EPN Consulting Limited

The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 38 - October 2013   

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In This Issue
Featured Message
FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring
New Calls recently published
EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound proposals for EU grants
EPN Consulting for SMEs
Transport: Multi-modal Co-operation on Passenger Terminals
Quality Waterway Transport
Communications: Telecoms Single Market
EIB continues strong support for SMEs in Europe
EC frontloads 200 Million EUR of H2020
EC signs 4 Million EUR for Sustainable Urban Mobility
Transport: SuperHighway in the UK
Apply to the EPN Sponsorship Scheme
Welcome to New EPN Consulting Member: CYB
Next Professional Events in Europe
The Website of the Month
The EPN Consulting's Core Values

EPN Consulting is The European Professionals Network.

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EPN Consulting Events Section 

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EPN Consulting is an energetic business offering Consultancy in several areas, an Innovative Network of Professionals and a vibrant Business Hub to clients throughout the UK and Europe.
The company is based in London Victoria and its team boasts many years of experience in the Business Management and Consultancy sector. 
If firms would like to fund their business ideas and/or products, there may be the right opportunity in some of the European funding schemes and
EPN Consulting
can help find those ones suitable to them. 
EPN Consulting is constantly updated about EC activities and has got wide experience in assisting Clients during the preparation of proposals and, when needed, to manage existing projects.  
The firm delivers comprehensive consulting services to businesses (B2B) with the required flexibility to suit any kind of organisation (public or private, SME or large corporates). 
With assistance tailored on Clients' needs, EPN Consulting has fully qualified professionals helping Clients boost their business and their position on the market. 
Consulting Areas range from European Affairs, to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Sustainable Transport in Smart Cities and Energy & Environment plus additional capabilities focusing on promoting and implementing Innovation in private companies and public authorities. 
The idea of providing a European Professionals Network along with Consultancy is quite unique and this makes
EPN Consulting perfect for business purposes. 
Professionals who join EPN Consulting are entitled to showcase for FREE their expertise on this newsletter, on the News Section and on the Business Hub section of the EPN Consulting website with excellent chances to increase their business opportunities.    
EPN Consulting Members can enjoy also additional services for free or at reduced rates.

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EPN Consulting 
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Dear Subscriber,   

Welcome to the October 2013 issue of the EPN Consulting Newsletter received every month by over 2,100 selected professionals in Europe.

As always there is a lot of rich information we would like to share with you.

EPN Consulting for SMEs - NEW Service 
EPN Consulting is working hard to expand its Professionals Network and the quality of services to its members. That's why on 01 Oct 2013 six Thematic SubNets dedicated to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) were created.
More details below.

iCapital, the European Capital of Innovation Award 

With the European Capital of Innovation Award, the European Commission wants to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of a city in building up an innovation eco-system, i.e. a system which links the citizens (People) with a built environment (Place) and public organizations and policy-makers (Public) through business (Private).  

The contest is open until 03 Dec 2013, 5:00 p.m. (Brussels time). The award of EUR 500,000 will be given to the winning city to scale up its achievement.

An independent panel of experts will judge the applications on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Innovative - Initiatives must be highly innovative in terms of concepts, processes and tools.
  • Inspiring - Proposals should manage to attract talent, funding, investment and inspire citizens' involvement and engagement.
  • Integrated - The proposal should target the entire innovation ecosystem and has to clearly highlight its links with the Europe 2020 goals.
  • Interactive - The implemented action and the proposed scale-up should help facilitating the interactions between the different actors in the innovation ecosystem.

The experts will examine and select the iCapital which will be announced in spring 2014.

EPN Consulting can help you prepare a robust and exhaustive proposal, contact us.

HORIZON 2020 is nearly there
If you are waiting for preparing project proposals, be ready: in a couple of months lots of new calls will be published. The great news is your Research & Innovation activities will be fully funded!!
Contact EPN Consulting  for more information: you may want to book our professional assistance to convert your project idea into a real & funded work.
Last but not least: Great Funding Opportunities for SMEs !

ITS Conference 2013
For those interested in the EC ITS Conference 2013 - "Triggering ITS Deployment", please note that it will be held in Brussels on 02 Dec 2013.
EPN Consulting will be attending it and happy to meet you there to discuss business/collaboration opportunities.

