So among my starter plants, I always buy some peppers. Not only do they give you a summer crop, but if you treat them well, they'll keep on bearing into November. Helluva deal. I'm not crazy about bell peppers because they never quite grow as well as I expect. My favorites are those "lipstick" shaped sweet peppers that come in shades of yellow, red and orange.
So I planted about half a dozen different plants. One day, cruising through my garden and talking on my cellphone, I saw one had turned a lovely red. Without another thought, I plucked it and chomped down.
The next 15 minutes were a blur ... first I shot-put it out of my mouth, then I tried to breathe but couldn't, nor could I speak. I couldn't even say goodbye to my phone person -- I just ran for the kitchen, for bread, yogurt, milk, all at once to stop the burning and tried to breathe in between the incessant coughing and sneezing. I was, as they say, a "hot mess."
I will check the labels more carefully next year.

FILM: In Organic We Trust Tomorrow Night, 6:00-9:00
"A Date with Your Farmer" Summer Series from the Ojai Food Co-op ends with a bang on Friday night, Aug. 30th at the Grange. A potluck dinner (that doesn't mean chips & salsa, that means a real dish), the film and several of Ojai's young farmers will provide an evening of info & entertainment. The farmers Shawn Fulbright of Sulphur Mountain CSA, Peter Willsrud of Avogadros Garden Farm in Upper Ojai and Connor Jones from East End Eden will speak about organic farming and how to build the Ojai Valley's food system. One of the fledgling Co-op's goals is for us to source at least 50% of our food from farmers within 150 miles. We at the Ojai Valley Green Coalition couldn't agree more.
Metabolism Boosting Foods
Avoid Muscle Loss 
Prevention Magazine, June 2013 I know there are some who feel that protein is over-stressed. But for those of us who need protein to operate at highest efficiency, without muscle loss (especially in our later years), here are some quick references. My nutritionist has advised 20-30g at each meal. HIGH: Tempeh (15g-1/2Cup), Greek yogurt (18g-6oz), Whey (24g-1oz), Fish/shellfish (28g-4oz), poultry, pork, beef (28g-4oz) MEDIUM: Cheese (7g-1oz), milk (9g-1cup), legumes (7-9g - 1/2cup) edamame (8g-1/2cup), tofu (12g-3oz), eggs (12g-2eggs; 14g-4 whites), cottage cheese (14g-1/2cup) LOW: Avocado (2g-1/2avo), asparagus (4g-1cup), tree nuts (4-5g-2Tbsp), spinach (5g-1cup), hemp seeds (10g-2Tbl), pseudograins (quinoa, amaranth & buckwheat - 5-9g per 1cup) Looks like a fritatta with eggs, spinach, cheese, hemp seeds and some sauteed veggies, cooked on Sunday, will make my week of breakfasts and get me off to a roaring start!!
Transition to Organics brings you....
Biodynamics for Gardens & Landscapes
"Symphony of the Soil"
Farm to Table dinner in the field
Saturday, September 21
Workshop: 8:30 - 3:15 at Oak Grove School
Farmer/educator Gina Nonini, landscaper Severo Lara & designer Basia Kenton will address biodynamic practices in gardens, small urban farms
and all facets of landscaping. $75 (includes movie)
Film: 4:00 at the Ojai Playhouse I saw this at Eco-Farm and it is fantastic! This is no dreary educational film, it is beautiful, creative & compelling. The film's director (of "The Future of Food" fame), Deborah Koons Garcia will attend and do Q&A $10
Dinner at Steve Sprinkle's farm If you've never experienced a dinner in the field, you have missed a sublime experience, so take advantage of this one. Great organic food, terrific people (including Deborah Koons Garcia) and a cause worth funding at their auction. Event benefits Transition-to-Organics Watershed documentary, School Gardens project and Agricultural Education Center with the Chumash. $200 (includes movie)
Or.... $250 for the whole shootin' match!
Tickets must be purchased by September 14th!! or 805-646-4294
Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food News
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Upcoming Events(Mark your calendar now, so you remember)
Friday, August 30
6:00-9:00 p.m.
$5 suggested Film: In Organic We Trust
Potluck dinner and panel of Ojai's young farmers speaking. (see article to left) The Ojai Grange
381 Cruzero St.
Saturday, Sept. 7
1:30-4:00 p.m.
Cost $50.00
McGrath Farm Tour &
Cooking Class
Using food you have gathered from a farm tour, private chef Lisa Morgan will give you a private cooking class on the farm. Also receive a gift bag of fresh seasonal foods and recipes from chef Lisa. Reservations: McGrath Family Farm
Central Ave., Camarillo
Sunday, Sept. 8
2:00-4:00 p.m.
What? My Stomach
Acid is LOW, not high?
What night waking, gas, bloating, heartburn, hypoglycemia & adrenal exhaustion have in common.
Talk by Joanie Blaxter
Rainbow Warehouse
215 E. Matilija St.
Sunday, Sept. 15 4:00-8:00 p.m.
$175 until 9/1
$250 after
An Afternoon in the Orchard A benefit for V.C. Ag Education & Learning Gardens school program 4-course meal from 3 top chefs and dancing with Todd Hannigan and Perla Batalla. Limoneira 1141 Cummings Rd.
Santa Paula
| Saturday, Sept. 21
Film: Symphony
of the Soil Workshop: Biodynamic Garden & Small Farm Landscaping plus
Farm-to-Table Dinner
(see article to left)
Saturday, Oct. 5
Free Fall Fiesta Pumpkin patch, live music, light snacks, photos on the tractor, garden tour & tamales! Food for Thought
Meiners Oaks Elementary 400 So. Lomita
| |
Garbanzo & Quinoa Salad (Humane Society)
4 servings of 14g of protein each!! 4 sml beets1 cup quinoa1-1/3 cup water1/2 tsp. salt1 cucumber, chopped1 bell pepper1-1/2 c. cooked garbanzo beans1/2 cup apple juice 1. Cook beets 2. Cool beets, then peel & cut into small bites (save beet juice) 3. Bring quinoa, apple juice & salt to boil over high heat. Reduce to a simmer & cook, covered for 15 min. Let steam for another 5 min. 4. Test cucumber skin for bitterness, peel if necessary. Cut cuke & bell pepper into bites. 5. Fluff quinoa with fork. Toss garbanzos & veggies into grain. 6. Drizzle w/beet juice & bit of apple juice. 7. Toss until all is pink!