, 50, 100 or something else
Everything is important. Currently, we are about 40% funded.
All Nations is a 501 (c) (3) Kansas not for profit religious organization. Financial giving is tax deductible. |
One of the local pastors made the comment and observation that it was an amazing sight to watch Debora interpret the preaching. "It looks so perfectly choreographed. The two of you are a great team." he said. |
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!!!
Whew, this past month just flew by! It was a crazy busy and very challenging month, to say the least, but also incredibly blessed.
It was very strange to celebrate Christmas with a BBQ and a pool party! We missed our family, especially over the holidays, but really enjoyed spending time with our family and new friends here. We have encountered so many wonderful people in the 3 months that we've been here. We have made friends for a lifetime I'm sure and have witnessed God's fingerprints and merciful grace firsthand.
We feel like we'll melt at any moment! I have never missed AC more in my life! At the same time they have predicted a very cold and harsh winter for the US, they are predicting an extremely hot summer for Brazil. Pray for us! We might even have to give Rio (Bella's dog) a little half shave... Bella is not happy about it :)
We've had a few medical issues this past month, but even saw God do a miracle for Gigi's kitten, little Samantha. She was bitten by a spider or a snake (vet was not really sure) and has almost died twice, but miraculously she is recovering well and back to her playful self. God cares about the details of our lives and Gigi has seen Him answer her prayers!
Please keep the girls and their schooling in your prayers. It has been difficult for them to adjust and our internet (which for now in this area has to be via radio) is down multiple times a day and sometimes even for several days. As we begin to get busier with ministry commitments they need to be ahead or on pace to be able to take a few days off here and there.
I pray that 2014 will be a supernaturally blessed year for you and that it will be your best yet!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love, your support, your prayers and the many kind words of encouragement!
You are loved and appreciated!
Débora Borchardt
Our first "Insiders Report" went out in December. The insiders report is a separate newsletter that comes out periodically which shares some of the
as-it-is-happening testimonies and reports. It also includes behind the scenes info that may not be included in our normal monthly e-newsletter.
As a financial supporter and partner with us the "Insiders Report" will automatically come to you.
Thank You
for your Support.
Isabella has been practicing for her Brazilian Drivers license. Apparently it takes several months to get as she will have to take specific driving classes that are required for all new drivers here. Yikes... and it's all in Portuguese!
Fun Facts Brazil
Fireworks are heard and seen throughout new years eve and day.
Bread is typically baked fresh twice daily for breakfast and dinner.
If after high school boys don't go to college or to a university, they have a one year manditory military service.
Brazilians like to drink coffee in little tiny cups.
The people are friendly and so amazing!
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or any others?
 All Nations