It's hard to believe we are wrapping up a third season of Indoor Winter Markets already. You have two more opportunities to shop indoors at the Emporia Humanitarian Center, Saturday, April 6 and April 20. Both of those markets will start at 10:00AM and should be lots of fun. For music, we have the market debut of Ben Stallings on Saturday the 6th. Ben is a market vendor and board member who also has talents playing the auto harp! Plan to pull up a chair and enjoy the tunes.
Then the vendors will warm up for the return to the parking lot by attending the Flint Hills Sustainability Fair on Saturday, April 27. That market will start at 9:00AM. We hope this helps to ease you back in for the 8:00AM start time on May 4th when we return to the parking lot at 7th & Merchant.
It's been a busy month with the market's annual meeting and calendar coordinating for summer months. Please enjoy the recap of our 2012 season below. As well, take a moment to get to know our new board members and 2013 vendors who are introduced in this newsletter.
We have opportunities at the market for community group fundraisers, volunteers, new vendors and more. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the Emporia Farmers Market and how you can be involved.
See you at the market!
Tracy Simmons
Market Manager
Bring the Family
Fun! Free! And Educational!
The Sustainable Living Center would like to invite you and your family to the Flint Hills Sustainability Fair to be held on Saturday, April 27th from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Flint Hills Technical College Campus, 3301 W. 18th Avenue.
The Flint Hills Sustainability Fair is a community event designed to educate people about what it means to live sustainably. There will be information about local food systems, recycling, energy efficiency, alternative energy, and so much more.
We are excited to announce that the Farmers Market will be at the event again this year, so mark your calendars. The Flint Hills Sustainability Fair is FREE to the public.
To find out how your business or organization can participate, please contact Amy Becker with Flint Hills Technical College at 341-1335.
Annual Meeting Recap
It was a very chilly day to be thinking about the farmers market, but we did hold our Annual Meeting on March 10, 2013. Notes from our annual meeting can be viewed at this link.
Partners in Fresh and Local Food: ESB Financial and the Emporia Farmers Market
ESB Financial has long been a champion of the 30-year-old Emporia Farmers Market and has been the official lead sponsor of the market since 2009. We are pleased to announced that EFM and ESB have recently signed an agreement to renew this partnership through 2018.
Thank you, ESB Financial, for your support!
Scene from our annual Homegrown Celebration, sponsored by EFM Financial. In 2013, the Homegrown Celebration will take place on Saturday, July 13.
Music for Veggies
We don't pay much, but we do offer $10 in "market money" (good for any product for sale a the market) to local talent willing to give an hour or so of your time to provide the mood music for our Saturday morning markets. As well, you are welcome to put out a tip bucket and sell your own CD's or T-shirts and share your promotional materials. It's a fun way to gain exposure and to be involved in our community.
Market Music Coordinator, Bill Ihling is currently looking to fill summer market slots. He'd love to hear from anybody who'd like to play the market any Saturday this Spring and Summer (May 4 thru Sept. 28) Once we move outdoors, (the parking lot on Merchant St., between 7th and 8th Sts.) the Saturday market starts at 8am.
If you'd like to know more, please contact Bill Ihling at or call 620-699-3352. If you've played the market before, please check your calendars, pick a date that'll work for you, and get in touch!
Welcome to New EFM Board Members
Two new board members were appointed to replace the positions left open by the departure of Amy Jordan and Courtney Gagan in 2012. Those new board members are:
Ben Stallings
Ben Stallings moved to Emporia in 2008 after living in Iowa, Minnesota, and Oklahoma. He was active in community gardens in Minneapolis and worked on a community-supported farm in Fairfield, Iowa, where he got his permaculture design certification. He and his wife Jessie operate Interdependent Web Urban Farm, where they raise crops for market and make crafts that feature recycled materials.
Colby Fuller
 Colby Fuller joined EFM as a market vendor in 2012. More about Colby will come in the next newsletter.
The membership elected Jessica Hopkins to fill the vacant position left by departing board member, Judy Conway, in 2013. Thank you, Judy, for your service!
Jessica Hopkins became a market customer during her college days at ESU, and the passion for local food has continued throughout the years. Jessica enjoys making the market a family affair, shopping for delicious produce with her husband, Brandon, and one-year old son, Owen. Jessica enjoys the wide variety of produce, baked goods and other products that can be found at the market, but more importantly, she comes back every week for the sense of community the market brings to Emporia.
