April 2016
Monthly Update: Zagreb Spring Evangelism
Spring has been slowly reappearing in our town which is evident both in the nature around us waking up and showing its true colors and the amount of people walking the streets and spending time in the local parks enjoying the sunshine and lovely weather. Nice weather also enables us to do more street evangelism. We've printed new tracts/flyers and have begun street ministry on a regular basis again. A young man who has grown up in our church and feels a calling to street evangelism has taken over this ministry. It is our prayer that many hear about Christ through this ministry. Street evangelism has always been an integral part of this church and has been very fruitful in the past.
Evangelistic Concert
For our Easter Sunday celebration we hosted a special concert with our worship band, Bezkompromisa. As people in Croatia tend to be more open to God during Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter, we used this evangelistic concert to invite our friends and families to hear the Gospel preached through song, testimony and a short message. After the celebration, as usual, we hosted a special dinner and time of fellowship. Croats tend to be very relational. They love to fellowship, drink strong coffee and eat good food. Hosting dinners and times of fellowship are good opportunities for people to ask questions and for us to witness one on one in a relaxed environment. 
Jarun Fest 2016

In April we plan to host another movie premier featuring the movie "Do You Believe?". This movie follows the lives of twelve different people with a strong message of redemption,  the cross and its power. The movie will be shown on Sunday, April 17th and after this premier we plan to host showings in various small towns in the greater Zagreb area where there are no churches and very few born-again believers. 

Preparations for our largest outreach of the year, Jarunfest, have already begun. As in previous years, we are planing an all-day family outreach at the Multi-sensory park at our local lake, Jarun. We will host concerts, rent jumping castles for the children and host other family activities. We also plan to give away 1,500 free meals (hamburgers and hot dogs) as well as free copies of the New Testament.  Jarunfest is a massive event for us and requires a lot of work, administration, prayer and finances. We would like you to consider helping us in this project with your prayers and your financial support. God has already provided part of the finances we need, but the cost of projects such as these is huge. Please pray for the organizational team and volunteers and for the hearts of people who will be attending to be open and receptive. 
As for our family we are doing well. Bonnie and our children thoroughly enjoyed their Spring Break and are back into the regular swing of things. We would like to ask you to partner with us in praying for our monthly support. We need an increase in this area this year as our present monthly needs are increasing with the economy's inflammation. We are trusting God for an additional $ 1, 200 per month. Would you stand in prayer with us for this? 
We truly appreciate all of your faithful prayers and support each  month. May the Lord richly bless you all.
Mario and Bonnie Ducic
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach | P+385 1 6443 330 | F+385 1 6443 331 |Kneza Branimira 29 - Zagreb - 10 000 - Croatia | Email | Website
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