MPTs: Articles
from the Field

Issue #15 - 15 July 2015


Dear Colleagues,


The Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) field is steadily evolving and expanding. Provided below are links to recent publications, media articles, and other resources relevant to MPTs to keep you up-to-date. Please note that contents are neither endorsed by nor necessarily represent the views of the Initiative for Multipurpose Prevention Technologies, and that due to publication copyright and permissions restrictions, full-text versions of resources may not be publicly available.


If you have a resource to include in our next issue, please send to Beverley Newman at Previous issues are available on the CAMI Health website.     




CAMI Health Staff 

Journal Articles


A cross-sectional study of high-risk human papillomavirus clustering and cervical outcomes in HIV-infected women in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Castilho, J.L., Levi, J.E., Luz, P.M., Cambou, M.C., de Andrade, A., et al. (2015). BMC Cancer, 15.  


Determinants and Experiences of Repeat Pregnancy among HIV-Positive Kenyan Women-A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Akelo, V., McLellan-Lemal, E., Toledo, L., Girde, S., Borkowf, C.B., et al. (2015). PLOS ONE.   


The FACTS about women and pre-exposure prophylaxis. Seidman, D., Weber, S., Aaron, E., Cohan, D., & Grant, R. (2015).The Lancet HIV, 2(6).   


Genital Inflammation and the Risk of HIV Acquisition in Women. Masson, L., Passmore, J.S., Lienbenberg, L.J., Werner, L., Baxter, C., et al. (2015). Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(2).   


Genital Tenofovir Concentrations Correlate With Protection Against HIV Infection in the CAPRISA 004 Trial: Importance of Adherence for Microbicide Effectiveness. Kashuba, A.D.M., Gengiah, T.N., Werner, L., Yang, K., White, N., et al. (2015). Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS), 69(3).


HIV Programs for Sex Workers: Lessons and Challenges for Developing and Delivering Programs. Wilson, D. (2015). PLOS Medicine.   

Innate antibacterial activity in female genital tract secretions is associated with increased risk of HIV acquisition. Pellett Madan, R., Masson, L., Tugetman, J., Werner, L., Grobler, A., et al. (2015). AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 


To tell or not to tell: male partner engagement in a Phase 3 microbicide efficacy trial in South Africa. Kelly, C.A., Friedland, B.A., Morar, N.S., Katzen, L.L., Ramjee, G., et al. (2015). Culture, Health, and Sexuality.   


2014 IPM Annual Report: The Promise of Prevention for Women. International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM). (2015). 

Media Articles


Colour-changing condoms get picked up by contraceptive company. Tam, J. & Kelsey, R. (2015, June 24). BBC.


Could This Technology Make Condoms Obsolete? Roy, J. (2015, July 14). NY Mag.  


Microbicides: new HIV prevention technology empowers women. Nyaka, O. (2015, June 24). Key Correspondents.   


New Diaphragm Hits U.S. Market for First Time in 50 Years. Kempner, M. (2015, July 1). RH Reality Check. 


Regulatory Explainer: Everything You Need to Know About FDA's Priority Review Vouchers. Gaffney, A. (2015, July 2). Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.  


Researchers complete participants' enrollment in Phase III trial of vaginal ring for HIV prevention. (2015, June 30). News Medical.   


SA's women most at risk of getting HIV. Child, K. (2015, June 29). Times Live.


UAB studying HIV-prevention ring in teenage women. Yurkanin, A. (17 June 2015). Alabama Media Group.


WHO expands list of recommended birth control options. (2015, June 1). Al Jazeera America. 

Press Releases

Single-size Caya� contoured diaphragm is the first new diaphragm design to enter the US market in over 50 years. (2015, 25 June). PATH, CONRAD, Kessel medintim GmbH, & HPSRx Enterprises, Inc.

Other Resources of Note

FHI 360 recently launched the Contraceptive Technology Innovation (CTI) Exchange, a "one-stop shop" for contraceptive R&D resources. This website provides a platform for partners to share information that supports contraceptive research, development, registration, and introduction.

Educational Opportunities


The University of California Global Health Institute's Center of Expertise on Women's Health and Empowerment and Sonke Gender Justice are partnering to offer a new short course on women's health empowerment and male engagement. Through this intensive, two week training, participants will learn how to build women's empowerment and gender norms transformation into health programs to increase effectiveness. The course will take place 1-16 September in Nairobi, Kenya. Applications close on 10 August. 


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IMPT Secretariat: CAMI Health

312 Natoma Street, Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630