If you need pure consultancy, EPN Consulting will carry out feasibility and viability studies that will include some intelligence on EU projects that have been already funded to catch ideas and adapt them to the Client's needs. This will ensure the design of cutting-edge solutions that avoid re-inventing the wheel with a much appreciated consequence of saving time and money.

The EPN Consulting Training Courses are being redesigned to take into account of the incoming Horizon 2020. Visit our Section to be informed about the new Autumn/Winter 2013 offer.
However, if you intend to train your staff, please contact us and we will be happy to assess your requirements and design customised courses for your organisation (either private or public).

EPN Consulting provides assistance to public and private organisations as well as Universities and Research Centres.

EPN Consulting
is also an ideal partner for your project consortium as we have got a lot of experience in dealing with European projects. Contact us to know more about how we can help you.

If some of you are already involved in European projects and would like to publicise your progress, contact us and you will be impressed by the range of opportunities that are waiting for you.
For instance, you could apply to the new EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme that has been carefully designed to help acquire/increase professional visibility in Europe and boost your business. Contact us to know which benefits you will generate by applying to this scheme. 



The EPN Consulting is not only a consulting firm but also a vibrant Network of Professionals that generates a lot of excellent know-how. If you are not a member yet, don't wait any longer and join us: a number of exclusive services are waiting for you.
The EU Accession Countries enjoy a fantastic 50%-discount on membership fees until 31 Dec 2013!
The EPN Consulting membership fees in GBP will be kept unchanged until 31 Dec 2013 whilst those in EUR may be revised quarterly (no increase so far nor in Q3 2013).


Have you missed some of the previous issues of the EPN Consulting Newsletter? You can find all of them online here.


Finally, if you are already an EPN Consulting Member, please remember our Member-Get-Member campaign: if you introduce a new member both of you will receive a discount on your membership fees!
As this newsletter is also published on LinkedIn and Twitter, our Members gain immense visibility within and beyond Europe!
We wish you a busy October! 

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This EPN Consulting Newsletter is delivered to your mailbox to inform you about the EPN Consulting activity as well as professional news & events, and business opportunities happening in Europe.
It is sent to both members and non-members willing to foster innovation in Europe.

Please be assured that all your data stored in our systems will never be given away/sold/disclosed.
EPN Consulting enforces a strict privacy policy and it is registered to the UK's ICO (Information Commissioner's Office).
You receive this newsletter because you have been in touch with EPN Consulting or its CEO.

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FP7 & other Calls shortly expiring   
European Projects


The following calls for proposals are close to an end in the next 3 months:


- 14 Oct 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the CELTIC-PLUS Autumn 2013 Call 


- 15 Oct 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-CDRP-Women-Innovators call   


- 17 Oct 2013 - Deadline to submit applications to become European Green Capital 2016 


- 22 Oct 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the SP1-JTI-CS-2013-02 (Clean Sky JTI) Call 


- 31 Oct 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the ITEA2 (Information Technology for European Advancement) Call 

- 01 Nov 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the 2013 EU Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) Award  


- 15 Nov 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the EUROGIA (EUREKA Cluster for Low-Carbon Energy Technologies) Call  

- 26 Nov 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the EURIPIDES2 (European Smart Electronic Systems) Call  


- 03 Dec 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2013-2 Call 


- 03 Dec 2013 - Deadline to submit applications to the EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF INNOVATION AWARD - iCAPITAL  


- 10 Dec 2013 - Deadline to submit proposals to the Future Internet 2013 (FP7-2013-ICT-FI) Call  


Find out more expiring calls on the EVENTS Section of the EPN Consulting website.

If you would like to be advised on how to prepare and submit project proposals within EU Programmes, EPN Consulting is the right consultancy to choose. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.

Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages.Join us!

New Calls recently published  
European Projects


During last month the following new calls were launched.


- 13 Sept 2013 - 105-G-ENT-CIP-13-C-N03C03 (European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance (deadline 05 Nov 2013)      


In Dec 2013 HORIZON 2020 will be launched and EPN Consulting is following closely the progress of this new 2014-2020 funding programme to better serve members and customers. Visit the EU Projects Consultancy  for more information.

Would you like to know more about what an EU project is like? Attend one the tailored training courses that EPN Consulting organises for its clients. Visit the Training courses and Seminars section.

