Quick Links Join Ojai Valley Green Coalition Now Ojai Valley Green Coalition Website February OVGC E-News Calendar Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 Saturday, March 14 Saturday, March 14 Saturday, March 14 Saturday, March 28 |
Be an Help Spread the 'Green Gospel' |
City and County
Team Up For A
March 28th Beautification
For more information call (805) 658-4322
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Board of Directors
Joanie Blaxter
Chris Cohen Noel Douglas Cynthia Grier Ched Myers Margaret Tarmy David White
Ojai Valley Green Coalition Resource Center 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 Mailing Address 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 669-8445 ojaivalleygreencoalition.org This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee |
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley
2015 Salon Series Premieres With the Theme of Seeds A new SALON SERIES premieres Friday, March 6th, 7 to 9 p.m. at the Green Coalition Resource Center 206 N. Signal St., Suite S (upstairs at the Aliso/Signal St. corner) "A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation." - Wikipedia 'SEEDS' is the theme for the inaugural salon. In this first evening together, we will consider the seed as potential - from the practical to the esoteric - by bringing a short personal story, poem, quote, brief book reading, or image to share and to inspire discussions about the significance of SEEDS in our life and on Earth. Though bringing something to share is not required or a prerequisite to joining in the conversation. The evening will be hosted and casually structured by Laurie Walters and Anca Colbert. Laurie is an actress and director. Anca is an art consultant, publisher and writer. The Salon is FREE, although a donation or a beverage to share is appreciated. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The Salon will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and seating is limited. Director's Note: So why a Salon, and why now? Several of us were inspired by the Coalition's experiment into the world of Ecopsychology last year. The Coalition's mission is to advance a sustainable and resilient Ojai Valley. Arguably, our inner sustainability for the work many of us do and the inner resiliency of all of us is as important as having healthy ecosystems around us. As we continue to hear about the ever increasing self-destructive insanity around the globe, how do we have a sane relationship to that world? With the passage of time, I've come to agree with the belief that self-care and planet-care - inner work and outer work - must both be engaged with simultaneously and that they inform each other. Our idea for this Salon Series is to gather good people, and through good conversation inspired by books, personal stories, images, film, and current events, make sense of what is happening around us and to us. Deborah - This Salon Series is Sponsored by the Nutiva Foundation - |
First 2015 Community Potluck and Presentation: A Watershed Approach to Resiliency and Regeneration The first for the year, our popular community gathering with a potluck and educational presentation is planned for Friday, March 27 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at our favorite hangout - Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Ave. The evening will begin with a meet and greet from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., food sharing from 7:00 to 7:35 p.m., followed by the program. There will also be information tables to learn about many of the Coalition's activities. For the potluck we ask attendees to share a favorite vegetarian (for ease of everyone being able to partake) salad, entr�e, or dessert featuring seasonal, local and organic ingredients. To reduce our landfill waste, please bring your own table service (plate, silverware, mug, and cloth napkin). The presentation will include an overview of the Ventura River Watershed Management Plan by Lorraine Walter, Ventura River Watershed Coordinator. Between September 2012 and February 2015, the Watershed Council and other stakeholders worked with staff to develop the Ventura River watershed's first comprehensive management plan. The final draft plan was scheduled for approval at the Council's March 5 meeting yesterday.
Then we'll talk about how a "Laundry to Landscape" system works. Michael Doran of A&M Plumbing, will discuss the laundry/plumbing side of the system and Renee Roth of Rainscape Designs, will discuss the landscape side of the system. Graywater is an important project component of the Ventura River Watershed Management Plan. Our favorite graywater websites are Oasis Design and Greywater Action. We'll have further details and sign-up opportunities for a Saturday, March 28 Graywater Home Tour and an April 4 Do-It-Yourself Graywater Installation Workshop in next e-communications. Hit reply, if you have any questions now. Graywater education sponsored by Rotary Club of Ojai, Nutiva Foundation, and the City of Ojai. |
Welcome New Board Member Chris Cohen The Coalition is pleased to announce its newest Board member, Chris Cohen. Chris is a lawyer and owner of Chris Cohen Law, a modern, nontraditional law practice that provides business law and estate planning services to clients in Ojai and throughout California. He is a graduate of UC San Diego and Ventura College of Law. Prior to opening his law practice, Chris was a government relations professional at Scripps Institution of Oceanography for nearly 10 years.
Environmental responsibility is a core value in his personal and professional life. Chris also serves on the Legal Advisory Committee for the Ojai Valley Defense Fund. He and his wife Nellie live in Meiners Oaks. In his off time, Chris enjoys fly fishing and snow skiing. Welcome, Chris, we look forward to your 'youthful perspective and professionalism'. |
Zero Pay Lots of Good Karma Experience Negotiable
Hit reply to request specific information about an item.
Porch Light Project
Help canvas neighborhoods for those who could benefit from a porch light shield and/or help offer free porch light shields to residents.
March 27 Community Gathering
Help staff popular Friday night potluck and presentation.
March 28 Beautification Day
Event takes place at Nordhoff High School 9am to 1pm. Help county staff unload vehicles. Hit reply for volunteer waiver that can be sent directly to county coordinator.
April 18 Earth Day Event
Help set-up the day before or help the day of event.
Phone Surveys
Poll residents on knowledge of city of Ojai Exterior Lighting Standards Ordinance.
Recruit businesses in area to offer discounts/benefits to OVGC new member sign-ups. 1-2 hrs. per week for a couple of months.
Take pictures at events as available and upload to Flickr.
Resource Center Helper
For a couple of hours once a week, once a month or somewhere in between and assist with tasks - clerical, cleaning, library, making signs, etc.