The City of Ojai is considering a new ordinance requiring the use of environmentally acceptable food service and package products. Read the public hearing notice and please plan to attend Tuesday, January 14 to voice your support. If you live in the city limits your input is especially valuable! |
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Board of Directors
Noel Douglas Cynthia Grier Kerry Miller Marcia Murphy Ched Myers Margaret Tarmy David White

Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Resource Center 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 Mailing Address 323 E. Matilija St. 110-114 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 669-8445 This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee |
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley
Thank You, if You Have; Pretty Please, if You Haven't Folks, I've got no fingernails left. Frankly, we're not hitting the thermometer mark needed to sustain and thrive as an organization. We know there are lots of good organizations and causes that ask for and need your dollars. But consider: if the Coalition did not exist, which local organization(s) would step in to . . . - host an annual e-waste & recycling collection event.
- constantly carry the water efficiency and conservation banner.
- host an annual community seed swap.
- partner with Oak Grove School and Food for Thought to host an annual Earth Day celebration and significant educational platform.
- constantly carry the energy efficiency and conservation banner.
- promote solar energy for homes.
- hold creek clean-up days and leverage the C.R.E.W. in creek restoration work.
- bring the community together for Friday night potlucks & programs.
- rally support and work with the city of Ojai to improve our Valley with efforts like the single-use carryout bag ban, improvements to exterior lighting ordinance to reduce light pollution and energy waste; and now discussing reducing local usage of polystyrene food containers.
- provide the Coalition bike valet for Ojai Day.
- hold an annual Green Home & Building Tour.
- fiscally sponsor fledgling groups, such as the Valley of the Moon Community Garden and Ojai Food Co-op
- present various other workshops and film events.
Do we bring value to the community and your family? We are all stakeholders. Individual ($25) and family ($40) annual memberships are important and much appreciated, but we also need larger contributions from those who are in a position to do so. One family (our matching gift) can't go it alone here. Members are the force behind our MISSION and VISION and the foundation beneath our EFFORTS. Please join the Coalition in saying "YES!" to solutions for positive change and a cleaner, healthier future. Become a member or renew, consider an extra gift and gift memberships for family and friends. Our goal is $20,000 (community) + $10,000 (gift-match) = $30,000 (to help do our good work) Thank you, Deborah Deborah Pendrey Executive Director and President Ojai Valley Green Coalition |
Recycle Your E-Waste, Plus 
The Coalition will hold its 6th annual e-waste recycling event with partners - Ojai Valley Directory, Ojai Community Bank, Harrison Industries, and E-Recycling of California. This VERY popular community service event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., rain or shine Saturday, January 11, 2014 in the Ojai Community Bank's parking lot located at 402 W. Ojai Ave. The event is open to all Ojai Valley residents and businesses. We'll again have yummy oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies donated by Trader Joe's to make the line seem shorter. E-Recycling of California will be accepting for recycling most types of electronics, including computers, monitors, and all accessories; TVs, radios, stereo and small appliances, such as toasters and microwaves. Rule of thumb: if it has a cord and fits on a counter - we'll take it. The Coalition will also be recycling household batteries (limit five pounds); ink and toner cartridges; media storage with cases, such as CD/DVDs, cassette tapes, floppy disks and VHS tapes; handheld electronics such as iPods and cell phones; and incandescent holiday lights. Please note that we are unable to accept fluorescent light bulbs. to read more click here. |
The Zero Waste Approach to Managing Resources What does local jobs development and 'zero waste' have in common? A positive impact on the Ojai Valley and beyond. As explained in Wikipedia "Zero waste is a philosophy that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused. No trash is sent to landfills and incinerators. The process recommended is one similar to the way that resources are reused in nature."
On Saturday, January 18, 1 to 5 p.m., Richard Anthony, B.S., M.A. of Richard Anthony Associates will travel from San Diego to Ojai to share his extensive knowledge on this subject. The seminar is hosted by the Ojai Retreat located at 160 Besant Rd., Ojai 93023. The seminar cost is $10 and reservations are required. Students considering a career in resource management are encouraged to attend and attend for free with student ID. The Coalition is helping the Ojai Retreat with outreach, so tell your friends. For more information visit the Ojai Retreat website or to RSVP call (805) 640-1142. to read more click here. |
Meet the OVGC Board of Directors It was with great sadness that the Coalition said good-bye in December to our remaining founding directors, Dale Hanson and Tyler Suchman. After six years, both chose to not renew for another three year term, but all is not lost. Dale will continue to participate with the Events Committee and Tyler joined the Advisory Board.
Tyler hosted the Coalition website and email service through his company Tribal Core since the beginning and has contributed a wealth of IT support over the years (side note: Tyler and AliSun Tree were married December 22 in Thailand!). Dale served as the corporate secretary since our inception, a task few aspire to, and has also participated on the Events committee since the beginning. The Coalition has been blessed to have such outstanding community citizens on its Board. As we prepare for 2014 we hope you will take a moment to learn about our passionate and hardworking directors here: Noel Douglas, Cynthia Grier, Kerry Miller, Marcia Murphy, Ched Myers, Margaret Tarmy and David White. Our 2014 officers: President - Deborah Pendrey, Vice President - Ched Myers, Secretary - David White; Treasurer - Marcia Murphy. They are all here to serve the community and advance a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley. Thank you! |