If you would like to be regularly informed on EC activities relevant to your areas of interest, join EPN Consulting and become one of our valuable members. You will receive exclusive services and first-hand items of information as well as gain immense visibility on the European scenario.


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts on EU projects assistance as well as up to a fantastic 20%-discount on Training Courses packages.  Join us!


EPN Consulting helps you prepare sound projects proposals for EU grants! Book your place to learn how to improve your chances of success!


As many of you already know, the new Framework programme Horizon 2020 is due to start on 1st Jan 2014. It will have a more streamlined funding scheme and will focus on strategic areas that need Research & Innovation efforts as well as on SMEs.


That's why EPN Consulting is preparing new training courses to help you get prepared to grab the best opportunities for you.


Visit our Training Courses & Seminars Section in the next weeks to be informed on our initiatives!  



EPN Consulting Members receive up to 20% discount on training courses fees!   


New Service: "EPN Consulting for SMEs" 
EPN Consulting Limited
EPN Consulting is working hard to expand its Professionals Network and the quality of services to its members.

That's why on 1st Oct 2013 it was launched the "EPN Consulting for SMEs" service that includes Six Thematic SubNets (TSN) dedicated to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). They regard the following professional areas:
TSN 1) Transport & Logistics 
TSN 3) Environment & Energy 
TSN 4) Mechanics 
TSN 5) Buildings & Civil Infrastructures 
TSN 6) Food & Agriculture

Current Members will be added to their relevant TSN for FREE and forever!

New Members will be added to their relevant SubNet for FREE until 31 Dec 2013.
As of Jan 2014 Premium and Ultimate members will continue to join SubNets for FREE, New Basic and Starter members will pay a small additional fee.

Information Services provided within each TSN:
- Funding Opportunities specifically addressed to the chosen TSN (EU funds, banks, etc.) concerning Research & Innovation and Demonstration activities
- Events, fairs, conferences concerning the TSN topics
- Best practices reported in EU projects dealing with the TSN topics
- M&A news, large contracts signed, concerning the TSN market
- Potential synergies with other TSNs

More information on the EPN Consulting Membership is available here.
Transport - Multi-modal Co-operation on Passenger Terminals to ensure Sustainable Mobility needed 
Riga, 05 Sept 2013 - Speaking at the Smart Move Workshop on Passenger Terminals, the IRU publicly reiterated its demand for buses and coaches to have free and full access to terminal infrastructure, including that of other transport modes, to support the creation of an integrated, efficient and sustainable Europe-wide passenger transport network.


IRU Head of Passenger Transport Mr Oleg Kamberski, stressed, "Multimodal passenger transport terminals are an essential requirement in creating the truly integrated, seamless and sustainable European transport network that its citizens demand. Not only are buses and coaches routinely prevented from accessing the terminals of other modes, but in many European countries, bus and coach terminals simply do not exist. This situation is unacceptable to the millions of people that use buses and coaches every year".


Bus and coach access to all transport terminal infrastructure is crucial to ensure an attractive door-to-door transport solution for all passengers. European citizens must enjoy a seamless collective passenger transport service, which successfully competes with the performance and flexibility of the private car if private car users are to be encouraged to use more sustainable forms of mobility.


More information is available here

Transport - towards Quality Waterway Transport    

EU Brussels, 10 Sept 2013 - The Commission proposes a new action programme (NAIADES II) with measures that will improve the framework conditions for the inland waterway sector and will boost the economic and environmental performance of this transport mode.

The NAIADES I Action programme from 2006 listed over 30 actions to promote inland navigation. Many of these actions have now been finalised and the programme now needs to be updated. We need to refocus policy on the key issues of improving the economic and environmental performance of the sector.

Key facts and figures:
  • The top 5 biggest sea ports in the EU are all connected to inland waterways.

  • Every year, 140 billion tonne kilometres are transported over EU inland waterways.

  • There are over 230 inland ports in the TEN-T network, of which about 75 are part of the Core network. About 40 of these ports combine the status of inland and seaport.

  • The CO2 emissions and fuel consumption of a large inland waterway ship are only 1/3 of those of road transport.

  • Rotterdam, the largest sea port in the EU transferred in 2010 1/3 of all goods via inland waterways.

  • Europe's navigable inland waterways add up to 37,000 kilometres.

