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This Week's News ~ May 8, 2015


In this Issue

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St. John Calendar 

Chancel Choir schedule

ELCA Youth Gathering Volunteer Sign-Up



This Week at St. John

Friday, 05/08

9:45 am Friday Bible Academy

Saturday, 05/09

5:30 pm Evening Worship

Sunday, 05/10


9:00 am Early Service with Choir

10:10 am Adult Sunday School

10:15 am Sunday School all ages

11:00 am Late Service

2:00 pm White Pine Service

4:00 pm AA Meeting

Monday, 05/11

10:00 am Quilters

10:00 am Inward/Outreach Task Force Meeting

7:00 pm Men's Basketball

Tuesday, 05/12

1:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

6:00 pm TNT

Wednesday, 05/13

7:00 pm Men's Basketball

Thursday, 05/14

8:00 am Men's Breakfast 

7:00 pm Chancel Bells rehearsal

Friday, 05/15

SEMI Synod Assembly

9:45 am Friday Bible Academy

7:00 pm set up at Grand Court

Saturday, 05/16

SEMI Synod Assembly

5:30 pm Evening Worship

6:00 pm Senior Prom at Grand Court

Sunday, 05/17

9:00 am Early Service with Choir

10:15 am Intergenerational Sunday School

11:00 am Late Service

4:00 pm AA Meeting

Happy Birthday!  

May 09

Anita Lewis


Nancy Schafer


Sean Shapiro

May 11

Barbara Dresden

May 12

Christopher Purdy


Julie Fraser


Tony Monico

May 13

Katherine Blanck

May 15

Curt Lind


Matthew Janik

May 16

Evan Wright


Shanna Miles

May 18

Kathy Schram


Neel Patel


Vivienne Vaupel

May 19   

Tammy Cavicchioli


9:00 AM

Lay Assistant:

David Ferber


Janice Locke


Elaine Pearson, Ward Varns


Elaine Pearson


Chris Fischer




Reader:Lynn Lasley


Kelly Monico


Emily Stanek



Coffee host:

The Weller Family
Arch-Acolyte:Steven Pellerito
Altar for May:
Shirlee Korte, Carol Sterling

The 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering will take place this summer in DETROIT!  You can help too!  Here's how:

  1. Volunteer!  Click here to sign up.
  2. Help support St. John Youth in their participation.  A list of suggested gifts is here.  You can even give online here.
The CROP Walk was a Huge Success!
Way to go St. John!  We exceeded our goal of $4300 for the Crop Walk AND, there's still time to donate!!!  Let's see how much over our goal we can go!!! You have until May 17th.  Thanks to our walkers:  Meghan & Sarah O'Brien, David Elias, Earl Hagen, Barb Dresden & family, Diane Rickard & family, Julie Rowe, Dawn Shipe & family; Brenda Shelton, Dana Smith, VFG Associates (there were 5 of them), Pastor Lauren & family and Randall Jensen.  And to those that helped out in the kitchen!! 

Overall there were 210 walkers and over $28,400 in pledges. From St. John there were 18 walkers and over $4,000 in pledges.  St. John was well represented!
Commemorations this Week
 Friday, May 8

Victor the Moor

martyr, died 303

Also known as Victor Maurus, this native of the northwest African nation of Mauritania was a soldier in the Roman Praetorian Guard. Under the persecution of Maximian, Victor died for his faith at Milan.
Friday, May 8

Julian of Norwich

renewer of the church
died around 1416

When she was about thirty years old, Julian (or Juliana) reported visions that she later compiled into a book, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love, now a classic of medieval mysticism. The visions declared that love was the meaning of religious experience, provided by Christ who is love, for the purpose of love.


Saturday, May 9

Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf
renewer of the church
hymnwriter, died 1760

When he was 22, a group of Moravians asked permission to live on Zinzendorf's land. He agreed, and eventually worldwide Moravian missions emanated from this community. Zinzendorf participated in these missions, and is also remembered for writing hymns characteristic of his Pietistic faith.

Thursday, May 14

Matthias, Apostle 

Matthias was the apostle added to the Twelve after Jesus' resurrection, as a replacement for the dead Judas Iscariot. He had traveled among the followers of Jesus throughout the Lord's ministry. Formerly commemorated on February 24, Matthias's celebration is moved to May 14 in agreement with most Western calendars.

