Announcing:  Sage-ing 
International's 2017 Webinar Series

"Sages in Service:
     Blessing the World With Your Gifts"
             Pat Hoertdoerfer, CSL - facilitator

Wednesday, January 25, 2017  
5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (USA & Canada)
     (4 pm Central/ 3 pm Mountain/ 2 pm Pacific)
     (for other global time zones, request by email)
"An elder's work is to synthesize wisdom from long life experience and formulate this into a legacy for future generations," was Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's call to service.   Like elders of the past, today's sages are wisdom-keepers entrusted with responsibility to nurture the well being of our families and communities and be leaders in restoring health and balance to our planet Earth.
In this webinar Pat Hoertdoerfer - Sage-ing International's Service Committee chair - will open with a meditation to activate our sense of service.  We will reflect on the qualities that elders uniquely bring to service opportunities. As sages we are called to service as mentors and mediators, stewards and activists, coaches, caregivers, and active listeners, thereby blessing the world with our gifts.  

Panelists Lynne Iser and David Rozell will share stories of service and help Pat respond to your shared questions and observations. 

Lynne was founding Director of the Spiritual Eldering Institute, and now teaches in the ALEPH Sage-ing Mentorship Program. She offers a workshop series, "Becoming Vibrant Elders in Our Evolving World."

David - a Certified Sage-ing Leader - facilitates aging and spirituality workshops in the US Pacific Northwest, and is developing the Aging and Spirituality Network - a program nurturing spiritual growth of older adults within faith communities. 

COST:  We ask for your support of US-$9.00 to defray webcasting costs.  This will be collected via PayPal from your major credit/debit card.  If you are outside the US, this amount is revised automatically into your local currency.  Scholarships are available to anyone requesting one:  Simply email for the discount code.

TO REGISTER:  Just click on this active link...  REGISTRATION PAGE

QUESTIONS?  Want the start time for your location?  Interested in the free "Green Room" conversation afterward?  Then contact SI's Webinar-Tech Coordinator, Al Rider at:

Designed ideally for viewing on your Internet browser via computer or smartphone, this webinar can also be heard audio-only in the English language, over any normal telephone connection within the USA, Canada, or Brazil.  Available live globally via internet.

We are limited to just 100 registrants, but we will keep an overflow list (if there is one), and consider offering this webinar again, either live or recorded.

Coming in February...


Hold the date of Wednesday February 8th (same time as above... 5:00 pm US-Eastern Time) for our next Webinar in the ElderForum series, when Dr. John Robinson and an expert panel discuss his book...


     "The Three Secrets of Aging:  

         A Radical Guide 

            (Pssst! - It Ain't Over Yet)"


Sage-ing� International   /  PO Box 554, Beech Grove, IN - USA  /