"Just as the archer's bow establishes the flight direction of the arrow, so too does the tangent release establish the flight direction of the gymnast."
10 Concepts of Swing
by Gerald S. George, Ph.D.

Dr. George
The following article is excerpted from Dr. Gerald George's
Championship Gymnastics and edited by Dwight Normile in International Gymnast magazine (http://www.intlgymnast.com/)
Swing article

More Info on Championship Gymnastics

A "Classic" Must-Have Training Tool 
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  Champ Gym Cover 

Called the
"Bible of Gymnastics Movement"
Championship Gymnastics--
helping winners get the edge on the competition:
gymnast balance beam

  • If you are a coach and have other coaches on your staff, this book for you and the other coaches will build synergy as all coaches work together.  
  • If you are a coach, this book for a promising gymnast will increase the learning curve and facilitate greater understanding and improved performance.gmnast floor routine
  • As the parent of an aspiring gymnast, this book for the coach and your child will provide a double benefit--education for the coach, and your child working with this coach.  
  • As a gymnast, this book for you and your gymnastics teammates will provide a greater chance for success for you and the whole team.