In This Issue
Thank You for Your Advocacy and Support
Construction Industry Helps Students Build Careers
CDO Students Put the Fun in Technology
Nursing Services Student Credits JTED for Career
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Repeal of JTED Funding Cuts Comes with Gratitude, Changes  

Dr. Alan Storm Approximately one year ago, we learned that changes were made to Arizona Revised Statute 15-393 during the late-night budget process that cut $30 million from Joint Technical Education Districts (JTEDs). Set to take effect this July, the cuts would have essentially eliminated Career and Technical Education programs offered by our state's 14 JTEDs within 2 to 3 years. 

After 11 months of work with both chambers of the legislature, and the Governor's office, we won an important victory on February 16 of this year. In an unprecedented display of bi-partisan unity, the Senate and House each unanimously passed SB 1525, and Governor Ducey signed the act that repealed the 50 percent budget cuts. 

I wish I could personally shake the hand of every person who worked to preserve our CTE programs by writing, calling, and meeting with legislators and the Governor. 

My wish is not practical because there was such an enormous outpouring of support from thousands of people in Southern Arizona and across the state representing business and industry, every Chamber of Commerce, community partners, concerned citizens, educational advocacy networks, educational leaders, state and local elected officials, media outlets, and our students and parents. To all of you, on behalf of our students, staff and Governing Board, I thank you!

SB 1525 includes new accountability measures. For the most part, these measure aren't new to our district; they include many things we've been doing all along to protect the public's trust in Pima County JTED. 

A significant change is the fact that we can no longer receive funding for serving students who have either graduated high school or earned a GED. We were previously able to help these students in "grade 13" until they turned 22 years of age. 
The new law took effect immediately, in the middle of our enrollment process for the 2016-2017 school year. We are working with students affected by these changes, as well as with counselors and school administrators from all of our member school districts. 

We remain committed to helping students succeed. I ask that you help by encouraging students to take advantage of our programs while they are in grades 10-12. 

Again, we greatly appreciate your support. We could not have accomplished this without you. 

Alan L. Storm
Businesses Help Construction Students Test Their Mettle

Local businesses stepped in to make sure 115 JTED Construction students, representing 7 high schools, could compete in the recent SkillsUSA Regional competition at Catalina Magnet High School.

Charles Gallagher, who has taught construction for both the Tucson and Sahuarita school districts, coordinated the event. He says 15 businesses donated more than $10,000 in supplies and man hours. 

Winners of the event will advance to the State competition in Phoenix on March 29. 
Engaging Kids with Technology

How do you show kids that STEM can be fun and exciting? It's elementary according to Amphitheater School District Early Childhood Education instructor Jennifer Atteberry-Pierpont.

She had students from several CTE/JTED programs at Canyon Del Oro High School provide hands-on activities and demonstrations of STEM in Career and Technical Education during Harelson Elementary School's Science Night.

Ms. Atteberry-Pierpont says making elementary students excited about what they'll be learning in high school contributes to their ultimate success. 
Parents and Students Agree JTED is Right Rx for Careers 

We put people to work, but don't just take our word for it. The Maricopa Association of Governments produced this video to show how choosing JTED helped Tori Lawrence walk into a career she loves. 

Tori's mom, Jan Lawrence, says, "We went to JTED, and thank goodness we did because they have made a world of difference in the choices Tori has made and the future she is now looking toward." 
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  • Booth 415
  • UA Mall
  • March 12-13, 2016
  • 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


If you have a story idea, comments or suggestions for The Way to Work, please contact Greg D'Anna, Director of  Public Relations.


Greg D'Anna,
Editor, The Way to Work


Michael Kandaris,
Content Marketing Manager

Our Mission:
We deliver premier career and technical education in partnership with
business, industry and community stakeholders.