MARCH 2015

Updates from TRIPLL!

The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life (TRIPLL) is an NIH funded Edward R. Roybal Center. Our eNewsletter features recent news, events and funding opportunities related to pain and aging. In this issue we highlight studies that explore the impact of various exercises and interventional programs on pain and assess the societal costs of chronic pain; as well as upcoming events and recent funding opportunities. 
In This Issue

Treatment of Chronic Pain in Veterans 

A recent article in JAMA evaluated a stepped-care intervention to reduce pain related disability, pain interference and pain severity compared to usual care for chronic pain. The authors enrolled 241 veterans in the Evaluation of Stepped Care for Chronic Pain (ESCAPE) trial. The study found that veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain who received the two step ESCAPE program saw significant reductions in pain interference, pain severity and pain-related disability. Read full article
Photo courtesy of OakleyOriginals
Aquatic Exercises for Back Pain

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, elderly men who participated in aquatic exercises demonstrated decreased lower back pain and improved overall body compositions. 32 older adults, ages 65 and above, participated in the study and were randomly allocated either to the aquatic training group or the control group. Read full article

Osteoarthritis Patients Benefit from High Impact Exercises

An article in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise investigated the effects of high impact exercises in postmenopausal women with knee osteoarthritis (OA). 80 eligible women from 60 to 65 years of age were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to either the training group or a control group. The authors found that progressive high-impact training improved the patellar cartilage quality and physical function in postmenopausal women with OA. The most efficient exercise was shown to be high-impact loading, which is a jumping type of exercise. Read full article
Photo courtesy of Michael Cohen
Societal Costs of Chronic Pain 

Authors of a recent study published in the journal Pain, aimed to assess the impact of chronic pain on costs and quality of life in people aged 65 years and older. Elderly patients suffering from chronic pain and their relatives were surveyed using a questionnaire that addressed pain intensity and quality of life. The study found an "association between resource use and severity of chronic pain in elderly patients: the more severe the chronic pain, the more extensive (and expensive) the use of resources." Read full article



Advancing Pain Care through Behavior Change Science & Mobile Health Technologies

Friday, May 1st 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Alzheimer's Association - NYC Chapter, 360 Lexington Avenue, Between 40th and 41st St.
Training Center A & B, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10017 

We hope you can join us for our TRIPLL conference focused on opportunities to leverage new knowledge about the science of behavior change and emerging new media technologies to address the management of later life pain.
Learn more

TRIPLL Work-In-Progress Seminar

Monday, March 16, 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST

This month Phil Adams and Tauhidur Rahman; PhD students in the Department of Information Science at Cornell University, will be presenting two Human-Computer Interaction works-in-progress on the self-report of pain: 1) a user-centered research by design project on reporting interfaces; and 2) a project that lowers the burden of self-report by leveraging 'contextual recall' - recording the physical/social context of a moment of interest, and re-presenting that context later in a moment when self-report can occur. To register, please email Sonam Lama

Achieving Health Equity Through Community Partnerships: Innovations in Community Based Participatory Research

Monday, April 13th 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
The Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College of the City University of New York, East 68th Street between Park & Lexington Avenues

The all-day symposium will promote and discuss Achieving Health Equity Through Community Partnerships: Innovations in Community-Based Participatory Research. Learn more

TRIPLL March Webinar

Monday, March 23rd 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Presenter: Cary Reid, MD, PhD; Director TRIPLL, Director of the Office of Geriatric Research, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College

Please join us as we kick off our TRIPLL Webinar series this month. Dr. Reid will present a webinar entitled "Treating Chronic Pain in Older Adults: New Opportunities for Intervention." To register please email Sonam Lama


Prevention Research in Mid-Life Adults (R21)

Funding Amount: Up to $275,000
Due Dates: June 16, October 16, 2015

This Funding Opportunity Announcement seeks to stimulate research on mid-life adults (those 50 to 64 years of age) that can inform efforts to optimize health and wellness as individuals age, and prevent illness and disability in later years. More information

Neilsen Psychosocial Research Grants

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Funding Amount: Up to $150,000
Due Date: April 1, 2015

The purpose of this funding initiative defines psychosocial research as 1) research
focused on the influence of psychological and social factors on an individual's health, functioning or quality of life, or 2) research addressing the interrelation of psychological (e.g., behavioral, emotional, cognitive) and social (e.g., interpersonal, community, environmental) factors with health, disability, participation and other quality of life factors relevant to people living with spinal cord injuries. More information
Self-Management for Health in Chronic Conditions (R01)

Funding amount: TBD
Due Dates: June 5, October 5, 2015

The purpose of this initiative is to support research in self-management focused across conditions in order to reduce the burden of chronic illnesses. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine identifies the epidemic of chronic conditions as the nation's leading health challenge and calls for cross-cutting, coordinated public health actions for "living well with chronic illness." More information

We welcome your feedback about what you would like include in future eNewsletters. 
Email suggestions and news items to


The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life (TRIPLL) is an
NIA funded Edward R. Roybal Center with a focus on persistent pain due to both cancer and non-cancer related causes. TRIPLL is a collaboration between investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell-Ithaca and The Hebrew Home at Riverdale.