When she's not ringing the bell at the market, Jessica enjoys a good book, naps in the hammock, and finding adventure in everyday life. Jessica helps promote the Farmers Market Class Series through the Community Connections program at FHTC, and also serves on the Emporia Main Street Board of Directors.
Re-Elected, 2-year Term on the market board:
Joe Foster
Ellen Hansen
Fannie Harrell
Becky Smith
The Emporia Farmers Market Series of Classes at Community Connections
Enroll online, at the front office or call 341-1392 today!
Breadmaking Basics by Farmgirl Fresh
Instructors: Megan and Mary Allen
Cost: $15
Schedule: Tuesday, April 9, 6:00-8:30 PM
Learn the art and satisfaction of breadmaking with Mary and Megan Allen, a mother-daughter team AKAFarmgirl Fresh, who bake year round and for the Council Grove Farmer's Market season. This class will show you how simple it is to make whole wheat yeast bread from scratch, with wholesome whole grains we'll mill in class. You will be amazed at how light, tasty, and nutritious your finished product will be, not to mention how therapeutic the kneading process is. Each student will learn to make basic bread, and how to spin off of our recipe in making dinner rolls, sweet rolls, and pizza dough. Tips, recipes and nutrition information will be included in handouts, each student will take home their own mini-loaf of honey whole wheat bread, and we'll have a taste-testing of fresh bread and jam during the question and answer session. This is a beginner level bread making class designed to give confidence to anyone desiring to add to their back-to-earth, healthier lifestyle approach. Sponsored in part by the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust.
Water Wise Landscaping
Instructor: Ben Stallings
Cost: $5
Schedule: Saturday, April 13, 1:00-3:00 PM
You may think that you have to water your yard or garden every few days to keep it from turning into a desert during a dry year like 2012, but it's surprisingly easy to keep things growing and green all summer long without running up your water bill. This class will cover contouring, soil amendment, rainwater catchment, microirrigation, microclimates, plant selection, and mulching. Sponsored in part by the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust.
Raising Fruit and Veggie Eaters
Instructor: Tracy Simmons
Cost: $5
Schedule: Tuesday, April 30, 6:00-8:00 PM
Forget food pyramids and clean-your-plate clubs. In this session we will examine where our food rules and mythology originate and talk about ways o engage our children in the discussion and make better food choices for healthy living. Sponsored in part by the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust.
Also in Emporia
Have you checked out the courses being offered at Community Connections this season? What a great resource for Emporia. Be sure to check out their many offerings.
Emporia Area Local Food Network Calendar
Emporia Chamber Calendar
Emporia Gazette Calendar
Introducing 2013 Market Vendors |
Janet Brassart & Ruth Wise
Selling with EFM since 2009
At the spring and summer markets, Janet and Ruth will have fresh vegetables, small fruits, salad mixes, herb vinegars, cut flower bouquets, jams and jellies, and fresh herbs. Janet and Ruth garden using organic methods. There products are chemical and pesticide free.
Crawford Baked Goods
Selling with EFM since 2000
Cinnamon Rolls, Maple & Orange. Bread: White, Wheat, 100% Wheat, Sunflower Wheat & Walnut. Cinnamon Swirl, Bubble Bread, Cinnamon Bread, Pecan Rolls. Apple, Cherry, Pineapple Tea Rings. Cookies: Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Kisses, Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal, M&M Monster, Snicker Doodles, Raisin Chocolate Crinkles. Quick Breads: Banana & Walnut, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Blueberry, Poppyseed, Cherry Almond.
Cookies and Breads vary from market to market. Always trying new items.
Fowler Hobby Farm
Selling with EFM since 2012
Fresh farm eggs, both hen and duck eggs.

Buffalo Hollow Farm
Selling with EFM since 2008
At the spring and summer markets, Bill and Dianne Ihling will have a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits: potatoes, onions, tomatoes, okra, bell & hot peppers, summer & winter squashes, apples, eggplant, green beans, cucumbers. In these dry times, Buffalo Hollow Farm conserves water by mulching heavily. They have installed a drip system for irrigation.
