EPN Consulting Limited

The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 59 - July 2015 

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In This Issue
Featured Message
H2020, FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
New Calls recently published
EUP+FIN: Investing in EU projects - new fund available
EUP+LEG: Stronger Data Protection Rules in Europe
ENE+TRA: Gothenburg launched 1st e-Bus route
ENE+EUP: Renewable Energy progress report
ENE+TRA: BMW wants to put EV charging station in street lights
ENE+TRA: Pure electric double-decker London bus trial
News from EPN Consulting Member: SBOING
Next Professional Events in Europe
The Website of the Month
The EPN Consulting's Core Values

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The company is based in London Victoria and its team boasts many years of experience in the Business Management and Consultancy sector. 

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Dear Subscriber,

Welcome to the July 2015 issue of the EPN Consulting Newsletter received every month by over 2,400 selected professionals in Europe.

Welcome also to Luxembourg that as of 01 July is in charge of leading the Presidency of the Council of the European Union until 31 Dec 2015.

A warm welcome to the EC decision, taken on 30 June 2015, of ending roaming charges by June 2017. Next Spring, though, a drastic cut on roaming costs will pave the way to the future. 

Remaining with EU affairs and focusing on EC funding schemes, last 17 June 2015 was the 2nd cut-off date to submit project proposals to the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument: an astonishing number of 2,990 proposals was received whose 2,029 for Phase 1 and 961 for Phase 2. Results will be known in August for the former and October for the latter.
The next cut-off date is on 17 Sept 2015.

On 22 June 2015 the long-awaited 1st call for proposals of the INTERREG EUROPE scheme was finally published. Deadline on 31 July 2015

On 24 June 2015, new calls of Horizon 2020 were launched, in particular regarding Mobility for Growth and Green Vehicles, both open until 15 Oct 2015.

Finally, if you have a bright idea that needs to be on the market soon, you have the chance of submit it to the 2nd deadline of the H2020 Fast Track to Innovation scheme, by 01 Sept 2015. Unlike the SME Instrument, you need a small consortium up to 5 partners whose 2-3 must come from industry.

As you can appreciate, if you would like to bid for EU funding this Summer you must work hard. Don't worry, EPN Consulting will be there to help!

EPN Consulting as a Consultancy
Contact EPN Consulting  for more information: you may want to book our professional assistance to convert your project idea into a real & funded work.
Alternatively, if you need pure consultancy, EPN Consulting will carry out feasibility and viability studies that will include some intelligence on EU projects that have been already funded to catch ideas and adapt them to the Client's needs. This will ensure the design of cutting-edge solutions that avoid re-inventing the wheel with a much appreciated consequence of saving time and money.

EPN Consulting
provides assistance to public and private organisations as well as Universities and Research Centres.
Special attention on cities that would like to become "Smart" and be assisted during this challenging and exciting process  as well as on SMEs that could enjoy a growth by using the great number of European funding available.

EPN Consulting
is also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with European projects. Contact us to know more about how we can help you.
If some of you are already involved in European projects and would like to publicise your progress, contact us and you will be impressed by the range of opportunities that are waiting for you.



EPN Consulting as a Network of Professionals 

The EPN Consulting is not only a consulting firm but also a vibrant Network of Professionals that generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you including outstanding visibility in Europe!

The EPN Consulting membership fees in GBP will be kept unchanged until 31 Dec 2015
Fees in EUR may be revised quarterly, however no increase has been applied in the 3rd quarter 2015
The EU Accession Countries continue to enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on membership fees ! 


Have you missed some of the previous issues of the EPN Consulting Newsletter? You can find all of them online here.


Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember our Member-Get-Member campaign: if you introduce a new member both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees!
As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn and Twitter, our Members gain immense visibility within and beyond Europe!

We wish you a promising July ! 

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This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about the EPN Consulting activity as well as professional news & events, and business opportunities happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.

Please be assured that all your data stored in our systems will never be given away/sold/disclosed as EPN Consulting enforces a strict privacy policy.
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its Founder & CEO. 
Horizon 2020 & other Calls shortly expiring   
European Projects

The following calls for proposals are close to an end in the next weeks: 

14 July 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-INNOSUP-2014-5 call (intermediate deadline)

23 July 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the COS-DESIGN-2015-3-03 call

31 July 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the INTERREG EUROPE 1st calls for proposals 

27 Aug 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-DS-2015-1 call (Digital Security)

27 Aug 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-DRS-2015 call (Disaster-Resilience)

27 Aug 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-BES-2015 call (Border security and External Security)

27 Aug 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-FCT-2015 call (Fight against Crime and Terrorism)

27 Aug 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-JTI-FCH-2015-1 call

01 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1 call - 2nd cut-off date (Fast Track to Innovation Pilot)

08 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage call (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-SC5-2015-two-stage call (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-LEIT-BIO-2015-1 call (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-NMP-2015-twostage (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-WATER-2015-two-stage call (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-ECSEL-2015-1-RIA-two-stage call (Stage 2)

08 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-ECSEL-2015-IA-two-stage call (Stage 2)

10 Sept 2015 - Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 (Individual Fellowships)


Find out more expiring calls on the EVENTS Section of the EPN Consulting website.
If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within EU Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages.  Join us!

