This Week's News ~ May 20, 2016

In this Issue

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St. John Calendar 

Chancel Choir Schedule

Worship Servers

This Month's Ministry Spotlight

This Month's Personality Parade



This Week at St. John
Friday, 05/20
9:45 am Friday Bible Academy
Saturday, 05/21
5:30 pm Saturday Evening Worship
Sunday, 05/22
9:00 am Early Worship
10:10 am Adult Sunday School
10:10 am High School Youth in the kitchen with Mrs. Pam
11:00 pm Late Worship
2:00 pm MediLodge Service
4:00 pm AA Meeting
Monday, 05/23
10:00 am Quilters
7:00 pm Men's Basketball
Tuesday, 05/24
1:00 om Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday, 05/25
6:30 pm Chancel Choir
7:00 pm Men's Basketball 
Thursday, 05/26
8:00 am Men's Breakfast 
9:10 am Bible Study Fellowship
NO Chancel Bells
Friday, 05/27
9:45 am Friday Bible Study
Saturday, 05/28
5:30 pm Saturday Evening Worship
Sunday, 05/29
10:00 am One Service
4:00 pm AA Meeting
Monday, 05/30
Memorial Day
Happy Birthday!
May 21
Jean Purdy

Mary Ann Otsuji
May 22
Todd Danielson
May 23
Diane Dupuis

Brian Black
May 24
Donna Tupper

James Grudt

Rodney Whitbeck

David Shapiro

Dorothy Duensing
May 25
Andrea Bernicchi

Jenn Korff
May 26
Craig Weller
May 27
Jeff Fraser
May 28
Maria Hill

Gary McKee
May 29
Janet Williams
9:00 AM
Lay Assistant:
Janice Locke
Brenda Shelton
Diane Rinehart,
  Donna TenHave 
Elaine Pearson
Chris Fischer
11:00 AM
Lay Assistant:
Marge Sellers
Lucie Stricker
Dan Bingham
Coffee Host:
BAC Dedication Team
Altar for
Pat Gransee,
  Shirley Niesyto
John Bell,
  Bill Davis
In Christian Sympathy...
...We offer condolences to the family of Dori Penning, who passed away May 18th.  Her Memorial Service will be Monday, May 23 at 6:30 pm at St. John.  Read more here.
white-callalilies.jpg We also offer condolences to the family of  former Bethlehem member Martha Erickson who passed away May 12th.  Her funeral will be Saturday, May 21st at 1:00pm at Thayer-Rock Funeral Home. map
Read more here.

Chancel Flowers 

Flowers this week are provided by the Dresden family in celebration of the Donna Tupper's birthday.
Happy Birthday Donna!
Library News!
Time marches on, and with it goes technology! While the library has purchased DVDs for a number of years, we still have numerous VCR tapes taking valuable space. We are making a number of these, primarily for children, available on a first-come, first-served basis on tables just outside the library.
Also, if you are aware of a group or facility in the area which could use these tapes, please let the staff know. Thank you for your assistance.
Detroit Handbell Ensemble Concert
This Sunday, May 24, 4:00pm
First United Methodist Church
22014 Garrison St.
Dearborn, MI  48124
More info here.
Items especially needed right now are:
  • Dish Detergent
  • Childrens' Snacks
  • Cleaning Products
  • Napkins
It's almost time for Pastor Lauren's Sabbatical!
Read all about it here.
This Week
Saturday, May 21
mother of Constantine
died around 330
Influenced by her son to become Christian, Helena (or Helen) lived an exemplary life of faith. She is also remembered for traveling through Palestine building churches on the sites she believed to be associated with Christ's life.
Tuesday, May 24
Nicolaus Copernicus
died 1543;
Leonhard Euler
died 1783;
These two men were both scientists who helped to explain the wonders of God's universe.
Copernicus is best known for promoting the idea that the sun, not the earth, is at the center of our solar system.
Euler was one of the founders of pure mathematics, and contributed to many other fields.
Sunday, May 22

10:00 am

Come and celebrate as we dedicate our renovated gym, renamed the "Bethlehem Activity Center."

A light lunch will be served.

Thankoffering Sunday
Sunday ~ May 22
The Thankoffering donation has traditionally consisted of money saved over the course of a year. We would put money in a special Thankoffering box whenever we felt thankful for some blessing in our lives. This money was then collected at a Thankoffering service and sent to the WELCA headquarters in Chicago to help to support them and their ministries, many of which help women and children in distress or need. We don't see the boxes much anymore, but the need for the donations is greater than ever.
This Sunday, May 22, is this year's Thankoffering Sunday. Envelopes for Thankofferings were included in the bulletin last Sunday. Of course, you may also just use a pew envelope, but be sure to write "THANKOFFERING" prominently on it. All Thankofferings may be placed in the offering plate on May 22, or you can put your envelope in the Women's Mailbox in the office area for the next several weeks. Please make checks out to the Women of St. John, not to St. John Lutheran Church.
Our donation last year was $684.00 from only 20 or so donors. We wish to thank all of those who have given in the past and invite others to join them this year.

Beginning May 29
we will have One Service
at 10:00 AM.

May 28 will be the last
Saturday Evening service.
Thoughts on Keeping Sabbath
If you attended worship last Sunday you heard Rev. Wayne Muller talk about how important it is to step away from our daily tasks and take some time to rest and refresh ourselves. Here are some thoughts on creative ways to keep the Sabbath.
May 24 ~ 10 am to 3 pm
Free for seniors and one caregiver
Seniors 62 and older in the tri-county area and a caregiver receive free admission and parking. Senior citizens residing in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties are invited to enjoy a special day at the Detroit Zoo. Senior Day features live music, tram tours, bingo, zookeeper talks and a senior resource area.

Sunday, June 5 ~ 11:00 AM

Our very successful 3-year capital campaign,
Let it Go ~ Let it Grow, is soon coming to an end. Join us to celebrate! More details to come.

Let it Grow

Friday, June 3
Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, is pleased to offer a preventive health event at St. John on June 3, 2016.  Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries, a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete.  In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit


 May 29 ~ Memorial Day weekend

                Summer Worship Schedule begins

 June 3 ~  Lifeline Screening

 June 5  ~  Let it Go - Let it Grow Celebration

 June 19 ~ Plug Into Energy Savings Workshop

 July 11 ~  Pastor Lauren's Sabbatical begins!

 August 1-5 ~ Vacation Bible School