Follow Buffalo Hollow Farm on Facebook

Floy Schwilling and Anja Ford ~ Homemade Crafts
Selling with EFM since 2013
Floy and Anja's products include crocheted towels, frilly scarves, knitted hats, potato bags, comfort bags, casserole holders and knit dishcloths.
How Sweet It Is, by Linda Simmons
Selling with EFM since 2010
Gourmet Cookies, Cinnamon Rolls, Homemade Breads, Pies, Cakes. Linda offers some low-sugar or no sugar baked goods.

Thank YOU for Shopping Emporia Farmers Market. |
| photo by Evie Simmons |
Indoor Winter Markets brought to you by a generous gift from the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust
1st & 3rd Saturdays
10 AM - 12:30 PM
April 6
Musician: Ben Stallings
April 20
Musician: Bill Ihling
Emporia Humanitarian Center
215 W. 6th Avenue
Join us at the Flint Hills Sustainability Fair
Saturday, April 27
Open at 9AM
Thanks to the market's lead sponsor
The Emporia Farmers Market Accepts Vision Cards
The market is currently offering $2 in market tokens for every $1 a customer spends on a state of Kansas Vision Card. Please see a volunteer at the market kiosk/desk for details. Offer good while supplies last.
This gift made possible by the Emil Babinger Charitable Trust.
Thank You to our Farmhands
The Market could not run without you!
March Market Volunteers:
Janet Brassart
Ruthann Resch
Maddie Simmons
Market Musicians:
Jane McCoy
Anton Zouplna
Market Sponsors |
Winter Market & Vision Card Enhancement Sponsor:
The Emil Babinger Chartiable Trust
Facilities Sponsors:
The City of Emporia
Lyon County K-State Research & Extension
Elbert Liquor Store
Mark II Lumber
Media Sponsors:
The Emporia Gazette
The Flint Hills Shopper
Community Partner & Event Sponsors:
Country Mart North
Emporia Community Foundation
Emporia Main Street
Emporia Subways
Flint Hills Community Health Center
Emporia Area Local Food Network
Murphy's Menu
Chelsea Gerleman Pampered Chef
RJ's Cake & Candy
Vanessa Apodaca Tastefully Simple
Thurston's Plus
Helpful Harvesters:
James & Theresa Muckenthaler
Simmons Law Office
Don & Ruth Wise
Many Thanks to the Friends of the Emporia Farmers Market & Farmhands
Heath & Kim Botkin
Riley Botkin
Taylor Botkin
Janet Brassart
Harold & Naomi Brenzikofer
Ele Browning
Betty Campbell & Margaret
Tyler Curtis
Carla Davis
S.C. Dixon
Paul DuToit
Emporia Gardeners of America
Flint Hills Music
Joe & Allison Foster
Courtney Gagan
Erica Grayson
Becky Hadicke
Ellen Hansen
Christina Hardin Fannie Harrell
Dr. Stephen Haught
Roger Heineken
Beth Henrikson & Charles
Bill & Dianne Ihling
Janice Jaggard
Amy Jordan
Patricia Kahn
Rachael LeClear
Logan Ave. 4-H Club
Lyon County Master Gardeners
Max McCoy
Regina Murphy
Wanda Myers
Bobbi Mylnar
Dr. DenaSue Potestio
Ruthann Resch
Gretchen Russell
David Scheller
Mike Scheller
Carol Schoeck
Mark Schondelmaier
Mark Sherman
Dr. Michael Shonrock
Evie Simmons
Kaman Simmons
Maddie Simmons
Rand Simmons
Becky Smith
Karen Sommers
Ben Stallings
Ashley Storrer
Anna Tall
Pam Thuma
Cheryl Unruh
Jesse & Beth Wilson
Casey Woods
Jennifer Youngblood
Barbara Younger
and Market Musicians
Sara Coltrane
Savanna Chestnut
Sue Claridge
Lance Fahy
Joe Foster
Bill Ihling
Eric Martin
Jane McCoy
The Neighborly Brothers
Carlos Pringle
P.J. Stephenson
Anne Strobel
Charlie Wilks
Anton Zouplna
Anton Zouplna, Sr.
Anton Zouplna, III
Contact EFM |
EFM Market Office
Please note that our business office has moved!
Our new location is at:
701 Commercial
Suite 202
Emporia, KS
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1911
Emporia, KS 66801
Office Hours:
by appointment