New Calls recently published  
European Projects22 June 2015 - INTERREG EUROPE 1st call (deadline 31 July 2015)

24 June 2015 - H2020-MG-2015-Singlestage-B (deadline 15 Oct 2015)

24 June 2015 - H2020-GV-2015 (deadline 15 Oct 2015)

More details on our EVENTS Section.

If you would like to be regularly informed on EC activities relevant to your areas of interest, join EPN Consulting and become one of our valuable members. You will receive exclusive services and first-hand items of information as well as gain immense visibility on the European scenario.


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects preparation assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages.  Join us!
EUP+FIN - Investing in EU Projects: Council confirms agreement with  EU Parliament on New Fund
09 June 2015 - The Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) approved, on behalf of the Council, a compromise agreement on a European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) aimed at stimulating the economy.
The EFSI is intended to stimulate participation by private investors in a broad range of new investment projects. By taking on part of the risk through a first-loss liability, it is expected to achieve an overall multiplier effect of 1:15 in real investment.

Such leverage will eventually allow more than €300bn of additional investment to be mobilised during a three-year investment period.
The fund will be built on €16 billion in guarantees from the EU budget and €5 billion from the European Investment Bank.

More information available here.
EUP+LEG - Stronger Data Protection Rules for Europe
15 June 2015 - More than 90% of Europeans are concerned about mobile apps collecting their data without their consent.
An important step was taken to finalise EU data protection rules to help restore that confidence.

Ministers in the Council reached a General Approach on the new data protection rules, confirming the approach taken in the Commission's proposal back in 2012 (IP/12/46). The proposed rules received the backing of the European Parliament in March 2014 (MEMO/14/186).

The Commission's proposals update and modernise the principles enshrined in the 1995 Directive, bringing them into the digital age and building on the high level of data protection which has been in place in Europe since 1995.

More information available here.
ENE+TRA - Gothenburg launched 1st Electric Bus Route
15 June 2015 - The new Volvo electric buses will begin service on the city's route 55 in Gothenburg (Sweden) powered by renewable electricity from wind power and hydropower.
Volvo has provided the bus route with three completely electrically driven buses and seven electric hybrid buses.

The vehicles are equipped with battery packs that can be quick-charged at their end terminals, making energy consumption 80% lower than that of corresponding diesel buses. The electric buses will provide on board recharging points and wi-fi for passengers as well as extra-wide door openings, low entry access in the middle of the bus and a flat floor for child buggies and wheelchairs.

More information available here.
ENE+EUP - Renewable Energy progress report
16 June 2015 - The European Commission published the progress report on 2020 Renewable Energy targets, showing that the EU is on track to meet its 20% renewable energy targets.

With a projected share of 15.3% of renewable energy in 2014 in the gross final energy consumption, the EU and the vast majority of Member States are advancing well: 25 Member States are expected to meet their 2013/2014 national targets.

With a projected share of 5.7% renewable energy in transport in 2014, achieving the 10% target is challenging but remains feasible, with good progress in some Member States.

More information available here.
ENE+TRA - BMW wants to put an EV Charging Station in every street light
16 June 2015 - BMW's MINI Plant in Oxford (UK) is showcasing a high-efficiency street lighting system that doubles as a charging station for Electric Vehicles (EVs) during the city's second Low Carbon Oxford Week.
Known as "Light & Charge" and demonstrated for the first time in the UK, this innovative system is the outcome of a pilot project developed by the BMW Group and is a state-of-the-art LED street light that combines energy-efficient lighting with affordable EV charging.

Allowing cities to significantly reduce energy consumption, its integrated charge point also provides a cost-effective and simple solution which can be grafted straight onto the existing local authority street lighting infrastructure, substantially increasing the number of public charging stations.
EV charging stations can be set up at any location where suitable parking is available, simply by replacing conventional street lights with "Light & Charge" systems.

More information available here.
ENE+TRA - Pure electric double-decker London bus trial accounced
29 June 2015 - The world's first purpose-built purely electric double-decker bus will enter passenger service in London this year, Mayor Boris Johnson announced, as he hosted representatives and major bus manufacturers from across the globe at City Hall for the first ever global Clean Bus Summit. 

The Clean Bus Summit and new trial underlines the Mayor's continuing efforts to reduce emissions from London's bus fleet, which is already one of the cleanest in the world.  And thanks to today's summit, following London's example will become more affordable for more cities.