More information is available here.
Communications - EC proposes major step forward for Telecoms Single Market    
Brussels, 11 Sept 2013 - The European Commission adopted its most ambitious plan in 26 years of telecoms market reform. Launched by Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in his 2013 State of the Union speech, the "Connected Continent" legislative package, when adopted, will reduce consumer charges, simplify red tape faced by companies, and bring a range of new rights for both users and service providers, so that Europe can once again be a global digital leader.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said: "Further substantial progress towards a European single market for telecoms is essential for Europe's strategic interests and economic progress. For the telecoms sector itself and for citizens who are frustrated that they do not have full and fair access to internet and mobile services. In brief: 

  • EU-wide and roaming-free mobile plans;

  • Simpler rules to help companies invest more and expand across borders;

  • First-ever EU-wide protection of net neutrality;

  • Abolishing premiums for international phone calls within Europe

More information is available here
EIB continues strong support for SMEs in Europe     

19 Sept 2013 - The EIB's Board of Directors approved loans worth up to EUR 2.6 billion for the benefit of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and mid-cap companies (up to 3,000 employees) in the European Union.

This brings total EIB support for European SMEs and mid-caps approved so far in 2013 to some EUR 12 billion compared to EUR 7.3 billion in the same period of 2012.

EIB President Werner Hoyer stated: "The positive development of our support for European SMEs and midcap companies underlines our strong commitment to contributing to the creation of jobs and growth in the EU. We will stay focused on this target and will continue to adapt our instruments to market needs".


More information is available here
EC frontloads 200 Million EUR of Horizon 2020 Budget     
20 Sept 2013 - The European Commission's 2014 draft budget has been amended to give increased funding to
Erasmus+, COSME and Horizon 2020.

The additional funds will be frontloaded for the 2014 and 2015 period as part of the annual budgetary procedure for specific policy objectives.

The COSME program will have its budget increased by 30 million euro in 2014, while the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation will receive 200 million Euros more in 2014.

Janusz Lewandowski, the EU budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski stated that "2014 will be the first year of the new MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework) and I want the EU budget to boost troubled economies from day one".

The larger investment in research and innovation by the commission is stated as being for the objective of bringing jobs, especially for the young.

More information is available here
EC signs €4 million grant for Sustainable Urban Mobility      
30 Sept 2013 - The European Commission signed a grant agreement worth €4 million with a consortium of 14 European research institutes, associations and consulting companies - including 10 SMEs - for a three-year project known as "CIVITAS Capital".

Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport, said: "This grant demonstrates the continued commitment of the EU to Sustainable Urban Mobility. CIVITAS is one of the most important EU initiatives in this field, and will deliver tangible results. We need to develop further the urban dimension of our transport policy. To that end, the Commission will present a comprehensive urban mobility package later this year".

More information is available here
Transport - SuperHighway: A14 to become Britain's first Internet-Connected Road       
02 Oct 2013 - The A14, one of the UK's most congested highways, connecting the busy container port at Felixstowe (East of England) to Birmingham, is to become Britain's first Internet-connected road in a pilot project that could pave the way for everything from tolls to self-driving cars

A network of sensors will be placed along a 50-mile (80-km) stretch of the A14 in a collaboration between British Telecom, the Department for Transport and the Cambridge start-up Neul, creating a Smart Road which can monitor traffic by sending signals to and from mobile phones in moving vehicles.


The technology, which sends signals over the white spaces between television channels instead of mobile phone networks, could even pave the way for government systems to automatically control car speeds.

More information is available here
The EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme can help you expand Your Business:  Apply Now before its' too late!   

EPN Consulting Limited          






Increasing the visibility of businesses is vital to companies willing to see their turnover grow. It is now possible to implement this ambitious plan by applying to the EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme.     


There are four Sponsorship packages (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum) that include the publication of your corporate logo on this monthly Newsletter.


By choosing a richer package you can also publish one or more editorials on the newsletter as well as advertise events/workshops you will organise also on the EPN Consulting website (News and/or Events Sections).

With the Platinum package your visibility will be further increased with more features available including the publication of news about your activities on the EPN Consulting CEO Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.


You can choose to subscribe to this service for 6 or 12 months (renewals will be properly rewarded!) and pay either in British Pounds or in Euros. Don't miss this opportunity: boost your 2013 business with an effective communication strategy: EPN Consulting is happy to advise on the best package for you. 


