Good tim e to start planning (or planting) that winter garden. It's always a bit iffy here in Ojai, where it could be in the 90's for another month, so you don't want new lettuce to bolt, but hey, gardening is a gamble anyway. Be bold.
I'm probably going to at least start pulling the summer plants out and start digging in some compost (and let's be honest, those already bagged organic soil amendments like Sacred Cow or Foxfarm make it SO easy if you're a half-baked composter like me). It's also so much kinder on the aging muscles to do this all in pieces, rather than a weekend blitzkrieg like I used to do.
Think about expanding your Food Month in other ways. Try a new restaurant -- I just found out that Sea Fresh does breakfasts on the weekend and I had the best bagel & lox I can remember! And it was blessedly quiet.
Or how about gifting yourself with a great food magazine. Or invite some friends to come cook with you and enjoy a meal you've both concocted together.Or teach a child/teen how to make pumpkin pie (SO easy), so they can contribute to the family holiday meal and feel ever so important.
October Screenings of "Ground Operations"
How perfect was it for us to get the "Big Cheese Award" at the Port Townsend Film Festival?? The award is for "inspiring community" and is given out by their local organic creamery staff. And we get cheese!! For those of you who've missed the film and asked me to tell you when it would be playing again locally, here you go ..... Oct. 10: Earth Charter event (free) at Ventura College. 7:00-9:00pm. Oct. 17: Moorpark Democratic Club at Clinicas del Camino Real (by donation) at 6:30pm. 4279 Tierra Rejada Rd. And for those of you attending the Ojai Film Festival, the film will screen on Veterans Day, Nov. 11 @ 10:00am. Ray and I will not be attending, however, as we will be in Washington DC screening at the USDA and Capitol Hill (if anyone's still in business there).
Fermented Food Workshops
Michelle Dohrn of the (developing) Ojai Food Co-Op is offering more workshops in fermented foods. One is set for this weekend, but email quickly to make sure she has enough ingredients! This week you'll have green beans, peppers and cucumbers to work with.
For those interested in fermented drinks, she'll host another workshop for Kombucha, ginger ale and healthy fruit soda.
The three majore benefits of fermentation is that it preserves food, aids in a healthy digestive track and increases our natural immune system.
Contact Michelle:
To support the Ojai Food Co-Op, you can offer help with just about everything (website, grant writing, steering committee, fundraising .... and speaking of that ....
Mail and make check out to Ojai Valley Green Coalition in the memo put For Ojai Food Co-op. Mailing address: 323 E. Matilija Ave. 110-114, Ojai CA 93023
Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food News
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Food Month
Reading List
(thanks to
40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World,
by Howard Buffett.
Yep, Warren's brother, the farmer, shares 40 stories from around the world, dealing with his efforts to support food security.
66 Square Feet: A Delicious Life,
by Marie Viljoen.
A Brooklyn rooftop garden w/great photography & recipes.
Cows Save the Planet
by Gretel Ehrlich.
A "soil's-eye view" of the problems facing our environment, but an uplifting read for those in despair.
Eat Drink Vote,
by Marion Nestle.
250 humorous cartoons illustrating the complex connections between politics & food choices from one of America's premier nutritionists.
From the Ground Up: A Food Grower's Education in Life, Love & the Movement That's Changing the Nation, by
Jeanne Nolan
A memoir paired with a practical guide to organic farming that demonstrates the benefits of sustainable agriculture for people, communities & planet. Jeanne's creating edible gardens all across Chicago.
Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land: Lessons from Desert Farmers on Adapting to Climate Uncertainty,
by Gary Paul Nabhan
Obviously a smart read for Ojai folks, from one of the premier food writers. Expert advice for learning new practices to keep our backyards thriving as our summers grow longer and hotter.
The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People & Communities,
by Will Allen
Superstar urban food growing guru of Growing Power (a 2-acre urban farm that uses aquaponics, vermiculture, huge composting, etc. to provide the inner-city with TONS of food).
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Homemade Musuli
In Pt. Townsend, at the Farmers Market, I picked up some of "Daddy's Musuli." What a hit!! You can order it from Amazon, or heck, make your own custom blend. Think about.....
Toasted oats Sunflower seeds Hemp seeds Organic Flax powder Walnuts Almond slivers Pecans Hazelnuts Pine Nuts Dried fruits: Apricots, cranberries, cherries, raisins, papaya, mango or ??? Protein powder Cinnamon Coconut flakes Coconut sugar (low glycemic)
Go wild. Dress with your favorite milk - Almond, Rice, Hemp