June is the start of twice weekly markets! We will begin opening on Wednesdays at 5PM starting on June 5. Saturday markets will continue to open at 8AM.
Be prepared to show us your produce this Wednesday and Saturday in exchange for a coupon that will give you savings with participating Main Street merchants.
We look forward to hosting spinners at the market, as well as music by special guests. Watch for details in an upcoming e-note for a fried taco fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
And there's more!
The return of the Food Preservation Workshop, by Karen Blakeslee, Food Scientist from KSU, for instance. I had the opportunity to take this class last year and I can't begin to recommend it enough. The class provides an ideal introduction to preserving what you harvest at the market each week and would also be an excellent refresher for those with some experience preserving foods. I, for one, spent many hours in the kitchen growing up as my mother, aunt, and grandmother canned foods from the garden. This class answered a lot of questions I had when attempting to preserve foods on my own. It certainly increased my confidence and inspired me to save market produce all year long. The details for enrolling are below in this newsletter.
See you at the market!
Tracy Simmons
Market Manager
Thanks to the market's lead sponsor
| |
Become a Friend of the Emporia Farmers Market
June 5, 8 & 12: Markets sponsored by Emporia Celebrates the Flint Hills
Show us your produce, Emporia!
Emporia Celebrates the Flint Hills, a group of citizens promoting activities that expose the public to the grandeur of the Flint Hills Region, is sponsoring the first two weeks of June Markets. On June 5, 8 and 12 you will be able to earn discounts at area downtown businesses by shopping at the market. Simply show a volunteer at the market kiosk what you've purchased at the market that day, and you will receive a coupon for qualifying specials with Main Street merchants, such as...
Town Crier Bookstore- 716 Commercial 20% off any book in the store Bath Expressions- 722 Commercial Get a 1.75oz solid lotion bar free (retail value $3.25) FHTC Community Connections- 3301 W. 18th 10% off FHTC Community Connections classes (excluding Farmers Market Class Series). Enter promo code: PRODUCE at checkout. View upcoming courses at: or call 341-1392. Plum Bazaar 615 Commercial- FREE FREE FREE, three free pieces of jewelry from our dollar boxes
Granada Coffee - 809 Commercial, 10% off a drink
Java Cat Coffeehouse -608 Commercial, 10% off your purchase
Studio 11 - 606 Commercial, 10% off any item
June 26: Fried Taco Fundraiser
for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
June 29: Market hosted by St. Francis Community Services
Saint Francis Community Services is a community-based service provider that has been a voice of hope for children and families since 1945. Our mission is to be an instrument of healing for children, youths, and families in spirit, mind, and body, so they live responsibly and productively with purpose and hope. For more information about Saint Francis, visit or call 1-800-423-1342. |
A Big THANK YOU to All Who Helped with the Dirty Kanza 200 Pasta Palooza on May 31
We can't say thanks enough to all who helped with this fundraising event for the Emporia Farmers Market. From cookie donations to help with set up, clean up, prepping and serving... Thank You! Watch for further reports on the success of this event.
SFMNP Vouchers Now Available
ECKAN is now accepting applications for Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (KS SFNMP) vouchers. The program provides qualifying low-income seniors with $30 of cash benefits for use during the 2013 harvest season.
SFMNP vouchers may be used to purchase local, fresh produce at farmers markets, roadside stands and community supported agriculture (CSA) programs.
Please Contact:
Angela Marcotte
Lyon County Coordinator
616 Merchant
A Visit to Sweet Haven Fields:
Tim and Onnalee Nicklin
Tim and Onnalee Nicklin began selling with the Emporia Farmers Market in 2012. Their product list includes peas and purple passion asparagus. Strawberries, black raspberries, radishes, kale, lettuce, spinach and rose orach, a colorful spinach substitute. The Nicklins also grow burgundy okra, sweet peppers, snacking and slicing tomatoes as well as a variety of herbs. They make a low-sugar strawberry jam that became very popular with market shoppers.
Sweet Haven Fields is about as sweet as country living gets. Arriving at the Nicklin farm, I felt as if I'd entered a wonderland. The hillside was blooming with purple flowers. The house and gardens are nestled within a grove of trees, a shady creek running nearby.
 They utilize raised beds, compost, mulch ( no till or chemicals), sodded garden aisles, and narrow growing beds. Because they live in a low-lying area highly populated by deer, the gardens are fenced and surrounded by berms. Fencing keeps the deer out, though Onnalle says they have been known to test the gates to see that they are truly closed, and the berms keep the flood waters from doing too much destruction in the garden areas.