Welcome Back, Marge!

We welcome Marge Sellers and her husband, Mark, back to St. John as Marge joins us, at the Board's invitation, as a part-time staff member! She will receive a small monthly stipend, which will be accommodated without any budget increase.


Marge served us faithfully last year as a Licensed Lay Ministry Intern. She now joins us as part-time staff as she shares her gifts in these areas:

  • worship and sacramental consultation
  • teaching
  • worship leadership
  • supply preaching

We welcome your gifts! And we welcome you back!

Detroit Tigers Annual St. John Night
at Comerica Park

Friday, August 7th

(7:08 pm game time)

Tigers vs. Red Sox

$40.00 per Ticket

 (Upper Deck Box Seats Behind Home Plate)


Reservations required! 

*** $20 deposit due May 10th ***

Final payment due July 5th


We can add tickets after May 10, but can't guarantee that the tickets will be in the same area as the rest. Sign up in the narthex.  See Pat Gransee if you have questions. 

Order your Geraniums for Pentecost!
Geraniums Help decorate our sanctuary in Holy Spirit RED for Pentecost by ordering your red geraniums!  See the attached order form
Orders are due by May 18th.

Congratulations, Graduates!

Graduation On June 14 we will recognize those who have completed a milestone in the education.  We need their information!  If you or someone in your family is graduating from high school, college, graduate school or some other course of education, please provide their name, the name of the school, their degree and major, a photo and a few words about their future plans.  Please send these by May 15 to Marie Cook at om@stjohn-elca.org.  We hope these graduates can join us on June 14th to receive the congregation's congratulations and blessings! 

Life Long Faith Formation: The Bible


Our emphasis in May will be on The Bible. We will explore the record of Scripture, and how Christians should regard its authority and guidance.

Sermon Series:

  • May 10: "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, for the Bible Tells Me So."
  • May 17: "Sanctified by God's Truth."
  • May 24: "The Spirit who leads us into all Truth."
  • May 31: Confirmation with Guest Preacher Bishop Donald Kreiss
Glocal Rise Up Together
for the
Sake of the World!
Global Mission Festival for the
Southeast Michigan Synod
Friday, May 15 ~ 1:00 pm
Worship begins at 7:15 pm
Details here.
Intergenerational Sunday School
Last Day of Sunday School
May 17 ~ 10:15 am
Join us as we close out the Sunday School year with a celebration of fun, games, music and snacks! Grown-ups, kids and teens will celebrate together.  Weather permitting, we will celebrate outdoors.
Lay Readers Needed 
Readers Needed  
We need volunteers to add to the Lay Reader roster. If you are interested please contact Marie in the church office at om@stjohn-elca.org or 248-474-0584.
May 24 is
It's also
Join us for worship as we begin our SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE with ONE SUNDAY SERVICE at 10:00 AM featuring the Chancel Choir's Festival of Favorites. 
Celebrate Pentecost by wearing something RED!


Sunday, May 31 ~ 10:00 AM

We offer blessings on two of our young people, Dylan Kirsh-Carr and Melanie McDowell, affirm their baptism in the Rite of Confirmation. Bishop Donald Kreiss will preside.

Thursdays, 8:00 - 9:30 AM
All men of the congregation are welcome to join us for Breakfast, Bible Study and Fellowship every Thursday at 8:00 AM at Eddie's Coney Island on Halstead at Grand River.  We have breakfast and read and discuss the upcoming Sunday Gospel lesson.  We close with prayer for those in need in the congregation and our families. It is also an opportunity to catch up on church activities and muster support for things such as monthly folding and labeling The Voice. Join us!  Bring your Bible, and a friend!

Do you want to get rid of unwanted latex paint and contribute to the success of the ELCA Youth Gathering at same time? It's really simple:

  1. Bring your unwanted latex paint (any color) to St. John. That's It!
  2. St. John volunteers will combine the paint into 5 gallon pails.
  3. The paint will be blessed and taken to the Gathering to be used by the Youth to create safe Neighborhoods through board-ups of vacant Properties. 

The last Sunday to bring paint to St. John is Sunday, June 14.