"Ground Operations" Wins!
Official Selection: Best Solution
Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival
 Just got back from Florida where our film won an award at their enviro film festival. If you haven't seen it yet, or know folks who would like to, we have a big event coming up Feb. 28th!
We're screening "Ground Operations: Battlefields to Farmfields" at the
Museum of Ventura County, Feb. 28, 6:30-9:00pm.
Alan Thornhill & Greg Haggard will be playing music, Lorraine Lim is catering AND our former Secretary of Agriculture, A.G. Kawamura, will be guest speaker!!
LATE NOTICE: Planting Fruit Trees Tomorrow
At our Food Forest Workshop last month, Charles Duncan went over the 'how-to's' of planting fruit trees. I had hoped to create an entire workshop around that but the drums of Spring are beating and the timing of when to put them in the ground won't wait for human pl ans.
So Doug and I will be planting tomorrow, Sunday, Feb.17. Call us for timing if you'd like to assist: 640-1133.
I'll announce the next Food Forest Workshop shortly, as soon as I figure out whether to do the raised beds or chicken coop next!

2nd Annual Seed & Plant Swap
Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Ave February 23, 1:00-4:00pm
All are welcome to bring your stories and passion for growing food. Bring seeds, cuttings, or starts to share. We encourage you to bring your own re-purposed seed containers (think envelopes out of the recycle bin). And our favorite local expert on beneficial insects, Rincon Vitova, will be on hand to answer questions.
The exchange is hosted by All Good Things Organic Seeds and the Ojai Valley Green Coalition. This year we're expanding to include plants grown locally and inviting nonprofits and growers to sell seeds and starts. (A donation of 10% of gross sales to the Ojai Valley Green Coalition is requested from them).
For further information contact Justin Huhn at (805) 758-3184 or agtoseeds@gmail.com.
What to do now in the Garden?
Tips from Flora Gardens
Its almost Spring.......But don't be fooled by the sunshine and warm days, frost is still possible at night. Just a few more winter chores before Spring is here to stay.
*Deciduous shrubs and trees are still dormant enough to transplant this month.Once the buds have begun to swell, it will be too late.
*Trees that weren't fed last fall should be deep fed by punching a series of 1-2 inch holes two feet apart around the drip line and filled with an appropriate amount of food. A mulch of well composted manure is also excellent for your trees. If you use granular type fertilizers, be sure to water it in thoroughly.
*The vegetable garden should get its first good tilling of the year. *Add some good steer, horse or chicken manure or some Sacred Cow Biodynamic Compost (Aqua-Flo). *Sharpen & clean tools to cause less damage to your plants. *Be ready to protect tender plants on these cold nights *Continue planting cool season vegetables like: broccoli, cabbage, kale, lettuce, onions *Start seeds of warm season vegetables and flowers inside. *Begin dividing perennials *Plant & prune bare root roses and fruit trees
What? Some Good News on GMO Labeling???
Amazing but true.... apparently Big Food (companies) is realizing that the people will fight for labeling in state after state, causing them fiscal distress, and held a 'quiet' meeting in January with FDA officials, to explore a federal mandate for labeling GMO foods. Read the New York Times article:
Ojai Food Co-Op has the Green Light
Many successful start-up Co-ops are using online virtual markets as a step prior to an actual storefront, as a way to gain knowledge to what it's community's needs and wants are, establish relationships with the farmers and producers, build inventory, and assess it's viability.
Since it is an online market place there is little overhead cost associated, thus more money goes back to the farmers and producers, the consumers pay less and the Co-op can give more back to the community (through charities, education, community services).
The Ojai Valley Green Coalition voted to be the fiscal sponsor for the Ojai Food Co-Op - which will have their first fundraiser soon so they can pay the associated costs, such as buying the software for the online local food marketplace.
For info or help, please email: quinospt@earthlink.net.
Transitions to Organics - Busy, Busy, Busy
Continuing with their great work, TTO is: * Raising funds to be able to donate compost to support Ojai's school gardens, in collaboration with Sacred Cow Compost. * Selling the Sacred Cow biodynamic compost for $8.50 a bag * Adding to the Organic Ojai Mapping Project. They now have a university student helping them. Have you listed your garden? * Looking into having a booth at the Farmers Market. Want to volunteer some Sunday mornings with them? * Working with the Nordhoff Earth Allies (students) * Offering another Biodynamic Workshop with Gena Nonini (I took the last one, it's a great introduction to this world of biodynamics) * TTO meetings held first Monday of the month, 6:00pm at Farmer & the Cook (arrive early to order dinner if you're eating).
For all of the above: www.transition-to-organic.org or 646-4294
Thanks for your continuing interest in making the Ojai Valley a more delicious place to live. Our food system is a vital part of our resilience and strength.
Growing food, growing community!
Dulanie Ellis, Food Council
Ojai Valley Green Coalition
Upcoming Events
Feb. 23
Pruning Essentials Learn the ABC's of pruning at this free, hands-on workshop with Master Gardener Charles Duncan. He is a fantastic teacher! Ojai Demon.Garden 401 So. Ventura St. 10:00-12:00
Then hop over to....
2nd Annual Seed & Plant Swap (see article) Bring your kids, this is a fun & fascinating event, Chaparral Aud. Hosted by O.V.G.C. & Justin Huhn: 758-3184 1:00pm-4:00pm
Feb. 28 Documentary Film:
Ground Operations See the lead article Museum of Ventura Cty 6:30-9:00pm March 9
Fruit Trees:
Led by David White at Mulberry Haven. 10-12 Propagating from cuttings 12-1 Lunch with Irina Kim 1-2:30 Grafting to stock RSVP: For cost and directions contact
Carol Vesecky at cbvesecky@gmail.com
| May 11
Day on the Farm
Christel Rogero is gearing up for Year Two with 6 farms and a progressive meal. If you want to help out or can help market: c.rogero@yahoo.com 10:00-3:00
4 More Uses for
Coconut Oil
(Thanks to Joanie)
1. Shaving Who knew? Use a light film of the oil on damp but not wet skin. Don't forget to clean the razor.
2. Toothpaste
Mix the oil with baking soda into a paste. Add a few drops of your favorite flavored essential oil.
3. Chocolate Drops
Use as the oil when you melt unsweetened chocolate in a double-boiler.
4. French Fries
Use this with your sweet potato fries. And because it's so stable, you can strain the oil after frying & re-use it.
1/4C. carrot juice
1/2 C. orange juice
1 C. spinach
1 C. chopped kale
4 sml. broccoli florets
1 banana
1 apple chopped
We'll be getting those delicious mangos from Mexico soon....1 C. coconut milk
1 banana, frozen
1 mango (flesh)
5 large berries
Orange Prune
1/4 C. orange juice 6 pitted prunes 2 Tbl. powdered non-fat milk 1/2 C. crushed ice If it's too thick add more juice or water.