Researchers from the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles, will collaborate on one of the first studies of the experiences of LGBT service members in the military. The study will lay a foundation for future research of lesbian, gaby, bisexual and transgender active-duty service members by exploring how thy are integrated into the military; determine if health disparities exist between them and their heterosexual counterparts; and develop recommendations for better assimilation of LGBT service members to promote military readiness. The two-year, $1.89 million grant marks one of the first times the U.S. Department of Defense has funded a study of this population since the 2010 repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," the law barring homosexuals from openly serving in the military. Read more
Some leaders from the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative recently attended a week-long summit on collective impact where they discovered new and innovative strategies that can be applied to ongoing work in the local veteran community. Held in Vancouver, Canada, the Tamarack Institute's Collective Impact Summit delved into key conditions for success, like common agendas, shared measurement, and backbone support. Read more
The USC School of Social Work and the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families recently hosted a brunch in San Diego to highlight the school's dedication to military social work. Held at the Hall of Heroes museum, which was graciously provided by long-time supporters of the school and military social work, Amy and Chuck Spielman, the event was an opportunity for guests to learn about the important impact that both the school and CIR are making on society every day. Read more
A mobile app, developed as part of the USC School of Social Work's Welcoming Practices in Military-Connected Schools project, is being created to smooth the transition process for families into new schools and neighborhoods. WelConnect will allow San Diego-area school districts that are part of the project to search for local resources. Read more