May 12, 2014

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Federal Healthcare Reform
Senator Franken Proposes Delay In Healthcare Reform Reinsurance Program Tax     


Minnesota Senator Al Franken, in bipartisan action with Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, on April 11 introduced legislation (S. 2253) for a three-year delay in implementation of an employer-paid $63 per-person tax provided for under federal healthcare reform. The tax funds a temporary "reinsurance" program that not all businesses are eligible to participate in, creating a situation where some retailers pay in to the program but receive no benefit.


In introducing his Health Care Fairness and Stability Act of 2014, Senator Franken said, "My number one concern is to make sure the Affordable Care Act works for the people of Minnesota. We need to keep moving forward and fix the things that aren't working. Businesses and workers all over Minnesota are concerned about this. Our bipartisan bill would provide relief to employers and workers, and it helps keep costs down for businesses across the country."


"At a time when retailers are digesting the impact of federal healthcare reform on their operations, we appreciate Senator Franken's leadership on an effort to delay the collection of the transitional reinsurance tax. We are hopeful that the Senator's effort will allow the time needed to find a better, fairer funding mechanism for this program," commented Minnesota Retailers Association president Bruce Nustad.


Retailers and employers of all size are negatively impacted by this tax, sometimes referred to as the "belly button" tax because it is assessed for each employee, spouse, dependent and retiree covered by a fully-insured or employer-sponsored, self-insured group health plan. In addition to delaying implementation of the tax, the Health Care Fairness and Stability Act of 2014 proposes to reduce the amount collected for the program by aligning the tax with the actual financial need of the program.  Also, in the U.S. House, bipartisan legislation (H.R. 3489) was introduced last November to repeal the fee.


The Minnesota Retailers Association thanks Senator Franken and co-sponsor Senator Amy Klobuchar, as well as the International Franchise Association, National Retail Federation, and Retail Industry Leaders Association for leadership on this issue.  


Technology & Innovation
What's The Concern With Patent Trolls?     

Rarely can you pick up an industry publication today  without seeing the words "patent troll." So what is a patent troll and how do they impact retail and business innovation?  Watch this three minute video from the Consumer Electronics Association to get all the answers.

CEA: Why the Senate Needs to Pass Patent Litigation Reform
CEA: Why the Senate Needs to Pass Patent Litigation Reform


16th Annual Event
Join Minnesota's Retail Leaders For MnRA's June 25 Annual Legislative Wrap-Up Golf Tournament        

You made it through the holiday season, endured a long winter, filed your taxes, and the end of legislative session is in sight. Now it's time to look toward summer and the Minnesota Retailers Association 16th Annual Legislative Wrap-Up Golf Tournament, Wednesday, June 25 at the award winning Legends Golf Club.

One Tournament; Five Reasons to Play
  1. Golf an amazing course. 
  2. Network with leading retailers.
  3. Wrap up the legislative session.
  4. Support MnRA and Minnesota Retailers IMPACT political committee.
  5. Be part of the tradition.
Register today!
  • Investment before June 4 (early bird discount):
    - $199/golfer, includes golf, cart, bbq lunch, dinner, and taxes;
    - $796/foursome.
  • $45 dinner & networking-only option.

Sponsorships available!  Contact MnRA at (651) 227-6631 for more information.

Target - gold sponsor
Holiday Companies & Thrifty White Pharmacy - hole sponsors
National Association of Chain Drug Stores - contributing sponsor


Register now!

The Economy
9 Reasons The U.S. Economy Is Stronger Than You Might Think      

From Wall Street Journal MarketWatch, Jeff Reeves, May 5, 2014


"The U.S. economy growing at just a 0.1% rate . Not only is that disappointing on its face, it's also a big shortfall from most estimates of about 1.1% GDP growth for the first quarter. But, so what? There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic now.

The major stock market indexes are up against fresh highs. And while it's easy to latch onto this one report and ignore the very real impact of poor weather in January and February, it doesn't tell the whole story.  The fact is that the U.S. economy is a heck of a lot stronger than some investors and pundits think it is. While a lot of the numbers that have come out lately haven't set the world on fire, the bottom line is that they all add up to the same story of a stable and strengthening U.S. economy.

Skeptical? Well, here are nine big reasons to be bullish on America in 2014:
  • Jobs
  • Consumer spending
  • Durable goods
  • Consumer sentiment
  • Manufacturing
  • Business investment
  • Dealmaking
  • The Fed
  • Data disinterest

How Smartphones Are Disrupting Retail Execution

From Retailing Today, Bob Bahramipour , May 2, 2014


"Who would argue that mobile has not been an absolutely transformative platform for retail? Communicating with consumers on a nearly 24/7 basis on a computing platform they embrace throughout their lifestyle has transformed retail marketing. E-commerce is a long ago metaphor, replaced almost entirely by m-commerce as smartphones and their larger cousin tablets overwhelm the old PC experience.


But the transformation that the mobile experience has brought to retail is about to enter another phase. For the first time ever, a mobile connected workforce is going to give brands new power for monitoring and gathering real time analytics on in-store marketing and retail execution. That notorious "last mile" of coverage that extends right up to product on the store shelf will soon no longer be that mystical, ever elusive goal.

And that's because mobile is delivering the most promising opportunities ever for
retailers and brands to now gain real-time data around in-store execution."


The Unsession
Retail At The Capitol: What's Left The Final Days Of Session?

If you missed MnRA's Friday Retail At The Capitol e-newsletter click here. If you don't receive the weekly update contact us at and we will add you to the list.
Updates From The Capitol
Legislative Update Calls Each Monday 


For members seeking an insiders look at the legislative week, MnRA hosts a weekly 10:00 a.m. Monday conference call beginning February 24. This members-only activity takes place each week of legislative session through its conclusion and includes opportunities for retailers to get involved in the policy making process.


Thanks to our Retail at the Capitol calls sponsor, Holiday Companies, there is no cost for these calls and no advance RSVP is required. Simply dial in for the calls that interest you and work with your schedule. Calls last approximately 30 minutes.

To obtain dial-in information for these calls, contact MnRA at or call us at (651) 227-6631.
Member Service
MnRA's RetailPlus+ Buying Group

The Minnesota Retailers Association (MnRA) has leveraged the collective clout of our members to offer increased savings on the products and services essential to retailers. These vital products and services help Minnesota retailers navigate the often complicated terrain of operating as a retailer.

Thank you for your patience as we redesign the web presence of the RetailPlus+ Buying Group in the coming weeks.

Question on the program? Contact the MnRA staff at (651) 227-6631.

Bar code
Minnesota Retailers Association
400 Robert Street North, suite 1540
St. Paul, MN 55101
Tel. (651) 227-6631 - -

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