Every year, 250,000 veterans are transitioning from military to civilian life. Though there is wide community support for them, a system of more than 40,000 nonprofit organizations, along with federal and state agencies, can be difficult for veterans to navigate. During a Washington, D.C., meeting this month with more than 100 top leaders from government, military, business, philanthropy and social sectors, the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families shared an innovative, data-driven approach that has proved successful in harnessing the goodwill of local agencies. Read more
In a recently published policy brief, authors Nathan Graeser, MDiv, MSW, and Gisele Corletto, MSW, discuss the need to confront veteran homelessness holistically. They write that the end state for veterans is not merely to be housed, but to successfully transition into the community. Read more
In the Huffington Post, Anthony Hassan, clinical professor and director, wrote that comprehensive community-based approaches, like the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative, are ideal to helping veterans transition successfully to civilian life. Read more
Gerardo Reynoso, MSW '15 candidate, went from joining the military during peacetime to participating at the onset of the Iraqi invasion and, along the way, encountering many of the same transitional challenges that hadn't then been receiving much-needed attention. His experiences have led to the USC School of Social Work and ultimate goal of pursuing a PhD and policy work. Read more
Co-edited by Eugenia Weiss, clinical professor at the USC School of Social Work, the special issue of Social Work in Mental Health focuses on the assets, challenges, and opportunities in improving the mental health and mental health care services for military service personnel and veterans, including the importance of understanding that military-connected populations are not a homogenous group. Read more