Since 2008, the Mayor has rolled out more than 1,300 hybrid electric buses, retrofitted more than 1,400 buses to reduce their emissions by up to 88 per cent and developed the New Routemaster, one of the cleanest double deck buses of its type in the world.

There will be 800 New Routemasters on London's streets by 2016 and they will reduce CO2 emissions in the Capital by around 27,500 tonnes a year. This is part of the Mayor's plan to halve NOx emissions from the bus fleet by the end of his term in office in 2016, compared to 2008.

More information available here.
News from EPN Consulting Members: SBOING from Greece
Sboing logo
We are happy to publish four exciting achievements of our member SBOING.

1) On 04 June 2015, SBOING was awarded the 1st prize at the pan-Hellenic competition for "Innovative IoT Applications" with our transport application (concept and mandatory demo), entitled: "WJETS: Whole Journey Experience of Internet Things through 'Sensourcing', for Sensitive Goods' Freight".
The competition was organised by the "Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers" (HACE / ΕΜηΠΕΕ) under the 7th "Green Connected World" conference.
The Press Release of HACE is available here and the Competition call here.

2) SBOING has been selected/invited by the JUPITER project to participate (as an exhibitor in a JUPITER booth) in the "ITS World Congress 2015" (to be held in Bordeaux, France, between 05-09 Oct 2015). The JUPITER (EU) project promotes EGNSS awareness and activities to foster the business development of GNSS based applications in the context of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

3) The SBOING Navigator, sbNavi™, has been selected by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) as one of the 26 apps of the "Galileo Apps Store" of the SUNRISE (EU) project

4) On 21 May 2015, SBOING was approved by SAMSUNG as an Independent Solution Vendor (Silver Partner) of the "Samsung Enterprise Alliance Program" (SEAP)
The EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme can help you expand Your BusinessApply now before it's too late!

EPN Consulting Limited          

Increasing the visibility of businesses is vital to companies willing to see their turnover grow. It is now possible to implement this ambitious plan by applying to the EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme.     


There are four Sponsorship packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum) that include the publication of your corporate logo on this monthly Newsletter.


By choosing a richer package you can also publish one or more editorials on the newsletter as well as advertise events/workshops you will organise also on the EPN Consulting website (News and/or Events Sections).

With the Platinum package your visibility will be further increased with more features available including the publication of news about your activities on the EPN Consulting CEO Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.


You can choose to subscribe to this service for 6 or 12 months (renewals will be properly rewarded!) and pay either in British Pounds or in Euros. Don't miss this opportunity: boost your 2015 business with an effective communication strategy: EPN Consulting is happy to advise on the best package for you. 


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts that grow proportionally with their membership package.  


More details of the EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme are available here.  

Next Professional Events happening in Europe

08-11 July 2015 - Athens (GR) - ICT - IC-EpsMsO 2015 - 6th International Conference on Experiments / Process / System Modeling / Simulation / Optimisation

28-30 July 2015 - London (UK) - ICT+INN - SAI 2015 - Science And Information conference

28-31 July 2015 - Lisbon (PT) - TRA - TRANSED 2015 - 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons

24-26 Aug 2015 - Rome (IT) - ICT - MOBIWIS 2015 - 12th International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems 

31 Aug - 04 Sept 2015 - Sofia (BG) - BIZ - 11th International Congress on South East European Studies

02-03 Sept 2015 - London (UK) - ENE+TEC - WIND FARM DEVELOPMENT - European Offshore 2015

03-05 Sept 2015 - Istanbul (TR) - ENV+TEC - IWE 2015 - Istanbul Water & Wastewater treatment technologies Exhibition & conference

09-11 Sept 2015 - Gothenburg (SE) - TRA - FAST-ZERO 2015 Symposium - 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology (FAST) towards Zero traffic accidents

14-18 Sept 2015 - Hamburg (DE) - ENE - EU PVSEC 2015 - European PhotoVoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition  

15-16 Sept 2015 - Brussels (BE) - EUP - 25 YEARS OF INTERREG


Find out many more 2015 and 2016 events on the EPN Consulting Events Section.
(More events could be added to the list during the current month)

There are Fantastic Business Opportunities for you:
if you buy one of the Sponsorship Packages you could sponsor one or more events or even have your logo on the top page of the Events Section (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available).

Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information. 


EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us!

The Website of the Month: IRENA Resource gateway

IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency, is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy.

IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.

IRENA provides also a useful resource gateway where it is possible to search for several items of information on Renewable Energy.

The EPN Consulting's Core Values   
EPN Consulting Limited


to provide you with industry-unbiased solutions 


to quickly understand your problems and design bespoke solutions


to meet all your requirements


to allow you carry out your day-to-day business with peace of mind


to exceed your expectations 


to provide you with brand-new solutions

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   Kind Regards,   

Stefano Mainero

Founder, CEO

 EPN Consulting Limited 
London, UK 
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