Recipe Swap & Tasting Social Returns!Sat., June 22, 2-5pm. 206 So. Blanche (my place)
It's been WAY too long since we had one of these oh-so popular events. Get your favorite recipe out, make that tasty dish and bring it along with 20 copies of the recipe -- as will everyone else. Then we just spend a couple of hours grazing the table of delights, nibbling here and there, plucking copies of the recipes of the dishes we like best... all the while, schmoozing with friends you haven't seen for months or making some new ones.
Plus a garden tour to see how we are attempting to grow more food and foil the critters at the same time.
I'll be sending out The Culinary Club's beautiful invitation to everyone on this list, and anyone else who asks for it:
PLEASE RSVP by June 18:

Food Bill needs your support
If they called the Farm Bill the Food Bill, a lot more of us would pay attention and take action. This one piece of legislation impacts us more than any other. It only gets reviewed every 5 years and it dictates where the money for our food gets spent ... do you care about organic, sustainable food production? Farmers markets? Nutrition for Woman, Infants & Children? GMOs? Conservation measures on farmland? Opportunities for our veterans to get the training to become our next generations of farmers and ranchers?
It's time to practice democracy again. Contact your senators and representatives (I met with Rep. Julia Brownley May 7th), and ask them to:
- Support Amendment #1055: Socially Disadvantaged & Veteran Producer Training (programs to train vets in Ag)
- Support Amend.#1088: Food & Ag Market Development, Entrepre- neurship & Education
- Reject the King Amendment or any other rider that restricts states' rights to label GMOs.
- Call for a full debate and vote on the Merkley amendment that would repeal the Monsanto Protection Act (allowing them to keep planting GMO plants even against court orders to stop)
Mulberry Picking We Will Go .....
Mulberry Haven: 913 Oso Rd.
It's mulberry season and they're coming in gang-busters. Call Carol for an appointment to come and U-pick at a steal price of $2 per half-pint basket. Carol will guide you to the best trees and give you picking tips. Also available are Sunshine grapefruit (crossed with oranges), Blood oranges, cut flowers, bare root fruit tree seedlings, aloes, herbs ... it's a plant extravaganza.
Your donations will help support the on-going translation of John Jeavons book How to Grow More Vegetables into Russian, that Carol's non-profit BioIntensive Russia is doing.
Call Carol at 640-1897 for an appointment & help picking.
Ideal Seafood Back in the Farmers Market.... East Ventura that is.
East Ventura Farmers Market. Thursdays 3-7pm Located at 901 Kimball Rd. at the Ventura Recreation Park (aka water park). Very conveniently located just off the freeway. This market has the extra permit the Ojai market doesn't have allowing us to sell from ice chests. It's a really nice market with plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, most of which is organic. You can also come for dinner. There's BBQ, Tamales, Hot Dogs and more.
Meanwhile, don't forget to stop by their shop next to the car wash, near Villanova & Hwy. 33. They could use our support.
Call Alicia ahead if you want her to set aside for you: 640-1514
Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food News
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Upcoming Events
May 29 $10
Film: Occupy Love
Bob Banner (HopeDance) is bringing this to us."An inspired, hopeful expression of the power of people.." Ojai Foundation 646-8343
May 31
Ojai Food Co-Op Meeting
What do you want to see at the Co-Op and other updates on progress.
Michelle Dohrn
Bohemia 7:00pm
June 2 & June 6
Film: Ground Operations
Santa Monica (Your Local Hive) and Pasadena (Armory Center for the Arts)
We're having amazing food & wine, veterans speaking & the film. Tell your L.A. peeps to call me for tickets:
805-640-1133 June 22 free
Recipe Swap &
Tasting Social
see lead story . Good food, good friends and a garden tour. 206 So. Blanche St. RSVP: ojaiculinaryclub@
Summer Drink toRehydrate(thanks to Joanie) 1 c. lemon juice (approx. 6-8 lemons) 1/2 cup honey* or maple syrup 1 tsp. sea salt 1/2 tsp. baking soda Place in a pint mason jar and stir to combine (the lemon juice and baking soda will react, so stir it down), keep concentrate in the fridge. This can be added to 1 gallon of filtered water, or add 1-2 tablespoons to each 8 ounces (1 cup) of water. *Honey - For your health and allergies, it's best to buy honey from local bees (and their keepers). Especially since even known U.S. brands buy from China and re-label, and have been reported to have heavy metals and antibiotics in imported honeys.)