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Full Speed Ahead........DI Solder Mask Straight Ahead

There is no doubt that Direct Imaging technology has matured to the point where it has become the next best thing for PCB Fabricators to own. Over the last several months I have had the opportunity to attend several technical expos including the EIPC Conference in Dresden, Germany, where I saw a number of presentations on Direct Imaging, and at the APEX Show in Las Vegas, NV where there were many DI machines on display. And yes there is no doubt that DI will become the industry standard for exposing solder mask in the very near future.

I want to assure all of you out there that we at Taiyo America are in high gear to get our compatible products to the market. We feel that it is critical that we select the right equipment and the right product strategy. In fact we have discussed our product strategy with UL and are in the process of designing a plan that will stay within the boundaries of each product's UL listing thus making sure there will be no added cost to our customers.

Taiyo America was fortunate enough to secure two DI pieces of equipment for our laboratory so our R&D staff could quickly get to work on a three stage plan. Here is the plan:
  1. Evaluate current Taiyo America products on DI equipment
  2. Modify those products within UL specifications to improve performance on DI equipment
  3. Design an optimized solder mask for DI equipment

The good news is that we have already started phase 1 and it is nearly complete. Phase 2 and 3 have been initiated and we will have results for you in our next newsletter. Having the DI equipment in our lab has allowed us to cut the R&D time significantly versus any other alternative such as using equipment offsite.

So, keep checking in with us to see what the latest is for DI solder mask. You don't want to be left behind in this technology.

As I look back on the APEX Show in Las Vegas, I want to thank everyone for visiting our booth. We had a wonderful time catching up with old friends and making new friends. We also look forward to seeing you at some upcoming events that we will be attending, such as the EIPC Summer Conference in Edinburgh, PCB West in Santa Clara and Electronica in Munich!

The Cutting Edge of...Solder Mask for LED Applications

Read my article "Solder Mask for LED Applications: Formulation 101" in I-Connect007's February PCB Magazine by clicking on the image below.  It is an introduction of the basic premise behind white solder masks for LED applications and is meant to help inform formulators and end users alike of some of the basics behind the increasing market of products developed for the LED industry.

   If you have any questions or are interested in what new markets Taiyo America is exploring, 
please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or at 775.885.9959, x. 132. 
Italy, Food, Solder Mask and Food

The task was to travel to the Venice area and continue evaluating new products through different application technologies; tack dry ovens as well as conventional and DI exposure systems.  In this part of Italy English is not a language that everyone speaks.  Finding a menu written in English can prove to be close to impossible.  As luck would have it, I was traveling with Steve Campisi (Technical Service Engineer) who speaks fluent Italian, English, French and a bit of Klingon.

Donnie Monn
 Business Development &
European Sales Manager
ph: 651.491.4199

Talking with Holaday Circuits' Patrick O'Keefe

I consider Holaday Circuits one of the best board fabricators in the country today. This company has a rich tradition of providing circuit boards for this country's defense and aerospace industry. They have been in the business a long time and have the fortunate distinction of being a survivor. They have endured where so many others have not, they have in fact thrived through thick and thin over the past decades which is all the more reason that I grabbed the opportunity to talk with Pat O'Keefe for this edition of Dan's Six Pack. 

For more information about Holaday go to http://www.holaday.com/

Steve Williams, Guest Editor I-Connect007 &
Josh Goldberg, Marketing Specialist,Taiyo America
Taiyo's upcoming events:

Facility Shot

Established over 25 years ago TAIYO AMERICA, INC. is a subsidiary of TAIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD., the world's leading manufacturer of specialty inks and solder masks for printed circuit boards. Taiyo offers conductive inks for manufacturing printed electronics, lighting & displays and other applications.

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