EPN Consulting Members enjoy discounts that grow proportionally with their membership package.  


More details of the EPN Consulting Sponsorship Scheme are available here


(Sponsor this newsletter)
Welcome to a new EPN Consulting Member: CAUTION YOUR BLAST from London (UK)

We are delighted to welcome Caution Your Blast from London (UK) to the EPN Consulting Network. 


Caution Your Blast (CYB), led by Ben Stewart, helps navigate and innovate across management, design and delivery for digital products and services. CYB prefers to work on products and services that are developed for social good.


CYB's attention is on the changing ways people communicate and behave within the digital revolution and new hyper-networked societies.


Main areas of expertise are Management of creative and technical software projects, Digital solution design for web and mobile applications, Enterprise and consumer markets, High security and high performance cloud based applications.

CYB is proud of the Product design and management of the award winning 'Commuter' iPhone app. Providing multi-modal real-time public transport planning and monitoring.

In addition, CYB provided Product solution design & management for the Guardian News & Media iPad subscriptions as well as management ofthe Guardian News and Media Interactive team - responsible for building the team that went on to win the 2012 Data Journalism Awards.  



Next Professional Events happening in Europe

10-11 Oct 2013 - Amsterdam (NL) - TRA - UMI Event - 2nd EUROPEAN PORT & SHIPPING CONFERENCE 

10-11 Oct 2013 - Nice (FR) - ENE+INN+TRA - PLUGBOAT 2013 - World Electric Boat Summit

15 Oct 2013 - Paris (FR) - BIZ+FIN+TRA - TheEconomist Event - THE FUTURE OF AEROSPACE - Exploring the Next Generation of Civilian and Military Flight




16 Oct 2013 - London (UK) - LEG - LGPN (Local Government Procurement Network) SHOWCASE 2013 - Delivering Value through Innovation  

16 Oct 2013 - Brussels (BE) - BIZ+FIN+ICT - THE FUTURE OF PAYMENTS


16-17 Oct 2013 - Warsaw (PL) - ENE - RENEXPO POLAND - 3rd Trade Fair for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency  


16-18 Oct 2013 - Tallinn (EE) - CIV+EUP+ITS+LEG+TRA - 2013 TEN-T DAYS 

16-18 Oct 2013 - Bologna (IT) - ICT+INN+LEG - SMART CITY EXHIBITION 2013 - Communication, Quality and Development in Smart Cities 


16-19 Oct 2013 - Bologna (IT) - CIV+ICT - FORUM SAIE 2013 - Better Buildings & Smart Cities

17 Oct 2013 - Kortrijk (BE) - TRA - 8th IRU European Bus and Coach Forum - European Group Tourism by Coach: Driving Seniors'  and out of season Tourism 


17-18 Oct 2013 - Moscow (RU) - TRA - NEXT STATION 2013 - Linking Railways and Society 

17-18 Oct 2013 - Sofia (BG) - BIZ+FIN - TheEconomist Event - THE EU-BALKAN SUMMIT: Paving the Way to Recovery and Growth 

17-18 Oct 2013 - Brussels (BE) - ICT+LEG - SAFER INTERNET FORUM 2013 


18 Oct 2013 - Marne-la-Vallee (Paris, FR) - BIZ+FIN+ENE+ICT+ITS+TRA - GREENCITY INVESTMENT FORUM 


18-23 Oct 2013 - Kortrijk (BE) - BIZ+ITS+TRA - BUSWORLD KORTRIJK 2013 


22 Oct 2013 - London (UK) - BIZ+ENE+FIN - FT Conference - THE FT RENEWABLE ENERGY SUMMIT 


22-23 Oct 2013 - Athens (GR) - ENE+EUP+LEG - ECOPOL Conference - Accelerating Eco-Innnovation Policies 


23 Oct 2013 - Freiburg (DE) - BIZ+ENE+TEC - SOLAR SUMMIT 2013 - 6th International Conference on Highlights and Trends in Solar Energy 


23-24 Oct 2013 - Hamburg (DE) - ICT - CC (Critical Communications) EXPO 


23-25 Oct 2013 - Zaragoza (ES) - ITS+TRA - ECITL 2013 - 6th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics 


