The Ojai Valley of the Moon Community Garden needs volunteers to assist with the installation of 20 donated fruit trees on Saturday May 11, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. at the Garden on the Help of Ojai West Campus. If you can help, please contact garden manager, Robin Graham, at 640-0569.
Coming July 9 - October 9
Can you join our special marketing team to get the word out? 3 meeting commitment only! Contact Deborah by email or (805) 669-8445
Learn more about going solar with us. |
We're almost there!
Still wishing for -
* Light weight 8' curtain
panels * Flat screen monitor/TVfor
presentations * Silk or live green plants * Artists to create a 4'x4'
mural - chose from the
'story' of compost,
watershed, and green
From an apartment balcony to a business park, everyone can create a welcoming haven for local wildlife. Turn your space into a Certified Wildlife Habitat� today! |
Click below to follow the Coalition on Facebook and Twitter!

Board of Directors
Noel Douglas Cynthia Grier Dale Hanson Vina Lustado Kerry Miller Marcia Murphy Tyler Suchman Sabrina Venskus David White

Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Resource Center 206 N. Signal St. #S Ojai, CA 93023 Mailing Address 323 E. Matilija St. 110-114 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 669-8445 This e-newsletter is produced by the Communications & Publicity Committee |
Advancing a green, sustainable, and resilient Ojai Valley
"Ladies of the Land" Community Potluck and Program Come out Friday, May 10, 6:30- 9:00 p.m. to the Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai. Mingle with neighbors, share a potluck supper and learn about women in agriculture. We will screen the documentary "Ladies of the Land" followed by a discussion of "Women, Agriculture and the Ojai Valley." Joining us on the panel and/or staffing a table are:
Megan Hooker, Corinne McAndrew and Greta Strautman Restoration Grains Shawn Shimokawa Mountain CSA Maegen Anderson and Meghann Percy Rancho del Pueblo/Center for Regenerative Agriculture Carol Wade Earth Island Herbs Herbal CSA Darinka Postal Red Tail Ranch poultry Christel Rogero Day on the Farm tour Elizabeth Del Negro Rio Gozo Farm Michelle Dohrn Ojai Food Co-op Lori Hamor Food for Thought There is a suggested $5 donation to support the Coalition hosting the event. Bring a vegetarian dish (local and organic ingredients encouraged) to share, and to reduce our landfill waste, please bring your own table service (plate, silverware, mug, and cloth napkin). For further details call (805) 669-8445. To share the flyer click here. Then on Saturday set out on an inspiring tour of farms and gardens in the Ojai Valley. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get your complimentary map here. |
2013 May Board Changes Besides our recent location change, OVGC Board changes are afoot. We are losing Marleen Luckman, our esteemed President, and her husband Frank Malle and welcoming a new board member, Cynthia Grier. Marleen and Frank, who will be sorely missed not just by the OVGC, but the entire community, are moving out of state to be near family. Not to be too sad, we are looking forward to Cynthia coming onboard after being an active member since 2008.  | Marleen (left) heads to Arizona; Cynthia joins the OVGC Board and will focus on business membership development. | Marleen is a certified Building Biology Environmental Inspector and has spent 30 years as an elementary teacher. She has had a broad impact on our community. An experienced public speaker on home environmental health issues, Marleen held the position of Green Operations Coordinator at the Ojai Unified School District funded through a grant to Food for Thought to develop green school policies, provide teacher support in environmental education, and guide the District through the National Green Ribbon School certification process. Marleen also has been serving as a Planning Commissioner for the City of Ojai and sitting on the Commission's Complete Streets subcommittee.
to read more click here. |
We've Talked About the Ventura River Watershed Council Before... The Ventura River Watershed Council is a stakeholder group for watershed planning in the Ventura River Watershed. Lorraine Walter, whose position is funded through a grant administered by the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, is the watershed coordinator working with the VRWC to develop a detailed management plan for the Ventura River watershed. The plan outlines current conditions, identifies areas of concern, and prioritizes projects and programs to address those concerns In consideration of the Coalition's new focus on our valley's energy/fossil fuel input and output, our watershed literacy and water security workgroup is formulating a collaborative project to work with residents to increase water retention and reduce water usage on their property. If we can swing enough funding and people power, we're on it! What's the connection between energy and water you ask? Water and energy consumption are interdependent - the more water we use, the more energy we need, and vice versa. In fact, approximately four percent of the nation's electricity is used just for moving and treating drinking water and wastewater. Conversely, it takes 3,000 to 6,000 gallons of water annually to power just one 60-watt incandescent bulb for 12 hours per day (U.S. EPA). We've had two seasons of minimal rainfall and this could be the norm! Let's all be water sensible and energy stars. |
Earth Day Was Lovely EarthPlay Earth Day 2013 had perfect weather and a nice turnout. Environmental and just plain fun activities abounded. The exhibitor area, which the Coalition organizes, had a great mix of live animals, environmental awareness, and 'green' companies. Many thanks to our volunteers, who helped plan, prep, set-up, and staff the event: Frances Fitting, Dale Hanson, Anca Colbert, Christine Brennan, Russell Sydney, Kale Starbird, Noel Douglas, Marleen Luckman, Frank Malle, Libby Treadwell, Marci Murphy, Laurie Slade, Diane Squire, and Michelle Malinoski
And thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets, which supported the Coalition. The winners were: The Sahgal Family Grand prize trip to New York City Rachel Tanck Taste and Sound of Ojai Gift Basket Heather McDougle Ojai Staycation Gift Basket Madhu Bajaj Just for Kids Gift Basket The Dikeman Family Father's Day Gift Basket Kerry Mother's Day Gift Basket Ken and Marilyn Files Golf Package Gift Basket See you in 2014! Your Earth Day Committee: Andy Gilman, Oak Grove School; Lori Hamor, Food for Thought; Marti Reid, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy, Deborah Pendrey, Ojai Valley Green Coalition |