A Visit to Tallgrass Custom Wood Products:
Kevin Church
Kevin Church says he is probably the first person to move from  Idaho to Kansas to start a career in the forest products industry. Though most people think of Kansas as flat and treeless, that picture isn't entirely accurate. Church has started his business, Tallgrass Custom Wood Products, on 10  acres north of Emporia with the goal of applying the principles of conservation biology to a more sustainable application of forest ecology in Kansas and the wise use of area wood.
I was able to visit Tallgrass Custom Wood Products with the Small Farm Management students of the Flint Hills Technical College Sustainability Program on a cold day in February. Church has now joined the Emporia Farmers Market. He brings a selection of local wood to each market and talks with shoppers about the products and services he offers.
The Emporia Farmers Market Series of Classes at Community Connections
Check out the website for a full listing of classes: or
Enroll online, at the front office or call 341-1392 today!
Food Preservation Workshop
Register Now!!
July 18th, 2013
July 19th, 2013
9am - 4pm
Learn the proper food preservation techniques for pressure and water bath canning, as well as tips for dehydrating foods. In this class you will get hands-on experience making salsa, jelly and canning the vegetable of the day.
This is a hands-on workshop. The class will be taught by Karen Blakeslee, Food Scientist from KSU. The fee is $25.00. Reservations are required, a minimum of 10 people, maximum of 20, RSVP due by July 6 to K-State Research and Extension Lyon County Office at 341-3220. Class must be paid for when reservation is made. July 19th will only be offered if the July 18th class fills. Class will be held at the Flint Hills Technical College, 3301 W. 18th Ave. in Emporia.
Lunch will be provided.
Check out all the courses offered through Community Connections by visiting their website at or look for a course catalog at the market or any area business
Introducing 2013 Market Vendors |
DJ Heins Farms: Dennis & Jeanne Heins
Selling with EFM since 2006
Products Offered: Up to 6 kinds of lettuce: Romaine, Black Seeded Simpson, Red Salad Bowl, ButterCrunch. Spinach. Carrots. Beets. Yukon Gold Potatoes. Radishes. Beauregard Sweet Potatoes. Okra. Peaches & Cream Corn. Peppers: Rainbow Sweet, Yellow, Green, Orange, Red, Purple, Jalapenos, Habanero, Red Pimento. Tomatoes: Early Girl, Sung Gold, Beef Master, Heirloom Brandy, Wine, JetStar, Mortgage Lifter, Rutgers. Asparagus. Strawberries. Apples. Squash. Cucumbers. Cauliflower. Cabbage. Broccoli. Herbs: Dill, Cilantro, Basil.
Use organic, homemade fertilizers and insect control. No commercially prepared food or control items.

Delmer Hinichs Farm
Selling with EFM since 1994
Products Offered: Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Okra, Garlic, Potatoes, Beans, Peas, Lettuce, Radishes, Carrots, Swiss Chard, Turnips, Beets, Summer Squash, Winter Squash, Pumpkins, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Cantaloupes, Watermelon.
Jeanette Hurshman
Detailed Product Listing: Jams and jellies; orange marmalade, strawberry preserves. Pies: apple, strawberry, rhubarb, pecan. Perrenials; St. John's Wort, Anise, Penstemon, Daylilies, Iris.

The Summer Kitchen: Hannah Miller
Selling with EFM since 2013
Yeast bread, angel food cake and other baked goods. Fresh farm eggs and homemade pasta.

The Orchard: Bob Karr
Selling with EFM since 1986
Products Offered: Honey, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Blackberries, Fruitwood (smokers), Raspberries, Plums, Peaches, Apples. IMP orchard practices, non-certified organic vegetables.
Stanton's Garden: Roy L. Stanton, Sr.
Products Offered: A wide variety of garden vegetables, live herbs and mums in season.
Thrill's Kettle Corn: Jerry Hill
Selling with EFM since 2012
Fresh cooked kettle corn!
Waite & Allenby Soap Company: Debra Arb
Selling with EFM since 2010
Natural artisan soaps and skin care products. Soaps are made the cold-processed way to retain the natural glycerin and emollients. A variety of herbs, botanicals, clays & essential oils as well as goat's milk, honey, oatmeal, seaweed, sea salt, henna, Dutch processed cocoa, ground coffee, pumpkin puree, coconut milk, jojoba oil, black pepper and more are used. Base oils include extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sustainable palm oil and castor oil.
Formerly Sleepy Hollow Soapary.
Kaylee Wood
Selling with EFM since 2013
A wide variety of produce and some baked goods and jellies. Kaylee also provides some homemade cleaning products.
