Solar Control Window Film


Spring has arrived!  It has been a cold winter, but there is hope that Spring weather is just around the corner.  Yes, the days haven't been the warmest, but it is coming.


This is the time to plan for those warm summer days.  When planning home renovations or fix-up projects, make sure you consider your windows.  Window film is a treatment for commercial and residential applications that will increase your comfort, add protection from UV damage, and save energy.


This month's e-newsletter highlights our clients who are now enjoying the benefits of solar control window film.  See our new photo gallery.  Check out our case study page for our success stories.  As well, there are links to articles written about energy savings, and the benefits of sun.  


We are very excited to share with your our new website!  It was created to be more mobile friendly.  Our blog is within our website, so all you have to remember is one website address -  www.evolutionwindowfilms.com .



Sam Bellhouse 


Evolution Window Films



Facts about Fading
What Causes Fading
  • Ultraviolet Light 40%
  • Visible Light 25%
  • Heat 25%
  • Miscellaneous (Indoor artificial lighting, humidity and poor dye anchorage) 10%
Ultraviolet Radiation Control

Solar control films contain ultraviolet absorbers which reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation being transmitted through glass.  Both visible light and ultraviolet radiation are important causes affecting fading to floors, carpets, draperies, artwork, and other furnishings for the home. 


 All about SOLAR Control Film            
Energy Savings
Window film will keep out the sun's heat and retain interior temperatures. This will dramatically reduce your energy costs and lower your CO2 emissions from air conditioning and heat sources. High Infra Red heat rejection can be as much as 96% and solar energy rejection can exceed 70%.  
U.V. Protection
Window film installed on glass rejects 99%+ of solar ultraviolet light. Different types of clear glass and window systems will reject 13-29% of the solar heat. With window film, 70% of solar heat rejection is possible.  
Healthier Environment
Window film provides 99.9% UV rejection reducing serious health concerns. It also reduces the glare on surfaces like mirrors, windows, glass cabinets and picture frames, TV's and computer monitors. 

 For a  Free consultation and estimate

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 Articles and Case studies                   
All about Solar Control Film
Research on the benefits of sunshine, success stories, energy saving trends, and more.   
Photo Gallery

Get #inspired!  More design projects on our portfolio

E-Newsletter subscription information
Thank-you for being a part of our monthly e-newsletter community by optin g in to receive our emails.  
We focus on the latest news, trends, and information about energy savings, sustainability, and window film.
If you find the information we provide is not what you are interested in at this time, we will understand if you feel you need to unsubscribe, but will be sad to see you go.

For those who choose to continue receiving our emails, we thank-you for your support and appreciate any feedback on content or frequency of emails received.

We hope you will also join us on social media!  Follow us on the links below.

Have a great day!

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Niagara, Ontario - Canada
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