Arts Weekly Community Arts Academy 

In this Issue  


Featured Faculty: Casazza  


Music Receives Clavinovas


Antone's Winning Landscape 


Brooke Francesi's Nightlife

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The Potters Wife Gallery will be featuring the prints of three Fine Arts alumni in their upcoming exhibition entitled Ltd. Ed. Printmaking Defined. The work of Dan Hudson, Katy Strass ('13, BFA) and Julie Wall Toles ('09, BFA) is among the work of eight featured artists. The opening reception will be February 14 from 6 - 9 p.m. and the exhibition run  through April 12, 2014. For more information visit Delaneys.
Music therapy majors Lisa Irvin and Jessica Barcus have been selected to present at the World Congress of Music Therapy taking place in Krems an der Donau, Austria, in July 2014. Irvin and Barcus developed a session proposal on transcultural preparation for music therapy students and submitted their proposal for review to the World Federation of Music Therapy. The proposal review was uncategorized and blind, meaning that the students' proposal was considered alongside proposals submitted by professionals from around the world before being selected for presentation. They also have had an abbreviated version of the session accepted for presentation by the Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association, at their annual conference in Rosemont, Illinois, in March 2014.


Associate Professor and Director of Music Therapy Nancy Jackson will be co-chairing a workshop at the World Congress of Music Therapy taking place in Krems an der Donau, Austria, in July 2014. Jackson, along with Dr. Kathleen Murphy of University of Evansville, developed the workshop entitled Music in Time: International Perspectives, which includes eight professionals with differing music therapy clinical expertise from the USA, Germany, Australia, England, and Canada.

Katie Hutmacher ('13, BFA) has taken the position of graphic designer with the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) in the communications and development department. "Being the only designer for the entire organization, I am responsible for the needs of all fourteen locations," explained Hutmacher.  "I design everything from circulation forms to business cards to posters." She also will be creating images for the ACPL website.


Samuel Minick, ('91, BFA) is now the owner operator of SAM Illustrations, Inc. His client list includes Adobe, Smithsonian Magazine, National Parks Magazine, Schwinn, Lego, Field & Stream, VeloPress, Verizon, Kellogg's, Volkswagen, National Geographic, and a number of other very well-known companies. You can view some of Minick's illustrations at http://samillustrations.com/ 


Dan Brockman ('13, BFA) is now the graphic design specialist for Fort Wayne Metals (FWM). Brockman's duties include designing, editing, and producing graphics and other media for internal and external publications for FWM and their affiliated companies such as J.K. O'Donnell's and Get Fresh Farms. Brockman also will be collaborating with sales and marketing, engineering, and research and development to create logos for FWM products and collaborate with internal teams to design logos for their internal programs.   

Expressions Staff  

Susan Domer: Editor, Writer

Jan Krist-Finkbeiner: Arts Writer 

Melinda Haines, Copy Editor 


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Featured Faculty: Jeff Casazza
From left: Dean John O'Connell, Casazza and Chancellor Vickie Carwein.
Jeff Casazza, associate professor of acting, movement, and voice, is one of four IPFW Featured Faculty for 2014. Each year, several IPFW faculty members are honored for their outstanding performance in their area of research, scholarly activity, or creative endeavor. As a quality measure that distinguishes IPFW from other institutions of higher education, the accomplishments of the Featured Faculty illustrate the comprehensive and significant contributions of IPFW faculty to the sciences, arts, humanities, and society.

Each of the IPFW Featured Faculty honorees will present a lecture about their research. Casazza will present a lecture on Wednesday, March 5, at the Helmke Library Learning Commons from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. "My presentation...Read More

Music Receives Clavinovas


IPFW Department of Music Chair Barbara Resch received a $29,000 grant on behalf of her department to refurbish the piano laboratory on the second floor of the Rhinehart Music Center as part of the IPFW Transformational Allocation Proposals (TAP).

"I'm really excited about getting this grant," said Resch. "The keyboards our students were working with had been in use for over 20 years and they had serious mechanical and electrical problems. We were able to work with our friends at Sweetwater Sound, a wonderful partner in the arts to IPFW, to purchase ten new Yamaha Clavinovas." Read more.  

Antone's Winning Landscape
Places to Watch by Mikhael Antone


The work of Mikhael Antone, assistant professor of imaging and photography, is featured in an exhibition entitled Mainland at Kiernan Gallery from January 2 - February 1, 2014. Based in Lexington, West Virginia, Kiernan Gallery is displaying the juried landscape photographs in-house and online. They are featuring the work of 25 photographers in the gallery space and another 34 in the online gallery. The works were adjudicated by Stella Kramer, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo editor who has worked at The New York Times, People, Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, Entertainment Weekly and other top magazines.


Antone relates to landscape as having a sense of place. "This show is about landscapes," said Antone. "I have found myself seeing the landscape in a different way and when...
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Brooke Francesi's Nightlife



Brooke Francesi, ('09, BFA, graphic design) has been living and working in San Francisco while attending California College of the Arts (CCA). Francesi is currently an associate creative director of B'stro, a creative agency focusing on quality design, speed of execution and strong working relationships between their agency and its clientele. Francesi recently participated in an exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences (CAS), a world-class museum.


Each Thursday, CAS presents an exhibitionen titled Nightlife. Open to the public, the Thursday night...Read More

VPA Alumni Boast New Jobs


Hello Readers! As editor of Expressions, the newsletter that champions our successes, I thought it most fitting to share with you my recent Linkedin notice telling me that 20% of my network found new jobs. The faces you see on the top half of that notice are all graduates of the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Our graduates are accomplished, dedicated and successful. Send us your students and will we change their world. - Susan Domer