We tend to overplant and end up with excess produce we would like to share with everyone!
A complete directory (in progress) of Market Vendors will be available at
Thank YOU for Shopping Emporia Farmers Market. |
| photo by Evie Simmons |
Wednesdays 5 PM
Saturdays 8 AM
till approximately 10:30 AM, depending on weather and produce available -- shop early for the best selection!
June 5, 5PM
First Wednesday Market
followed by the only Live in the Lot of the season.
The Skirts
playing in the market parking lot from 7-9PM
June 8, 8AM
market sponsored by Emporia Celebrates the Flint Hills
Knit in Public Day at the market
June 12, 5PM
June 15, 8AM
Coffee roasted in Emporia? Visit the market this Saturday to visit with a new vendor, who plans to come full time in the fall. He will be roasting coffee from his Costa Rican plantation and is looking for feedback about his product.
June 19, 5PM
June 22, 8AM
market hosts: Veteran City Rollers (girls on skates to valet your veggies!)
music by The Neighborly Brothers
June 26, 5PM
Fried Taco Fundraiser
by Darren & Jana Ortega
Proceeds to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
June 29, 8AM
market host: St.Francis Community Services
music by Lee Muller
Located in
Downtown Emporia
Parking Lot at 7th & Merchant
The Emporia Farmers Market Accepts Vision Cards
The market is currently offering $2 in market tokens for every $1 a customer spends on a state of Kansas Vision Card. Please see a volunteer at the market kiosk/desk for details. Offer good while supplies last.
This gift made possible by the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust.
Thank You to our Farmhands
The Market could not run without you!
May Market Volunteers:
Janet Brassart
Colby Fuller
Becky Hadike
Ellen Hansen
Angela Rangel
Ruthann Resch
Evie Simmons
Maddie Simmons
Rand Simmons
Becky Smith
Wendi Talley
Market Musicians:
Savanna Chestnut
Market Sponsors |
Winter Market & Vision Card Enhancement Sponsor:
The Emil Babinger Chartiable Trust
Facilities Sponsors:
The City of Emporia
Lyon County K-State Research & Extension
Elbert Liquor Store
Mark II Lumber
Media Sponsors:
The Emporia Gazette
The Flint Hills Shopper
Community Partner & Event Sponsors:
Country Mart North
Emporia Community Foundation
Emporia Main Street
Emporia Subways
Flint Hills Community Health Center
Emporia Area Local Food Network
Murphy's Menu
Thurston's Plus
Many Thanks to the Friends of the Emporia Farmers Market & Farmhands
Heath & Kim Botkin
Riley Botkin
Taylor Botkin
Janet Brassart
Harold & Naomi Brenzikofer
Ele Browning
Betty Campbell & Margaret
Tyler Curtis
Carla Davis
S.C. Dixon
Paul DuToit
Emporia Gardeners of America
Flint Hills Music
Joe & Allison Foster
Courtney Gagan
Erica Grayson
Becky Hadicke
Ellen Hansen
Christina Hardin Fannie Harrell
Dr. Stephen Haught
Roger Heineken
Beth Henrikson & Charles
June Hubert
Bill & Dianne Ihling
Janice Jaggard
Amy Jordan
Patricia Kahn
Rachael LeClear
Logan Ave. 4-H Club
Lyon County Master Gardeners
Max McCoy
Regina Murphy
Wanda Myers
Bobbi Mylnar
Dr. DenaSue Potestio
Ruthann Resch
Gretchen Russell
David Scheller
Mike Scheller
Carol Schoeck
Mark Schondelmaier
Mark Sherman
Dr. Michael Shonrock
Evie Simmons
Kaman Simmons
Maddie Simmons
Rand Simmons
Becky Smith
Karen Sommers
Ben Stallings
Ashley Storrer
Anna Tall
Pam Thuma
Cheryl Unruh
Jesse & Beth Wilson
Casey Woods
Jennifer Youngblood
Barbara Younger
and Market Musicians
Sara Coltrane
Savanna Chestnut
Sue Claridge
Lance Fahy
Joe Foster
Bill Ihling
Eric Martin
Jane McCoy
The Neighborly Brothers
Carlos Pringle
Ben Stallings
P.J. Stephenson
Anne Strobel
Charlie Wilks
Anton Zouplna
Anton Zouplna, Sr.
Anton Zouplna, III
Contact EFM |
EFM Market Office
Please note that our business office has moved!
Our new location is at:
701 Commercial
Suite 202
Emporia, KS
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1911
Emporia, KS 66801
Office Hours:
by appointment