27-30 Oct 2013 - Budapest (HU) - ENE - E2C 2013 - 3rd European Energy Conference 


28-30 Oct 2013 - Nantes (FR) - BIZ+ICT - 2013 NEM (Network and Electronic Media) SUMMIT - Implementing Future Media Internet towards New Horizons 


28-31 Oct 2013 - Turin (IT) - BIO+BIZ+FIN+INN - SCIENCE AND THE FUTURE - Economic Growth and Physical Constraints 

28-31 Oct 2013 - Montb�liar-Belfort (FR) - ICT - LISE 13 - Workshop on LOCATION-BASED SERVICES FOR INDOOR SMART ENVIRONMENTS 


29 Oct 2013 - London (UK) - CIV+ENE+ENV+ICT+TEC+TRA - TheEconomist Event - THE INFRASTRUCTURE SUMMIT: FUTURE CITIES - Smart Solutions, Connections and Networks 


30-31 Oct 2013 - Istanbul (TR) - BIZ+FIN+ENE+ENV - TheEconomist Event - EUROPEAN ENERGY SUMMIT - New Thinking on Energy Production, Distribution and Consumption  


31 Oct - 02 Nov 2013 - Moscow (RU) - BIZ+ICT+INN+TEC - OPEN INNOVATIONS 2013 


04-05 Nov 2013 - Epsom (UK) - ARD+BIZ+INN - SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION 2013 - Collaboration, Co-Creation, New Business Models


04-06 Nov 2013 - Budapest (HU) - ENE+ENV+ICT - GREEN ELECTRONICS 2013 

04-06 Nov 2013 - Lille (FR) - ENE+EUP+LEG - 3rd WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - Climate Change Impacts on Water Security and Safety  






05-07 Nov 2013 - Muenich (DE) - ENE+ENV+ICT+TRA - EUROPEAN SPACE SOLUTIONS - Discover what Space brings to your Life 

05-07 Nov 2013 - Tampere (FI) - ITS+TEC+TRA - ITST 2013 -13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications 


06-07 Nov 2013 - London (UK) - ENE+ENV+TRA - IET Event - HEVC 2013 - 4th Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference 


06-08 Nov 2013 - Vilnius (LT) - EUP+ICT - ICT 2013: CREATE, CONNECT, GROW  


Find out many more events on the EPN Consulting Events Section.

There are Fantastic Business Opportunities for you: if you buy one of the
Sponsorship Packages you could sponsor one or more events or even

have your logo on the top page of the Events Section (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze packages available). Please drop us an email if interested and we will provide you with all information. 



EPN Consulting Members enjoy up to 20% discount on sponsoring packages. Join us!

The Website of the Month: GPP 2020, Procurement for a Low-Carbon Economy

This month we have chosen the GPP 2020, Procurement for a Low-Carbon Economy.

In line with the special attention EPN Consulting devotes to Sustainable Mobility, Low-Carbon Economy and Europe 2020 goals, GPP 2020 aims to mainstream low-carbon procurement across Europe in support of the EU's goals to achieve a 20% reduction in GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions, a 20% increase in the share of renewable energy and a 20% increase in energy efficiency by 2020.

To this end, GPP 2020 will implement more than 100 low-carbon tenders, which will directly result in substantial CO2 savings. Moreover, GPP 2020 is running a capacity building programme that includes trainings and exchange.

GPP 2020 low-carbon tenders need to take potential energy and CO2 reductions into consideration straight from the beginning of the development of the tender. An initial calculation informs decision makers and procurers of the savings that can be achieved. Once the tender is awarded, all GPP 2020 low-carbon tenders are monitored and their impact is assessed by calculating the amount of energy and CO2 savings the tender achieved. For legal reasons, the methodology cannot be applied during the award phase.


The EPN Consulting's Core Values   
EPN Consulting Limited


to provide you with industry-unbiased solutions 


to quickly understand your problems and design bespoke solutions


to meet all your requirements


to allow you carry out your day-to-day business with peace of mind


to exceed your expectations 


to provide you with brand-new solutions

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Please contact us for any question about becoming an EPN Consulting Member, proposing business offers, informing us on your business specialties, et cetera.
   Kind Regards,   

Stefano Mainero

Founder, CEO

 EPN Consulting Limited 
London, UK 
View our profile on LinkedIn