September 30, 2013

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MnRA President Bruce Nustad discussed potential 2014 legislative
session issues with the Monticello Rotary last Monday.  
MnRA Annual Meeting 
New Minnesota State Economist To Address Retailers At October 24 Annual Meeting

Our state's first-ever female state economist, Laura Kalambokidis, is scheduled to bring a fresh perspective on our economy to the Minnesota Retailers Association Annual Meeting.

The luncheon, titled "The State of Minnesota Retail", takes place October 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Ramada Bloomington by the Mall of America.

In addition to the keynote speech by Kalambokidis, MnRA will present the results of a "State of Minnesota Retail" poll, giving attendees an anecdotal look at the attitudes of retailers across the state as they relate to our economy.

Watch your inbox early this week for additional information on MnRA's 2014 Annual Meeting, and make plans to attend.

 Click here to learn more.

Bottle Bill
MPCA Hosting Beverage Container Bill Feedback Session Today

In an effort to increase recycling rates to 80 percent in the State, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has issued a draft program design in preparation for a report due to legislators January, 2014. MPCA is hosting a feedback meeting today on the draft.  Space is limited and pre-registration is requested by MPCA. The meeting will also be available via webinar.

 Read the full draft MPCA program.
MInimum Wage
Governor Dayton Says He Would "Settle For" $9.50 Minimum Wage

From Pioneer Press, September 25, 2013


"On the same day California's governor signed a bill upping the state's minimum wage to $10 within three years, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton made clear that he would be disappointed if the Legislature doesn't push up his state's wage floor next session. Addressing a retiree council of the AFL-CIO, Dayton said Wednesday that it's wrong that Minnesota has a lower minimum wage than all of its Midwest neighbors and one of the lowest in the country. It hasn't gone up since 2005.


Competing versions in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-led House and Senate bills differed substantially last session. The House bill would have raised the rate in three stages until reaching $9.50 by 2015; the Senate's bill topped out at $7.75. Leaders say they hope to reach an agreement soon after the Legislature reconvenes in February.


The DFL governor added that he would prefer to see a rate above $9.50, but he would "settle for that for now."


Pharmacists Lead The Way In OTC Cold Remedy Advice

From Drug Store News, September 25, 2103


"Along with pharmacists (25%), physicians (24%) are the biggest providers of information for OTCs in the cough-cold category, according to an online survey of more than 500 AccentHealth viewers conducted in August. In the past 12 months, 40% of sufferers indicated that they took an OTC that their doctor recommended."


New Taxes Negatively Impacting Tobacco Sales

From Pioneer Press, September 26, 2013

"Minnesota's tax increase on cigarettes has dampened sales since taking effect on July 1, just as tobacco sellers and anti-smoking groups predicted would happen.

Early state Department of Revenue figures show a sharp drop in demand for the stamps affixed to each pack of cigarettes, Minnesota Public Radio reported Thursday. The stamps are proof that state taxes have been paid. Wholesalers and retailers pin the dip on the extra $1.60 per pack tax, especially in border towns. For July, stamp sales fell more than 35 percent over the same month a year ago. For August, the drop was 12 percent.

The department reports that tax collections are up by more than 56 percent anyway, though that figure slightly lags projections used when lawmakers built the tax increase into their newly enacted state budget. Tax collections on other-than-cigarette tobacco products such as 'roll-your-own' tobacco also are up."


Read the full article.
Better Retail
12 Essential Tasks To Complete Before Year End

Did you miss MnRA's September 17 "12 Essential Tasks To Complete Before Year End" seminar featuring Elanstrategic's Yale Dolginow?

If so, Yale has produced a summary of his year-end preparation list and now makes it available to members.

Click on the link below for a copy of the "12 Essential Tasks" checklist and a transcript of the presentation.

 See the seminar content here.
Member Service
MnRA's RetailPlus+ Buying Group

The Minnesota Retailers Association (MnRA) has leveraged the collective clout of our members to offer increased savings on the products and services essential to retailers. These vital products and services help Minnesota retailers navigate the often complicated terrain of operating as a retailer.

Thank you for your patience as we redesign the web presence of the RetailPlus+ Buying Group in the coming weeks.

Question on the program? Contact the MnRA staff at (651) 227-6631.  

Bar code
Minnesota Retailers Associaiton
400 Robert Street North, suite 1540
St. Paul, MN 55101
Tel. (651) 227-6631 - -

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