Alliance for Iowa State
-Make Your Voice Heard-

The Iowa State University College of Engineering: where diversity of thought and culture leads to inspired students, faculty and staff - and future engineers!


The College of Engineering serves thousands of Iowans each year through our community outreach programs designed to educate and inspire K-12 students and educators about science, technology and engineering. With a goal of developing future engineering leaders, these programs include Project Lead The Way, FIRST LEGO League, Junior FIRST LEGO League and engineering kids camps and activities.

  • This academic year there are more than 500 teachers from 220 Iowa schools trained to teach Project Lead The Way engineering curriculum that promotes critical thinking, creativity, innovation and real-world problem solving problem skills.
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  • With more than 430 FIRST LEGO League teams and 70 Junior FIRST LEGO League teams, Iowa ranks seventh in the nation for number of participants. The College of Engineering has directed the statewide programs for 12 years.
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  • Engineering camps are a great way for kids to check out the latest technology, engineering activities to challenge the mind, opportunities to explore new topic areas and experience the Iowa State campus.


For more information about our K-12 programs check out Iowa State Engineering Kids.

 Iowa State's Mission:
Create, share, and apply knowledge to make 
Iowa and the world a better place.

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The Alliance for Iowa State is maintained by the Iowa State University Alumni Association. 


The Alliance for Iowa State is a coalition of Iowa State University alumni, parents, students, faculty, staff, and friends.

The Alliance advocates Iowa State University's land grant mission throughout Iowa while focusing its advocacy on

state legislators and public policy makers.