Legislative Update
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January 28, 2013                                                                                       Issue 2.2013


Because there is no health without Mental Health!



Last week, the legislative session was in recess to allow for joint budget hearings. The Department heads presented the Governor's budget to the appropriations committee. This year, legislators hear the details of the $19.8 billion budget plan for fiscal year 2014.


Through the Department of Justice Settlement, $21.6 million has been allocated for mental health consumers. The Governor's Office of Children and Families gets $5 million to develop community alternatives for youth as part of juvenile justice reform. There will be no cuts to DBHDD for FANF funds for adult addictive disease. DCH is renewing the Medicaid provider fee. The fee (bed tax) is paid by hospitals as a percentage of their net revenues.


S.B. 65 - Sponsor, Renee Unterman

To authorize a licensed professional counselor to perform certain acts which physicians, psychologists, and others are authorized to perform regarding emergency examinations of persons with mental illness or alcohol or drug dependent.


Psychiatric Advanced Directives is an ongoing initiative and will be a priority for mental health advocates this legislative year. To read the latest version of this draft bill, please click here.


Mental Health Day at the Capitol 

Please join us at Mental Health Day at the Capitol on February 19th. To sign up, contact the Georgia Parent Support Network at 404 758-4500 and ask for Rheba Smith. 


MHA of GA supports the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities in advocating for mental health services across the board, which would include those beyond the DOJ settlement.   We need your help to move our advocacy voice forward!


MHA of GA is a leader in the mental health advocacy community.  You can learn more on our website, www.mhageorgia.org


Your donation will help ensure that MHA of GA continues to keep mental health awareness in front of Georgia's legislators. This is a critical time for our community, and now is the time to act!!


Click here to support mental health advocacy in the state of Georgia.