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Scalar Heart Connection Newsletter 
August 6, 2013
Scalar Heart Connection

Thank you for being an important heart amongst the global community. When we connect to our heart's innate wisdom, we radiate positive energy that touches all those around us.

This newsletter is just one way for all of us to stay in touch. Please pass the word along to your friends and family about Scalar Heart Connection.

The heart will always tell us what we need to know. We only need to know how to ask and how to listen.  


Connecting Hearts Globally

world hearts

The number of people using the free online Ask Your Heart session continues to increase and include hearts from more areas around the globe.

In July, people used the program in Athens, South Africa, Switzerland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Portugal.

Many people have reported that the simple Ask Your Heart version has made huge shifts in how they respond and feel about the every day issues that arise in their lives. We are happy to see it grow and look forward to the day it connects hearts from all corners of Earth.



Ask Your Heart - Online online

People all over the world can now experience Scalar Heart Connection online.

This powerful Preview Session will give people a  session online.

Imagine typing out a troubling issue on your keyboard and uncovering your heart's wisdom and suggestions on how to respond. 

Please pass the word on to all your friends.


Upcoming Events
east west

Join us at the East West Bookshop in Seattle:

Thursday September 19th - A free lecture and audience demonstration.  For more info>>

Saturday September 21st - Scalar Heart Connection workshop.  For more info>>

"I enjoyed seeing the connection between us and the universe. Also our hearts truly know the truth." 

~ Joylnn K.


About Us

Scalar Heart Connection is more than a process for positive change, it is a community focused on enriching the lives of human beings by deepening their connection to each other and to the planet.

Scalar Heart Connection is easy to use and fun to experience. It helps people identify disharmonies within the chakras and meridian energy channels. A lack of coherence within these energy systems weakens the resonance pattern of what we are trying to manifest in our lives. Once we move out of resonance with stress, depression, and self-sabotaging vibrations, we can strengthen the energy patterns and thought-forms that are life-enhancing.