In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Funding Opportunities

October 2014

Updates from TRIPLL!

The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life (TRIPLL) is an NIH funded Edward R. Roybal Center. Our eNewsletter features recent news, events, and funding opportunities related to pain and aging. In this issue we highlight studies that explore the relationship between psychosocial factors and aging related disease, the relationship between prevalence of falls and older adults with pain, the effectiveness of acupuncture in chronic knee pain, and whether treatment of pain differs based on age; as well as upcoming events and recent funding opportunities. 

News and Recent Research

The following section features recent news and research studies 

Social Relationship and Aging-Related Disease    

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The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of Aging Health examined "how different dimensions of social relationships operate through similar or distinct mechanisms to affect biophysiological markers of aging related disease over time." The authors conducted a longitudinal analysis, using data from a nationally representative sample of older adults in the US (2005-2011 National Social Life, Health and Aging Project) to examine the association between social integration and social support and change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and hypertension risk over time. The authors found that "low social support was predictive of increase in SBP, whereas low social integration was predictive of increase in risk of hypertension."


Full article    


Acupuncture May Not Help Chronic Knee Pain 

Photo courtesy of Getty Images 
A recent study published in JAMA aimed to "determine the efficacy of laser and needle acupuncture for chronic knee pain." The authors enrolled 282 patients, ages 50 and older with chronic knee pain in the
study. Participants received either needle acupuncture, laser acupuncture, sham laser acupuncture, or no treatment at all (control group) for 3 months and completed questionnaires about their knee pain. The authors found that "neither needle nor laser acupuncture significantly improved pain or function compared with sham or control groups at 3 months." Additionally, the authors found that the moderate pain improvement in patients receiving needle and laser acupuncture did not last and was gone at a year.

Full article 


Is All Pain Treated Equally?

The authors of a recent study published in Pain sought to "determine if there are differences in acute pain care for older versus younger patients." The authors conducted a "multicenter, retrospective, cross-sectional observation study of 5 emergency departments across the US and evaluated the 2 most commonly presenting pain conditions for older adults - abdominal and fracture pain." The authors reviewed a total of 6,948 visits and found that "older adults, ages 65 and older were less likely to receive analgesics in comparison to younger patients. The study also found that "older abdominal pain patients were less likely to receive pain medications, while older fracture patients were more likely to receive pain medications when compared to younger patients." The authors conclude that differences in acute pain and pain care exist based on age. 


Full article 


Higher Prevalence of Falls in Older Adults with Pain  

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The authors of a recent study published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society examined "the prevalence of clinically relevant falls-related outcomes according to pain status in older adults in the US." The authors conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study to enroll a sample of 7,601 older adults, ages 65 and older in the study. Participants were asked questions on pain, balance and coordination, fear of falling, and falls, via in-person assessments. The authors found that "falls-related outcomes were substantially more common in older adults with pain than in those without."


Full article 


Click here for more pain and aging related news.

 Upcoming Events

The following section includes upcoming seminars, meetings, wellness courses, and conferences that  focus on aging, pain, or research methods

42nd Annual Conference of the State Society on Aging of New York - The Collaborative Age: Integration Across Disciplines
Date: October 22-24, 2014 
Location: Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus   
Overview: The program highlights the priorities of the 2015 White House Conference on Aging - retirement security, long-term services and supports, healthy aging, and elder justice. Dr. Cary Reid (TRIPLL's Director) is one of the keynote speakers in the event and will be delivering a talk on Community-Based Palliative Care and the need for New Models of Service Delivery.The conference will also provide opportunity for outstanding professional development, interdisciplinary networking, exhibition of products and resources, evening social events and much more!

Click here for more information

TRIPLL's October Work in Progress Seminar

logo TRIPLL will host a work in progress seminar on October 15, 2014 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM EST. The WIP is an open forum designed to improve the research proposals of junior and senior researchers, faculty, and health care professionals. Contact Sonam Lama at with questions or to register.


 Click here for more information      


The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting

Date: November 5-9, 2014

Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC 

Overview: GSA's 67th Annual Scientific Meeting brings together more than 4,000 of the brightest minds in the field of aging. The conference challenges researchers to present their best evidence on aging-related connections they investigate. This meeting is the premier gathering of gerontologists from both the United States and around the world. They participate in over 400 scientific sessions including symposia, paper, and poster presentations. Several TRIPLL affiliates will be present at the conference and will be hosting meetings and presentations.  


Click here for more information 


Click here for more pain and aging related events.

Funding Opportunities

Recent pain and aging related funding for health care professionals, senior academic researchers, and junior faculty 


Recent Pain and Aging Related Funding

AFAR Research Grants for Junior Faculty

Funder: American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR)

Funding Amount: $100,000

Due Date: December 15, 2014 

Overview: The major goal of this program is to assist in the development of the careers of junior investigators committed to pursuing careers in the field of aging research. AFAR supports research projects concerned with understanding the basic mechanisms of aging. Projects investigating age-related diseases and projects concerning mechanisms underlying common geriatric functional disorders are also encouraged, as long as these include connections to fundamental problems in the biology of aging.

Click here for more information

Rita Allen Foundation Award in Pain
Funder: American Pain Society (APS)
Funding Amount: $50,000 annually up to 3 years
Due Dates: January 16, 2015
Overview: Proposed research projects should be directed towards the molecular biology of pain and/or basic science topics related to the development of new analgesics for the management of pain due to terminal illness.

Click here for more information

Paul Beeson Career Development Awards in Aging Research Program
Funder: NIA/AFAR
Funding Amount: $600,000 to $800,000
Due Date: November 7, 2014

The program is aimed at addressing the current and severe shortage of clinically trained faculty (primarily physicians) who have the combination of medical, academic, and scientific training to improve the care of our nation's older people. The program provides three to five years of mentored career development support to enable investigators to gain skills and experience in aging research, and to establish an independent program of research in this field.

Click here for more information

Click here for a list of ongoing pain and aging related funding announcements.

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The Translational Research Institute on Pain in Later Life (TRIPLL) is an
NIA funded Edward R. Roybal Center with a focus on persistent pain due to both cancer and non-cancer related causes. TRIPLL is a collaboration between investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell-Ithaca, The Hebrew Home at Riverdale,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Visiting Nurse Service of New York and Council of Senior Centers & Services of NYC, Inc.