From the Carolinas Aviation Museum

THE CAM News.  A Changing Newsletter for a museum on the move! 

DirectorLetter from the Director 
Like most of you, I am happy to see the end of what seemed like a long, cold winter. The arrival of spring is a welcome sign of longer, warmer days and a sense of new beginnings.


This past month I had the opportunity of attending the Mutual Concerns of Air and Space Museums Conference in Washington, DC. This annual conference brings together Air and Space Museum professionals from around the US and Canada to share ideas and to learn about new and innovative ways aviation museums can better serve their communities. It includes three days of panel discussions offering practical and in depth information to help grow your organization. The conference covers topics such as fund-raising, preparing the next generation of museum staff, planning and executing unique educational activities, archiving collections and exhibiting.


A prominent focus this year was how to effectively fund raise. Over the past decade, in this tough economic climate, museums have had to change their methods of raising money. Sponsorships are more difficult to obtain and you have to prove your worth to your community. We are planning several fund raising projects and we will continue to show current and future sponsors that we are a valuable asset to this community.


Special attention was also given to new marketing styles using social media. In this ever growing technological age, it is important that we are interacting more with our audience online. Look for the museum to continue upgrading and utilizing our website and Facebook page. If you haven't already "Liked" us on Facebook, be sure to do so today! 


Thank you for your continued support as we look forward to a great summer!

AshesUp From the Ashes

Who was the only enlisted member of the Marine Corps Aviation to receive the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War?


This is one of the questions on our museum Scavenger Hunt.  The exhibit leads visitors to the correct answer (Private First Class Mike Clausen) and to the helicopter that was used in the event ...the CH-46 Sea Knight.    

The Sea Knight has carried many troops in and out of battle areas behind enemy lines in wars from Vietnam through the the war in Iraq.  During its last mission in Iraq, our CH-46 was flying as a backup helicopter on a VIP mission when it landed hard, damaging it.   It was loaded onto a truck and on its way out of Iraq for repairs when the driver misjudged clearance under a bridge and made a dramatic transformation in the rear of the aircraft. 

At this point, it was decided that the aircraft would soon be retired anyway, it was not worth repairing it.   Before scrapping it, someone
researched its history and recognized that it was involved in the Medal of Honor event - It was sent to CAM for restoration.    

Over the next two years, CAM volunteers together with several Marine volunteers restored the aircraft.  It never flew again after it left Iraq.

Visitors often ask if a museum military aircraft ever saw action.  We can say with assurance that the Sea Knight did and we are proud to have it on display here at the museum!

By the way, did you ever wonder how the front and back rotor blades move without hitting?   The rotors fold to take up less room on carrier decks while parked, but when flying they are synchronized so that the blades in the back move between the front blades in the front.

Click here to see more restoration images.

Click here to see a tribute to Mike Clausen
WindowsWindows to the Past

by Floyd Wilson, Museum Founder


CHAC members and guests were entertained at the May 2, 1994 general meeting by Sherman Morgan, author of Old Planes, Young Men and Red Wooden Shoes, a witty narrative of his Air National Guard unit and its deployment to Europe. In addition to the above, he had also written:


         The Aviation Humor of 1987

         Classic Aviation Humor, Book I

         Classic Aviation Humor, Book II

         Classic Aviation Humor, Book III


 Read more here.  


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EarlyThe Early Years of Aviation


From the CAM Library.  More literature from the early years of aviation.   Zoom in on your computer for some of the fine print.




spotterPlane Spotter!  
Can you identify this aircraft?   The answer will be in next months newsletter.
April's aircraft was an -

Aeromarine 39B   

It was Designed and built for the Navy by the Aeromarine Plane and Motor Company and used extensively as a trainer. Its slow speed control and landing characteristics made the Aeromarine 39B an excellent plane for the first carrier landing trials.


 Be sure to check out our website at:

May        2014

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In This Issue
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CAM - 704-997-3770 

Wally Coppinger
Executive Director
Extension: 3771
Clint Bauer
Museum Operations Manager
Extension: 3041
Katie McClamrock
Education and Exhibits Director
Extension: 3772
Lynn Wyles
Senior Accountant
 Extension: 3777
Donna Auer
Gift Shop Manager
Extension: 3773
Christopher Sandel
Volunteer Coordinator
Extension: 3778
 New Members 


Janette Patrick  

Charlotte, NC

Billy Bowman  
Rockwell, NC

V. Allen Campbell 
Florence, SC

Keith Hunter 
Rutherfordton, NC

Karen Hill 
Clemmons, NC




Correction in last month's issue of CAM News.  John Mebane, recipient of the Michael Clausen Award
was an F4 Phantom pilot on the Franklin D. Roosevelt aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean.  He was listed as having flown in Vietnam.  


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