Five years ago, Anthony Hassan left a military career to become the founding director of the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) at the USC School of Social Work. Today, both are known for their mission to help veterans transition smoothly into their civilian communities. In recognition of this work -- especially in informing the military social work curriculum that aims to graduate students who can understand the unique challenges facing the military community -- the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) presented Hassan with its 2014 Civilian Service Award. Read more
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The USC School of Social Work's international influence continues to grow after Dean Marilyn Flynn, Anthony Hassan, CIR director and clinical professor, and Carl Castro, assistant professor, traveled to Taiwan last month to share their expertise on the development of a military social work academic program and how it can benefit the country as it moves toward an all-volunteer military force by 2017. Read more
To help ensure that veterans are successful in their civilian workplace, CIR has partnered with Prudential in an effort to educate front-line health care professionals about military culture and some of the most pressing issues facing this generation of veterans as they return home. They have committed to host informational conferences at five universities' schools of social work. Read more
CIR received a $100,000 gift from the Science Applications International Corporation to help publicize the unique transitional challenges facing National Guard and Reserve service members. The gift funded the development of manuscripts and a report on the findings from the Reintegration Partnership Project, a pilot program that provided reintegration skills training to National Guard members and their spouses. Read more
"Home and Community Life Reintegration for Active Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families" is a symposium hosted by USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and CIR to gather scholars, leaders and practitioners from various health, policy and social science professions to share research findings and innovative practices. Currently receiving submissions. Read more
In March, IAVA held its annual lobbying effort in Washington, D.C. "Storm the Hill" gathered 32 veterans from across the nation to meet with members of Congress and their legislative directors to discuss the pressing issue of veteran suicide. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reports that approximately 22 veterans die by suicide per day, i.e., nearly one per hour, 8,000 a year and 100,000 since Sept. 11, 2001. Adam Renteria, MSW '14, participated. Read more