MPTs: Articles
from the Field

Issue #8 - 15 December 2014


To our IMPT/CAMI Health Colleagues,


December 1st marked World AIDS Day, and provided an opportunity to feature the expanding field of Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) as a promising development in HIV prevention. We were thrilled to see MPTs featured on several mainstream media outlets and to have the opportunity to address the broad spectrum of women's sexual and reproductive health needs. Provided below are links to recent publications, media articles, and other resources relevant to MPTs to keep you up-to-date. Please note that contents are neither endorsed by nor represent the views of CAMI Health or the Initiative for Multipurpose Prevention Technologies, and that due to publication copyright and permissions restrictions, full-text versions of resources may not be publicly available.

If you have a resource to include in our next issue, please send to Beverley Newman at [email protected]. Previous issues are available on the CAMI Health website.  




CAMI Health Staff 

Journal Articles


Is biomedical research a good investment? Augustine, N. R. (2014). The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124(12).  

Media Articles


Can you imagine a world without condoms for safe sex? Scientists can. Young Holt, B. (2014, December 1). The Guardian.    

Does New HIV-Prevention Technology Empower or Burden Women? Patten, S. (2014, December 2). Huffington Post.   

HIV evolving 'into milder form'. Gallagher, J. (2014, December 1). BBC.   

Looking to a New Era for Women's HIV Prevention. Rosenburg, Z. (2014, November 25). Huffington Post.   

The Need for Broad-Spectrum STI and Pregnancy Prevention Methods Is Clearer Than Ever. Young Holt, B. (2014, December 1). RH Reality Check.   

Where's Better Birth Control? Schwartz, M. (2014, November 21). The New Yorker. 



ADDING IT UP: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health 2014. Guttmacher Institute. (2014).


Fast Track: Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). (2014).


Guidance for Industry - Vaginal Microbicides: Development for the Prevention of HIV Infection. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). (2014). 

Other Resources of Note


30 Years of HIV. (2014). Internews.  


Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Developing World. (2014). Guttmacher Institute. 


Presidential Proclamation - World AIDS Day, 2014. Proclamation No. 9216, 79 FR 71953. 


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IMPT Secretariat: CAMI Health

312 Natoma Street, Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
[email protected]