Women's Engineering Society
Women's Engineering Society
e-newsletter August 2014
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Welcome to this month's newsletter.

There are several opportunities to take part in surveys this month, if you have a moment please take part and help to these research projects.


WES has plenty of volunteering positions available, visit the website or contact the WES Office for more details.


And don't forget if you're not already a WES member why not join a society that continues to inspire and support women in Engineering, Science and Technology. Our target is 950 new members to mark our 95th year!

Best wishes
the e-News team

Celebrating Women Engineers

WES and the IET have collaborated to produce a poster celebrating women engineers.

The poster is available to download by clicking here.


 'What Research Staff do Next'


Vitae is undertaking the 'What do research staff do next' in collaboration with Naturejobs, a project focused on careers of research staff (postdoctoral researchers, research fellows, etc) who left university research and now are working in other employment sectors.


They are exploring the career transitions of these researchers, revealing the tipping points in their careers, experiences and reflections of their career paths. The results will provide an invaluable insight into potential employment opportunities for researchers who are considering moving out of higher education


More information is available on the Vitae website.


If you would like to take part in the survey click here for the link. 


The Characteristics of Admired Engineers


A research project is currently being undertaken by Nikki Barker  from Perspectiv looking at the characteristics of admired engineers.


The research builds on and is endorsed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner the developers of Characteristics of an Admired Leader.  The research is looking at what engineers or people working in an engineering environment believe are the most important characteristics of an admired engineer.  They do not need to be engineers, just working in an engineering environment.  


For more information on the project click here


If you would like to take part in the survey click here


Diversity in Science Grants

The Biochemical Society have grants available for projects looking at Diversity in Science. They are providing three grants of up to �500 to support and address issues relating to diversity in science. Potential uses for the grant include events or activities to encourage diversity in science or research into the lack of representative diversity within the science sector. The grants are open to individuals, groups, charities and businesses.


The deadline for applications is 30 September 2014. For more details please visit the website


A Woman's Place in Academia - Improving gender balance in further and higher education 


10th September 2014, 9.30am - 4.30pm

Swansea University (Glyndwr Lecture Theatre B, Glyndwr Building) 


With women underrepresented in senior roles across academia in Wales the Deputy Minister for Education and Skills, Ken Skates AM will be opening a one day conference that will:


  • Launch Chwarae Teg benchmarking research showing where women are in decision making in academia in Wales today
  • Provide an opportunity to discuss the barriers affecting the progression of women in academia
  • Share emerging practice from a variety of institutions designed to get more women into decision making roles in academia


This FREE conference is a must for leaders in the academic community. By attending you have the opportunity to play a proactive role in helping to ensure that women become equally represented in academic posts across Wales.


To reserve your tickets click here


Royal Society Diversity Hub - User Research Survey


The Diversity Team at the Royal Society are developing a central 'diversity hub' that will be located on the Royal Society's new website. The purpose of the hub is to provide information on what the Royal Society is doing to improve its own diversity and to form the basis of a resource on diversity issues in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM).

They are surveying equality and diversity practitioners in higher education, learned societies and professional bodies, and STEMM employers in order to help us better understand the needs and expectations of our audiences and what our resource hub could include.


To take part in the survey click here


It should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.  All responses received will be accessed only by members of the Diversity Team.  The survey will close on Friday 12th September.


IET Women's Network


The IET Women's Network is an initiative, set up in order to engage with under-represented groups within engineering and technology and support them throughout their career.




Join Our Mailing List!
And finally....
If you have any articles that you would like to have featured please contact the WES Office.
We'd love to hear your stories of ideas to inspire young people, schools outreach activities and projects you are working on that we can share across the WES community.
Don't forget to forward our e-newsletter to your friends and contacts, male or female and help to inspire more young women to consider engineering and technology as a career.
With good wishes
the e-News team.

 Follow us on Twitter    View our profile on LinkedIn   Like us on Facebook 



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WES would like to thank its supporters and sponsors, particulary the IET, DP World London Gateway, Malvern Instruments, National Grid, Arup, Jaguar Land Rover, Rolls Royce, Selex and GE.



Are you a WES Member?
If not click here to find out why you should be!
It costs a pound a week and helps us to do our work to promote engineering and technology amongst women and girls. 

Ford Prize for Women in STEM


Recognising that women are traditionally under-represented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths) studies and the related professions, Ford is delighted to announce the inaugural Ford Prize for Women in STEM Study, which will recognise the achievements of women in STEM, encouraging other women to become involved. In association with the Ford PWN (Professional Women's Network) the �1000 cash prize is to be awarded to a female student about to enter her first year of a STEM degree, who can demonstrate how they are inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers and technologists.


The website for the Ford Prize for Women in STEM Study can be found at the following link:


The deadline for entries has been extended to Friday September 19th 2014.


WES Jobs Page

The WES website has a page dedicated to job vacancies.
Each month we will list the latest vacancies available. For further details and how to apply please visit the website. If you have a vacancy you wish to advertise please contact the WES Office.

CAE- Principal Engineer/ Technical Lead Engineer

Employer: (Agency) Gerrel & Hard



For more details and how to apply visit the Jobs page on the WES website





IET Logo 2012



Jaguar Landrover


 DP Gateway Logo

National Grid Logo 2013 


Arup Logo 2013

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