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Lighting it up! Taiyo Supports the LED market

All you have to do is look...well look everywhere to see LED lighting; from your house to your automobile to your signage to your doctor's office to well everywhere, which is opening up more opportunities to grow our business.

In terms of our industry Flex and Rigid Flex circuits are on the rise in a number of markets from all-purpose lighting to lighting used in harsh environments like automotive.

White solder mask is key to the success of the LED Market

For a solder mask company like Taiyo, providing white LED solder mask has become critical. To explain there are two types of white LED solder masks: The first are the white reflecting products that assist the LED to brighten the light output. The second type are color stable whites for LED lights that have to remain stable over a long usage period, this is the type used in the automotive industry.

High reflecting white solder mask

This is the high-end solder mask that enhances the reflection of the LED. To make sure we developed the best product possible we called on our chemists and engineers world-wide to produce the most robust product available on the market today. Our highly reflective solder mask is our PSR-4000 LEW Series. We assure our customers that with each new generation of the LEW series we will increase the reflectivity and maintain it over longer periods of time.

Color stable white solder mask

This product is designed to maintain the white solder mask over extended periods. The challenges have always been to develop a product that will retain its pure whiteness over long periods without turning yellow. Through strenuous Research and Development our engineers have developed a new line that will meet those exact challenges; PSR-4000 SWO1TA provides great color sustainability and is offered at a great price, as well.

As always we at Taiyo continue to listen to you our customers, understand what your needs are and then make sure that we are always there for you, meeting and better yet exceeding those needs.

Please contact us for more information about these special LED white solder mask products   
The Cutting Edge of...LED Materials

In recent years, LED for indoor and outdoor lighting applications has grown significantly.  LED lights are now being used in industrial, residential, transportation and even UV curing applications.  John Fix mentions in his "Covering the World" section that Taiyo has a number of solder masks that provide properties such as high reflectivity and low yellowing, this cued me to delve a little into the science behind what makes a white solder mask reflective. Read more...
High Reflectance
Low Reflectance
High Gloss
Ex. Mirror
Ex. Black glass
Low Gloss
Ex. Movie theater screen
Ex. Asphalt

Comparison examples of gloss and reflectance

   If you have any questions or are interested in what new markets Taiyo America is exploring, 
please feel free to contact me at joshg@taiyo-america.com or at 775.885.9959, x. 132. 
Inkjet Inkjet Inkjet  

As many of you are aware by now, I am a big proponent of inkjet technology.  I truly believe this technology will revolutionize our industry and allow us to improve yields like never before.  I have been frank with my audiences regarding the positives (and negatives) involved with this new technology.  I have also asked for your patience to let this process catch up with our industry demands.
We are making great strides in the ink arena, and the equipment experts are doing their part to offer what is necessary for application.  To date there is an installation or two, with more scheduled before the end of the year.  Customers have different ideas as to how to use this technology today.  Their ideas are designed for improved yields and faster throughput.
At Taiyo, our portfolio of offerings continues to grow.  We currently have green and black Soldermask for this application as well as a clear flexible product.  And rumor has it, there will be a white Soldermask coming soon for this application technology, so stay tuned! 
If you're attending Productronica this year make sure you stop by the Taiyo booth to discuss Inkjet with me.  We can also talk about the entire product line offered by Taiyo and Taiyo America.

Donnie Monn
 Business Development &
European Sales Manager
ph: 651.491.4199

Talking with Prototron's Mark Thompson about Via Fill

Prototron Circuits of Redmond, Washington recently made the decision to go with Taiyo for their in house Via Fill capabilities. They had been using outside services for a number of years when they decided that it would be much more prudent to bring this capability in house. This was not only a decision based on R.O.I. but also based on the best way to service their customers who had Via Fill requirements. Because Prototron is a quick turn PCB provider the fact that they would not have to send out for this process was a big deal for them.With this in mind I decided to turn to Mark Thompson from the company's Engineering Department. Click here for the entire conversation...

For more information about Prototron Circuits go to www.prototron.com



Taiyo Announces New Director & COO at Taiyo America, Inc. Facility in Nevada

          Taiyo America, Inc. announced that the 
          company has promoted Tadahiko Hanada
          to Director & COO, effective July 1, 2015.

Taiyo's upcoming events:

productronica 2015
Hall B1, Stand 245
Nov. 10 - 13

Booth # 724
March 15-17
Las Vegas


Read an excerpt from the July issue of...

The Circuit: Calumet Electronics' Newsletter

 Taiyo America - Our Partner in Quality

We rely on innovative vendors to supply us with the tools and materials we need to create top quality products. This issue's vendor innovation profile features worldwide solder mask market leader Taiyo America, Inc. Taiyo supplies our LPI (Liquid Photo Imageable) solder mask coatings and legend inks. Solder mask is critical for protecting and insulating the inner workings of our high-performance PCBs. Taiyo's products are backed by proven performance, outstanding quality and extensive end-user acceptance.

Their technical team supports our customers by phone and in person, performing process audits and making recommendations. Process recommendations are key to our customers' success.

Ultimately, Taiyo and Calumet Electronics believe that manufacturing high-quality PCBs is the fast track to success. Taiyo's philosophy: Building products right the first time is the best way to stay competitive. To learn more about worldwide solder mask market leader, Taiyo America, Inc., visit http://www.taiyoamerica.com/

For more information about Calumet Electronics, check them out at www.calumetelectronics.com

Facility Shot
Established 25 years ago TAIYO AMERICA, INC. is a subsidiary of TAIYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD., the world's leading manufacturer of specialty inks and solder masks for printed circuit boards. Taiyo offers conductive inks for manufacturing printed electronics, solar cells and other applications.
2675 Antler Drive, Carson City, NV 89701-1451
P: 775-885-9959  F: 775-885-9972

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